Now that more and more teenagers are transitioning to natural hair, I thought I’d create a page dedicated to the subject and offer some encouragement and advice.
Going natural was not something anyone was doing when I was in high school, but I can tell you now that I would not have had the confidence to do it.
So I applaud those of you who are considering or going through the journey.
Even though I have no experience with what it’s like to go through high school with transitioning or natural hair, I can tell you what I’ve learned about people that will help you stayed encouraged.
It Takes Strength and Confidence to Look Different
For the most part, teenagers just want to fit in. No one wants to be the person who stands out or gets made fun of because they are different.
Can you relate?
That’s why so many teenagers are terrified of going natural. It goes against how most young girls wear their hair — especially today when so many girls are wearing long, straight weaves.
I commend you for putting your desire to go natural and having a healthier hair regimen over trying to look like everyone else.
And let me tell you, when your natural hair is long, healthy and able to do so many funky hairstyles, I guarantee many of those people who tease you will wish their hair is as healthy as yours.
My hair journey has inspired so many people who told me they never even considered going natural. I bet this will happen to you!
So I encourage you to stay strong. Yes, some people don’t like natural hair, but it’s only because we’ve been programmed to believe that straighter hair is more beautiful. Don’t make someone else’s opinion your problem.
And if someone has something to say about your “nappy hair”, you can just casually remind them how freeing it will be to know that your hair doesn’t have to be processed for you to feel beautiful.
Don’t stoop to their level with insults, just confidently reply with a smile, remind them it’s their opinion and keep it moving! 🙂
Transition Hairstyling Ideas
So what do you do while transitioning? After all, that’s the most challenging part of the natural hair journey because you are dealing with two different textures.
Plus, you’re probably busy with school and other activities so you don’t have enormous amounts of time to spend on your hair, and you want it to look nice. So here are some styling options.
1) Extensions/Weaves
Many teens transition by wearing braids or weave because it’s low maintenance. I don’t have an issue with this, as long as you give your hair a break for a few weeks between getting more hair sewn/braided in.
Also make sure you get them done loosely and they don’t pull your edges. This can cause breakage. And if you are already losing hair because of traction alopecia (hair loss around the edges, crown, etc. from pulling) then I would strongly recommend some of the styles below.
2) Flat Twists
Flat twists are great because you can learn to do them yourself (I learned on YouTube) and it’s a good way to blend the two textures at the edges where your hair grows out first.
I wore flat twists a LOT during my transition. It took me about a month or so to learn how to do them properly, but once I learned this was my go-to style often. My favorite style was flat twisting my sides and doing a rod set on the rest of my hair.
Just like extensions, make sure you don’t put them in too tight or they can break your hair.
Here’s one of the tutorials that helped me learn how to flat twist…
And here’s one of my favorite flat twist transitioning styles…
You have to be careful with rod sets because you don’t want to look like somebody’s grandma. 😉 The key is to use small rods and roll your hair in a spiral pattern so your curls are spirally. Plus, the smaller you do them, the longer they will last.
Also make sure you separate the curls completely when you take down the rods, to give your hair a fuller. You can young-up a rod set by adding a stylish, large headband.
I loved rod sets while transitioning because they lasted a little more than a week with little maintenance. I always used the white and blue plastic rods (from the beauty supply) because they are smaller and made my curls last longer.
See my article on rod setting transitioning hair.
4) Bantu Knot Outs
This is another popular transitioning style. It’s ideal because you are twisting your hair to the root, which is good for blending textures.
I never did bantu knots when I was transitioning, but you can see a video of my first bantu knot out style while fully natural. You can still use the same technique.
What’s great about this style is you don’t need to add perm rods because you will automatically curl your ends when creating the knots.
Mom Says “No Way!”
I come across a lot of teens who need advice because their mom is completely against natural hair.
At one time natural hair was in (60’s, 70’s, etc.) Then in the 80’s and 90’s it became all about the relaxer — the straighter the better. So if your mom grew up in a time when natural hair was not in, she may have a very negative attitude about it.
Times are changing. YouTube has revolutionized the way we think about and style our hair. Also, products have come a long way so detangling and overall management have gotten so much easier.
I was doing my hair in front of my mom once and she said, See, we didn’t have access to all the knowledge and products you guys have now. She said she didn’t remember my texture looking the way it looks now, but my texture hasn’t changed.
The products (conditioners, cremes, etc.) are making my hair more manageable than when my mom used to do my hair. She didn’t have access to them when I was younger so the only thing I remember about being natural was tangles and heartache! (I used to hate wash days!)
So if your mom is against natural hair, take her to YouTube and school her on the way natural hair management and styling has evolved. Find a woman whose hair is thriving and has a similar texture to yours.
YouTube has encouraged many people to go natural simply because prior to its popularity, lots of people were unaware of what is possible with our natural hair. The videos are inspiring because they show how versatile our hair truly is.
Another reason some are so against natural hair is because they’ve seen poor examples. Obviously if you don’t take care of your hair, being natural can be a disaster. However, with some TLC and patience, your hair can really thrive and the styling options are endless!
