I’m excited to see this website getting so much activity!
As a result, it’s getting somewhat challenging for me to address all the questions and many of the comment sections have turned into separate discussions with lives of their own. 😉
So I thought it would be cool to open up a separate discussion forum where we can all chat together on hair topics that may or may not be covered here on this website.
So I created the Napturally Curly Discussion Forum for Transitioning and Natural Hair.
This will give you the chance to ask questions and get feedback from other members.  The goal is to build a helpful, friendly community of people who can learn and share information about their natural hair journey.
To chat you must register. It’s free!
I look forward to seeing you there! 🙂
Need Help Transitioning?
Some of your questions may have been answered on this site and you may have missed them, so here are some links to the popular articles and sections about transitioning.
Transitioning Hairstyles
Products I Used When Transitioning
Tips for Transitioning Without a Big Chop
How to Moisturize Transitioning Hair
How to Do a Twist Out
How to Do a Rod Set