Below are some pics toward the end of my 18-month natural hair transition. My hair was mostly natural by this time. I started falling in love with how many styles I could do since my hair was so thick.
And if your mom is still against it, you might just have to sit her down and tell her how you feel. Explain to her that the relaxers are ruining your hair (if that’s the case) and you’d really like to learn how to embrace what your hair does naturally.
Tell her it would mean the world to her if you could have her support. Remind her that she doesn’t have to like your hair, but the support during the transition would make a big difference.
Remember, some people just don’t like natural hair and you can’t change their minds — but that’s not your problem. It only becomes your problem if you let people’s opinions bother you. Stay strong and do what’s best for YOU.
Discuss Your Transition With Other Teens
Sometimes it’s hard to find people who support your transition so you may feel you are in this alone. There’s a thread in the forums created by a teen looking for support as she transitions. Feel free to join in. Also check out this discussion where a mom hates natural hair.
Decided to transition? Here are some tips to help you get started.
Hi I’m 16 and I transitioned from natural hair in 8th grade. I mostly had braids through my transition. But now that my hair is longer and healthier I want to wear it out. But there is only a couple people in my school with my type of hair. I’ve always been a confident person but high school girls can be cruel. I’m an athlete and I don’t wear makeup. How can I rock my fro around all these Caucasian girls?
Go buy some colorful, cute headbands and jazz up your puff or fro with accessories. Learn to flat twist if you can’t already and twist one side to add some flare. Just remember high schoolers can be immature and if someone says something just remind them that this is how your hair grows out of your head and you’d rather wear it natural than in some texture that is not your own. You can do it! Good luck!
Hi I’m 20 and have never had a relaxer. I’ve worn my hair natural and in french braids for most of my childhood and my haircare consisted of my mom combing my hair out every night and braiding it in the morning. My hair comes to mid-way down my boobs and is pretty thick. After I started high school I started straightening my hair pretty often but wearing it in corn rows in the summer. During college I completely stopped wearing my hair natural and just straightened it. I’ve noticed for the first time that my hair texture is so different and dry and my hair is really heat-damaged and I’ve started to experience breakage. I’ve never worn box braids or any other protective style and my mom is really against extensions or wigs because she says they pull your hair out. I’ve read a lot of things about people transitioning from relaxers but I’m confused about what to do if I’m already natural and don’t want to wear any protective styles. I feel like my hair is too long for wigs and braids and I’m afraid that braids will just give me split ends. Any tips about how to stop breakage?
Just to point this out braids and weaves only pull out your hair if they’re too tight. I’m 15 and ive been wearing braids for about 2 years now and they’ve never pulled out my hair. I always make sure that the people that do mine keep them loose enough to where they wont fall out. I highly recommend wearing protective styles. My whole life ive had chemicals like perms and relaxers in my hair until recently when I started to wear more protective styles, like braids. My hair has started to grow out naturally a lot. To help with breakage try using little to heat, drinking more water and eating a healthier diet, try co-washing(not washing every week), and moisturizing your hair and scalp more.
I am 12 going to be 13 next month. My mum doesn’t believe that black hair can grow any longer than shoulder length when I turned 11 I started to understand my hair more and buy products that best suit my hair but I haven’t yet received the hair goal I want which is mid back length or at least anything beyond shoulder length (my hair length is armpit length I think, I have never straightened my hair before) I don’t really understand things like pre poo co-wash and I tried making a hair regime but it is very hard to stick with. I really want to prove to my mum and my friends at school who think that only Eritrean and Ethiopian people can have long hair.
I am 15 years old and has been natural for almost 2 years. My hair naturally looks like a little afro, and yours may too because of the amount of shrinkage. But let me tell you, YouTube is your best friend, I got most of my information and tips from there. My hair has grown a lot since I started watching videos and doing research.
My mom used to be somewhat against my natural hair too. I thought it was ironic because she what i should and should not do, yet her hair was falling out. That’s when I decided that i had to put the fate of my hair into my own hands, And I definitely wished that I did that earlier. I encourage you to keep on going with your natural hair journey and by the time you finish high school, your hair should be nice, long and healthy.
Leah is soooooo right! YouTube University is what I call it. That is what helped me get through my transition.
I’m neither Ethiopian nor Eritrean and my hair is past my boobs. I’m 100% African-American and people always asked me if I’m mixed like black people can’t have long hair. I’ve never relaxed my hair and wore it natural my whole childhood and now mostly wear it straightened. I think wearing it natural my whole life and just having a consistent hair care routine is why my hair has been able to grow so long and I’m sure yours will too!
I have an question, Im in 10th grade and my mom told I should well need to get my hair cut all even because its badly damaged and broken. I understand this but my hair is already short and I can barely already style it or get anything done to it, and I don’t think it grows so I know I need to get it cut but I really don’t want to, I just don’t want people talking about me or looking at me funny. Im just scared to get cut and I know I’m not supposed to care about what people say or think about u but it still gets to me. I really just want my hair to be long and grow but I don’t know what to do.. I was wondering if u had any advice please
Hi Adrianna, what about wearing marley twists or some kind of extension until your hair has a length you are comfortable with. If you go this route make sure they aren’t put in too tight and you give your hair a break between installs.
Hi my name is seriah and I am a junior and I have been natural all of my life. I just always have straightened my hair for desiring straight long hair. My hair broke off and it was not until freshman year I decided to really grow my hair the healthy route. So here is what I did, cut little by little then put in a protective style avoid heat. And in the summer embrace my hair and in the school year because of maintanance put it in braids. This year i started wearing sew ins
My problem is similar to yours. I used to perm my hair, but by the end of 8th grade, my hair in the back of my head started to fall off. I nearly had a bald spot! That’s when I decided that I need to cut off my hair, Some people transitioned, but I wanted to get it over with and cut it ALL off. My hair was so short you could barely grab it. I was really embarrassed by my hair too. But then I found out about this wonderful thing called braids and twists. They will really help you and you won’t have to worry about anyone looking at you funny either.
I’m 16 years old I used to have perm in my hair that went down to my shoulder and I cut the perm off by cutting it off it was nightmare I could not do anything put in a ponytail or buns so till this very day it’s been a year i wash my hair ounce a month a moisturized my hair hair with cantu “deep treatment” and sparkle my hair with water cause i look it up it’s good for you and i really hate how i look and I’m ready to give up my natural hair cause i see other girls who are natural and they have beautiful hair and can i tell you that i can’t do anything with my hair just keep it in braids and twist because my mother say ” your hair can’t do anything” and i wish i had perm because i look good and stuff but my mom said it would damage my hair is their any tips that i can do ????
I am 16 old to and i am not am expert or anything on perms but i had heat damage
. My advice is dont give up. Being natural in this society is hard because people are judgemental. I think when u continue your journey it will be more prosperous like it has been for me. And let me tell you perming your hair will also make it a nightmare. Set reasonable goals. Dream big just dont discourage yourself. PATIENCE IS KEY. IF YOU ARE NOT PATIENT YOU WILL BE FRUSTRATED
Hi Nancy, try bantu knot outs , flexi rod sets , or also perm rod sets ! these three techniques plus more can give your natural hair beautiful curls with their own unique looks. With these you can style your hair any way that you’d like except with each different technique you’d have a different look of the curl.. YouTube can help TONS with ideas to style and care for your natural hair 🙂 i hope this helps!
Your mom is right, perming your hair can break it. It even happened to me, and I’m 15 years old. It seems like for now, You will have to stick with braids until you hair grows more. But in between installations, its best to do a protein treatment, or a hot oil treatment. I personally start with an apple cider vinegar rinse to really clean my hair. Then I follow with a hot oil treatment, shampoo (sulfate and paraben free), deep condition (leave on for at least 45 minutes), then apply moisturizer and a mixture of coconut oil and olive oil to seal everything in. YouTube has some great videos on these types of things.
I am 15 years old and I just started the transitioning stage like 3 months ago, I haven’t had many problems with hairstyles due to my mom being natural. I just would like to know if hair vitamins would help with the process?
Yes, Vitamin B supplements or vitamins that are specifically for hair and nails (normally B and E vitamins) can do wonders. Also drink lots of water, eat fruits and vegetables as well as exercise.
I’m fifteen, turning sixteen, and my last relaxer was October 2015.
I want to go natural, and my moms fine with it as long as I take care of my hair, but I really dont know how to start.
I wash every other week and condition with coconut oil every few days. I use Garneir Frutics (I can’t spell skrem) for damaged and dry hair and its working well
I alternate with mane and tail shampoo and detangle and cowash every few days with suave naturals
I use egg for protein treatments and use a clarifier every once in a while since I use so many products to make my hair manageable..
My mom I dont tryst with my hair because she’ll rip out half of it in the process of just doing cornrows..
I probably forgot stuff but that’s the gist of it, I’m planning on detangling my hair tonight.
If there’s any advice or things I have missed please let me know, thank you.
Well you have two options: you can either slowly chop off the processed hair every few weeks (called transitioning), or you can cut all the processed hair off at once (called the big chop). If you care about your hair being long, then I recommend transitioning. Make sure your all of the shampoo and conditioners you use are sulfate and paraben free (SheaMoisture is a good hair brand). Other than that, go on YouTube and try to find naturals that have a similar hair texture to you and try to find out what works for you.
I’m 14 years old and I’ve been thinking about going natural for quite some time now, I’m a Fijian and if y’all don’t know about Fijians, well most of us have quite afro hair (like 4a-4c, I think) and I’ve always been embarrassed and ashamed of my natural afro (especially going to a school where mostly everybody has natural straight hair) for a long time till after seeing woman on youtube rocking natural hair like mine, so yeah it’s been 7 months since my last relaxer and I’ve just been researching about transitioning to natural, but the thing is I’ve never really had a regimen, I know that’s bad. I’m just so new to the whole ‘deep conditioning’, ‘pree poo’, ‘wash and go’, ‘co wash’ etc like all I would use on my hair was cream and oil and on wash days I would just shampoo and condition and done. I’m just a bit confused with how to set up my regimen like when to co wash, when to deep condition etc……
I’m 14 years old (turned 14 Nov 23) & I have been natural for 3 years. I want to share my story with you and ask you for advice because recently I’ve been so depressed bc my mom doesn’t really help me and won’t help me get supplies bc she’s so busy – so many hardships have hit our family this year and she’s stressed.
So here’s my story: I’ve always had thick hair, since I was a baby. When I was 5 or 6, (shoulder length) I decided I was tired of having to do my hair and wanted a new style. So I cut my hair. I cut off 3-4 inches, and It was very uneven – one side longer/shorter. So, from then on I had braids all the time, and my hair grew back – but it only grew back to neck length. My hair was weak from mistreating (tight braiding/pulling, frequent combing, careless straightening, swimming, confused wash routine) Every time it grew, I could never tell because it broke off equally. Then, in 4th grade, I got my first relaxer. It cut my hair – especially at my nape (the back). That hair got thinner, and weak. My hair was very damaged, So, I went back to braids, and my sister helped me care for my hair. Eventually I transitioned. in 6th grade, I started learning about caring for natural hair. But I had a problem of breakage. In 7th grade, I began to watch natural hair videos and experiment with natural styles. I figured out my hair type (4c) and I realized my problem – breakage. The summer of 7th grade, my hair was out for a whole month because I had finally been able to embrace the curls. I did bleach it with peroxide, but found that it barely harmed my hair, maybe bc of the way I did it. I went to Kenya, where I got an involuntary blowout. I went through 1 bottle of 500 mg biotin, and found my hair grew 2 inches. I had twists for the beginning of the 8th grade, but ended up taking them out in 3 weeks. Then my hair was out for 2 weeks. Then I got braids -that lasted 2 weeks until I got tired of them. So my hair had been out for 3 weeks, and last week I decided to braid my hair. So, taking all my knowledge of safe box braids, I did 30 big waist length braids. It took me 4 hours. I was proud of myself. Then I went to church and my friend said they were messy, and she was joking, and exaggerating, but it hurt me. I don’t have time to make them neater, I did it on a school day, and was kind of rushing, and I didn’t care to cover them. I really want to take them out, I’ve also found that I really hate wearing braids bc I tend to miss my hair. I’m also struggling with stress and low(ering) self esteem. My sister is a critic, and tends to say things to me to hurt me. And her filter has gotten worse since her mental health failed (is stress bad for your hair??). I would take the braids out – but my hair is still at a weird neck length bob – and not all around. I have bangs. I don’t straighten my hair,and I never use heat. If my hairs out, I LOC it and braid it up, then take it out and let it be loose in the morning. But my braid outs are not defined at all. I want to try coconut oil, and shea butter but I don’t know how to apply it. I am feeling really down about my situation, I don’t know what to do.
Hi! I’m 14 and I do my hair myself. I started wearing my hair out and I learned so much. For the past 3 days I ran 3 social tests to test my hair on other people. On Saturday, I tested my hair on one of my main churches. I got pretty good feedback. Then on Sunday, my second social test was at my regular church. Everyone loved it! Today (Moday) I ran my third and final social test, the scariest of all. School. I knew that if I could get through school okay, I would have ultimate confidence. When I got to school instead of getting breakfast I ran to the library as fast as I could lol. Then on my way to class I put my umbrella really close to my head to cover my curly fro ( I’ve been doing bantu knots with a little poof at the front of my head) I was so happy because I got really amazing feedback. My friends, teachers, and even people I barely talk to liked it. Now I’m not scared to wear my hair out. Let me give you a few tips. When moisturizing, try doing it every day but if that is too much try doing it every other day. I’ve been doing that for the past 4 days, and I already see an awesome difference in my hair! I have 4a-4c. My daily routine is moisturizing and bantu knots at night, then I take out my hair in the morning. I use water and aloe vera juice in a spray bottle, a curl cream/leave in, and olive oil exactly in that order. My hair has been really soft and defined. Best of all, my curls are actually clumping without gel. That never used to happen before I started moisturizing. When moisturizing you need water before anything because water is the real moisturizer. Oil or shea butter is the sealant, used to keep water (moisture) inside. If you need any other tips, don’t be hesitate to ask ?
Hi Rachel,
I noticed you welcomed questions. So I would appreciate some help. My little girl is four and she has very thin and nappy hair. She has very short hair around the edges and it seems like her hair doesn’t really grow. I’d love to give her proper hair care so she can grow it and we could do different hair styles. I don’t know how to handle her hair. I just brush it wet and moisturize it with Shea butter.
Hi Kristina, please share how you are styling your daughter’s hair. What type of brush are you using? Research Denman brush and invest in one did your daughter. Do you comb from the ends of her hair up to detangle? What is your wash routine?
Your daughter’s hair isn’t nappy, it’s coily. The best thing you can do for her I’d make sure you are feeding her fruits and veggies 6 servings daily (3 fruits/3 veggies). Make sure she’s drinking a glass of water before breakfast lunch and dinner and after any sugar snacks. And style her hair in twists only while following a consistent moisture routine. Keep the for two weeks by placing a child size bonnet over the shower cap at night on her once you spray it with an oil water combo. Please google Emu oil for her edges.
Hey I wanted to make a few comments/ questions what if you have low porosity 4c hair because everytime I use shea butter it leaves my hair dry and I get a crunchy feeling and I don’t use coconut oil because my sister said that she has low porosity hair as well and it just sits on her hair so what are other sealants and creams ( i don’t know if that is consider the same thing ) ( and can someone explain to me what is loc is ?) + what are other things that I can do with my hair and if it’s not stretch ( it’s at neck length and it’s been that way ) I’ve tried watching YouTube but for some reason I’m not getting the right videos that I’m looking for I’ve had my hair natural for about 2 years and all I have I have is braids right now my hair is out (in twist) because I wanted to explore my hair and understand it but I don’t know where to start + I wanted to add in I have a lot of knots and I don’t know how to get rid of them and best ways to prevent them + I don’t have a hair regimen (yeah I know bad) and its been about a month that I haven’t washed my hair and I don’t understand deep condition, pre pooing etc and are there more things I should know and Im clearly not lookinh up the right stuff so what are good website I can go on ? Thank you
Hi, I’m 14, I’ve been transitioning for 2 months now and Friday I got mad with my hair and i BC’d I liked it at first for the weekend but Sunday came and reality hit girls are really mean at school and I have a TWA like boy cut when they don’t get a hair cut for a month or two. Today I wore a scarf top bun to school but I can’t do it everyday it’s heavy and against school rules. I don’t know what to do I look like a boy with mae up on
Hi Kira,
I admire you for being brave enough to rock your TWA! I guarantee many of those girls with damaged hair are secretly admiring you for being so confident. Kids at that age are immature and only want to fit in so they are mean to anyone who looks different. I doubt you look like a boy. You look like a girl with short hair. It will grow, but in the meantime you can jazz it up with headbands, earrings and other hair accessories. Proud of you!
Hi I’m 16 going on 17 in a few months and I really been struggling with transitioning. I deep condition weekly with mayo and egg and mane and tale conditioner. I use water to moisturize and olive oil to seal sometimes or coconut oil. I wear protective styles. My problem is my hair is always dry. It feels dry and crunchy and looks horrible on the straight end. I do see some texture at the top of my head and some of my elasticity And shrinking is coming along fine. A lot of hair is breaking off or shedding not sure what. I need help!!! My mom doesn’t approve of the natural look ( grew up in the 80s) and has a relaxer in the closet just waiting for when I change my mind. I don’t what to do really or I’m doing anything wrong. Truing to transition on a budget. Any tips?
It is normal right in your transitioning stage for hair to break and shed. All it is the relaxed hair. If your uncomfortable with this you could big chop. If you more uncomfortable with that find a style a protective style that allows you to wear it for long periods of time and redo as needed here and there. Such as twists they are easy to maintain and save hassle in hair breaking in your hands or at a pull of a comb. You dont need extensions to make them you can do them yourself, I did it will take time if your first time but they get easier 2 hours max, which isnt long if you enjoy doing your hair. They dont need to be perfecting aligned do more a free form they look better. As months pass cut away the hair as time passes or when your comfortable. Im 17 now and I went back to natural 2 years ago in 4 months it will be 3 years. So it is possible it takes time and patients. I also did it on a budget no extensions, no weaves, none. Around the two year mark i was comfortable wearing my hair out in fros and pulled back with a puff. You’ll love it stay strong its the best experience.
I’m 12. its almost been a year since I cut my hair real short to try to go natural. My hair isn’t really growing long. I want it longer, I don’t know what do.
Hi Sharon
Hair always grows. If you aren’t retaining length it means it’s breaking. Are you using heat on your hair? Do you trim it? What’s your regimen like?
I am 16 and I’ve been transition for almost two months now and I’m having trouble keeping my hair moisturized, my hair falls out a lot and is really dry . I have no clue what to do , if you could help that would be great 🙂
I’m 15 yr and did the big chop today by myself and i really need some support and advice today. I have been waiting to do this for a while since the relaxer damaged my hair, but now i did it. i feel scared to go back to school and be mocked by the students there (i go to an all girls school in london btw). Also i’m stating to regret my decision. i need help!!!!!!!
Okay, so here is my story…I am 15 years old and i stop putting relaxer at least 2 month ago.My hair is growing, but i’m afraid that no one will be there to help with my hair,because for my study i live with my cousin and she doesn’t like to take care of big hair like mine,she despise natural hair and if i do not comb my hair myself i’m always afraid that she’ll broke them while trying to detangled them.She will soon have a lot of work to do ,that mean no time for her to braids my hair, i am so anxious.I don’t want to put relaxer i want my hair like the old days so if you have any tips for me like easy hairstyle to do i would really appreciated.
Thank you (sorry for my english)
My last perm was about 10 months ago and I have been trying to go natural for the LONGEST. but I still feel like I have relaxed hair. Majority of my hair is still relaxed but some of it is natural. What products do i need to buy? My hair is about neck length si bantu knots dont look good anymore. I don’t know what to do can someone help?
Ok I’m already natural and I already did the big chop last year. I have 4b hair and its already shoulder lenth. My mother did not like when I did it and she still doesn’t like it. She has been making me get my hair straightneed recently for once a week because she thinks its grow faster.But we both know getting my hair straightened all the time will damage my hair. I cant take it any more. I feel like my head is on fire and my hair is falling out because of all the heat and dryness. It’s really stressing me out and its interfering with my school work because the iritation is that bad. I’m 17 so I think I’m old enough to manage my own hair. Someone please help me!
my name is Keiara. Im 16.I just started my natural about two weeks ago I got all the perm cut out im used to long hair so it is really bothering me. so I was thinking about a sew in. how long do I have to let my hair ” breath” before I get another sew in ?
and how do I moisturize my natural when it is in a sew in ?
Today I tried to keep my transitioning hair moisturized by applying water and using coconut oil, is that a good idea for keeping hair moisturized?
It can be. How did your hair feel afterwards? Not everyone’s hair responds the same to coconut oil. I need something a little heavier to maintain the moisture. But if your hair feels soft and moisturized, yes water and a sealant like coconut oil can be great!
Okay so trust me your gonna get confused so listen carefully. My mom says my hair was very curly as a baby but it was to hard for her to manage so she relaxed and just kept going after that. Listen to this though, she said after my first relaxer when she washed it it didn’t curl back up. I’m in my fourth month going natural and my roots are curly so I guess that’s my natural hair but I;m not so sure if my hair is curly because i cant really tell.My mom thinks if it is curly it will be very loose and like a nappy curl so i guess kind of a 4c curl but the reason I think it’s curly with maybe a 4a/4b curl is because my mom says if she would of left my hair alone as is when i was a lot younger it would be that defined curl i would love to have. So iv’e done some of my research ,watched a ton of videos , looked at pictures , and asked a few people what they think. Now I’m asking you. Do you have any advice for me and if you need some pictures of my hair or any more details please ask me asap. I just really need some help because my mom is kinda fed up with me thinking my hair is curly.
Hi, I’m 12 and I am thinking of doing the big chop, I know you might think I’m crazy but I wanted to know if I should big chop or transition because it’s like my hair has stopped growing for real like I don’t mean in length but in the roots I’ve had the same amount of new growth for about like 5 months I don’t know why, I’m very frustrated, Please Answer. Thank You
Good for you!?I went natural when I was around your age and I transitioned using box braids. They are really in right now so it would work out. My website is dedicated to teens with natural hair , you should check it out.
Hi. I’m 13 years old and I used to straighten my hair A LOT. Then I finally got tired of those ugly stringy ends. At the time I decided to go natural, my mom was so against it and so was my stylist (at my current age, I finally realized that my stylist said that because she would be losing business). She fed my mom so many lies about natural hair and my mom believed everything. She would say that natural hair: isn’t healthy and straightening is the way to go, natural hair is too much work, and other nonsense. I became so angry and unhappy because it was my dream to have beautiful natural hair. Little by little my mom eased into the idea about me going natural. By now, my straight ends were gone, but not because of cutting. THEY ALL BROKE OFF! Then the rest went away by light trimming. Today, became the best day ever! My mom actually decided to go natural. What a game changer lol. Now her problem is telling our stylist, because she is like a close family friend which makes going natural even tougher. So, my mom finally decided to support me going natural and we agreed to help each other on our journey. My issue is that although the stringy ends are gone, I still need to get my hair shaped and stuff, so I will have a TWA. Don’t get me wrong, I am not ashamed of them, I think they are absolutely beautiful, but everyone at my school is so used to seeing me in box braids so idk how they will react to my TWA. Any confidence tips and styling tips? P.S. Sorry for my long story.
I’m 17 and I’m starting my senior in high school and I am still debating about going natural because I am scare that I can’t afford the products to do. so I asking are the best and cheapest products for transitioning hair
You don’t have to get the most expensive hair products, many naturals use v05,suave , tressemme , herbal essence,etc (their products range from $1-6/7 depending on the one you get,) some products (like conditioner)you may be able to use to detangle,cowash,leave in. Gel can cost $ 1-5 depending on brand or you can make your own products
Hi. I’m 13 and I am currently trying to go natural. Although I am scared of how kids at school will react. Anyways, I suggest you find a sulfate free shampoo and conditioner. I personally use ALL natural products on my hair except for my styling product (still working on a natural one lol) But, I have heard that our natural hair LOVES natural products, but our straight and straggly ends HATE it. It all depends on your natural hair and how your hair reacts to certain things. I personally use the babassu marsh mallow shampoo bar and the butter bar conditioner/shampoo bar from Wash your hair once a week, deep condition once a week, and moisturize every 1-3 days depending on how dry your hair gets. For a deep conditioner, I use a homemade one using a mashed avocado, honey, and olive oil. For a moisturizer I use homemade whipped coconut oil. For a styling product, I use Shea Moisture’s Curl Enhancing Smoothie. I also suggest you go to and look on that site. It helped me transition from really bad heat damage. Most of my tips come from the site (everything except chagrin valley). Hope I helped 🙂 Any tips on having a twa in middle school? Lol. I’m super scared to go back to school with a twa 🙁 Right now I am in box braids but I am just soo done and I want to embrace my natural hair.
Try going to There are so many posts on cheap homemade products and cheap products in general 🙂
me too, im also about to be a senior and like you i was worried about being natural since everyone might not like my hair or my “nappiness” but yeah you can use natural products like avocado,Shea butter,peppermint oil worked best for me when i had relaxed hair but my stylist had told me its also good for natural hair too. but don’t be discouraged even though you might have those days where you just want to get a relaxer don’t it’ll all be worth it when your natural hair comes in.
Im 15 about to start my Junior year of High School and decided to go natural. my mom is totaly against it, ive been transitioning for about 3 months and today something came over me and i did the big chop. I cut off 4-5 inches of my hair and now im left with a twa, at first i was a little apprehensive, because I thought i chopped too early, but my hair is about 3 inches and the longer i stare at myself in the mirror the better i look i think. But for the mean time i plan on wearing braids.
Hi!! I’m 13 and I have around 3c curly hair. I used to do a texturizer softener thing that was in this green box for young black girls. I liked it a lot because it stretched my curls out and made them softer and looser. But all those chemicals (and on top of that I used to straighten my hair a lot) from the age of 9-12 really messed up my curls. My hair didn’t look really bad recently, I had a ton of fake limp curls that using the right amount of hair product made it look normal. But I was sick of it because my root was curly, then the middle was straight and the ends were limp. So I decided to cut my hair from a little below my shoulder to basically under my ear. Sometimes I wish I didn’t cut it so early, because my curly roots are still not as long so The rest of my hair is realllllly straight. I’n very bad at all those twist outs and Bantu and stuff and I don’t know what to do. Is there a hair mask or something that you know of that will temporarily help them curl until my roots grow a little farther and I can do another trim? Sorry for the essay but I love ur videos
My name is jubilee and am 12 years old almost 13 like you and I ma 7 months post relaxed and if you are really bad in all those protective style youlike braid can try. Like braid with out your really hair a your rally hair can breath and or maybe find a adult that can do this hair style that is called crochet it will also rally help.
Hi my name is Shante I live in Jamaica but I’m currently at Miami Florida staying with my aunt for the summer. The last time I had a relaxer in my hair was June 20 something can’t really remember but I never thought about going natural till about 3 weeks ago. Right now I have in braids in my hair I’m planing to pull them out next month. Its true natural hair is better than relaxed hair, I couldn’t bare the chemicals in my hair.
I’m kinda anxious to pull out my braids my hair is very short and I’m planning to use coconut oil and Shea butter. I think those stuff are expensive in Jamaica and my country is experiencing drought I don’t know how am I going to manage my hair when I get back home next month
I started transitioning since April 2014. My hair was so thick and hard still thick but not as brittle. The problem I have is my front is so short I can barely do a ponytail my hair is a considerably long. It’s a struggle because I can’t do hair I feel like I’m in some sort of war to do my hair. And it feels so crunchy and till this day I still don’t have any type of definition. I just turn 18 about to start college in August I can’t deal with my hair I feel like relaxing it back. Help me!!
I’m 17 and i’m on the dance team at my school. The team is predominantly caucasian and they always wanna curl their hair and do all these crazy styles! I just started transitioning about a year ago but I don’t want my hair breaking because of all the styling. What should i do with my hair?
Hi Anon,
That’s a tough one. I would just explain to them about your hair situation and educate them on how delicate your hair is. And if you are comfortable with having a different style, just wear your hair how you want it. If you really want to attempt their styles, you could also wear braids/extensions but I wouldn’t wear them all the time and take a break between installs.
I’m only 11 and going to be 12 next month. I really want to transition but I don’t know the first thing about doing so. I’ve stopped using relaxers and I got my hair cut a few months ago. My hair has grown but I’m still not sure if there are other things I should be doing.
HI Angel, good for you for being brave and confident to transition! Make sure you start deep conditioning your hair weekly and go on youtube and learn how to do a rod or straw set on transitioning hair. That is a great go-to style as your roots grow out.
Ive been transitioning for 14 months and I have yet to see my curls definition, my hair was hard and brittle but I am seeing progress, how ever I have no curl patterns …what would you recommend?
Hi everyone! I really need some advice. I’m 20 and I’m struggling really hard to transition to natural. I haven’t had a perm in about two months and my hair is growing but it’s also really damaged (from heat and hair dye). I’m trying to stay away from heat but I honestly don’t feel pretty if my hair isn’t straight. It’s all I’ve ever known. I tried twist outs and braid outs but mine never come out like the videos because my hair is so dry. It always comes out puffy and brittle. I work in an office and I’m so self conscious about what my coworkers will think as I transition. I know I shouldn’t and they probably won’t care but it’s still a though in the back of my mind. I really want to transition so my hair can be healthy like it once was but I’m also very very scared. Any advice?
Hi Lauern, I’ve notice that your in the stage of what i call what the hell am i going to do know! Since your just starting i recommend you to do bantu knot outs that was always my go to. By the way no your hair is no going to look exactly like the videos on you tube. But the best thing to do is deep condition on wash day try hello hydration coconut its a blue bottle. To fight the brittle and dry water and oil in a spritz bottle will help alot. Hope this helps !
When I read this comment it related so much to me. I have a good length or thick hair and everyone loves it when it’s straight but they don’t know how hard it is to keep it that way and also what damage I’m doing to my hair. I have heat damage in the middle of my hair because it’s the part I put the most stress due to the new growth. I haven’t had a relaxer in 3 months. I want my hair to be healthy again. My sister is 7 months without a relaxer and I personally love her hair but many people wish she would straighten it because it’s even longer than mines straighten
Hello Im 13 going on 14 in a few months and ive been without relaxer for about 2 or three years now. Ibe seen a great change and my hair has become thicker. Now that its summer time im trying to focus on length retention. Most my life ive constantly done braids (with weave of course) back to back… so now with the assistance of pintrest ive decided to focus on growing oit my hair for high school. I have 4b low porosity hair and ive done a bunch of research. Do you have any advice? How do you deep condition? because i wanna start doing that. How do you get your low porosity hair to retain moisture? And any methods you use to grow your hair. My hair stretchs to the bottom of my neck but shrinkage kick my butt. Anything for that? Whats your regimen? I know everyones hair is different but i just need an example to start with. I plan on trying the MHM and the inversion method. And im developing a schedule to take biotin to increase growth and strengthen. Any tips? Thanks!!
Im a 4a hair type. Sorry typo
-For deep conditioning , you can make your own or buy one.
– If your hair has damage, look for ones with protein or cholesterol or something like that.
-But if your looking to add moisture it would usually say it on the pack or say replenishing, there are a lot of those out there, but if you want to just try them they have little packs.
-to retain moisture try using the LOC method or search one of the other ones
-seal your ends which will help length retention
-try massaging your scalp with oil it helped me grow my hair
-for shrinkage , when you wash your hair wash it on big braids/twists
Hello. I am 17, going to college in August. I have been transitioning for at least a year and a half. My natural hair is coming in nicely. What advice do you have for trimming/cutting hair? There are some straight ends in random parts of my head, and my hair is uneven lengths (because I had side bangs when I had the relaxer and the sides just seem to be perpetually shorter than the rest of my head). Should I be shaping it to form an afro, or should I aim for my hair to be the same length all over? If I do the latter, I will have to keep cutting the longer parts until the shorter parts catch up. I’m afraid to let my stylist even it all out. I think she’s scissor-happy. I may end up with no hair, lol. What advice do you have?
Hi Claire
My hair was uneven for most of my transition. My bangs were shorter and the back was a little longer, but I just continued to grow it out unevenly. If it’s just your bangs, I don’t think that warrants a cut all over but if you have a lot of uneven parts you may want to think of shaping your hair. Otherwise it may hang funny. I was able to get away with the longer back for awhile but I eventually had to even things up. I can always tell when I need a cut because my hair just doesn’t lay right. So it depends on how you want to wear your hair.
I will be 16 next month and I haven’t had a relaxer..well texturizer, since July of last year but I had my hair straightened a few times since then, and the last time I got my hair straightened was in April so I’m starting my journey from there. Watching everyone’s videos on YouTube makes me want to big chop now lol. But my family says that I shouldn’t. My mom totally supposed me so I’m fine with that. I’m just not sure what to do. I want to big chop there are a lot of things stopping. Plus I’m new to the natural world.
I’m 20 and I started my transition 3 weeks ago my last perm was feb and now I plan on big chopping 8 months from now I’m struggling from traction alopecia but I’m using hair remdeys to grew grow the hair I’m still plan on going natural even if the hair doesn’t grow back fully I’m Lil scared cause my hair styles will be limited
hello ive been without a relaxer for about 1 year now . i wear alot of high buns with marly braid hair but the promblem is i use alot of black gel and it makes my hair really hard. how can i control the frizz but still have a slick bun without the heavy gel ?
Use Eco styler gel it’s for natural hair and transitioners . And use a scarf to lay the hair done . Works
Hi, I’m 14 but will be 15 soon (June). I big chopped last year May 8 but before then,I transitioned for 3 months. I couldn’t handle the stress so i just chopped off everything. My mum and all my friends were so against it but i really didn’t mind (about my friends that is)…along the line my mum got convinced and since then,things have been fine. I love being natural,it’s wonderfully wonderful,it makes me feel like a Natural Queen that I am….oh and by the way, my natural hair will be one year in just a couple of days from now Yippee!!!
Hi I’m 16 and I just started my hair journey yesterday. I’ve always wanted to but I haven’t had the guts until now.I’m extremely scared to how it will turn out but I’m not afraid to cut it all off. I don’t care what it looks like I just can’t have it relaxed anymore. It’s not healthy for my hair or my self of identity. I go to a predominantly white school and it’s really hard to fit in with them. I’m tired of trying to beautiful in their eyes.To me having your hair relaxed feels like your trying to be some one your not and I hate that because I love who I am! So thanks a lot for the tips because to me this isn’t just changing your hair style its about being the natural you.
Hey im 14 years old. I had went natural for 3 months and saw a great change!! I was so excited to see what my curls were going to turn out like. My mom was against it at first,but i got her to change her mind.My hair was turning out thicker and longer that at first.Ive always had thick hair,but just 2 days ago my auntie put another perm in my hair…i cried. I told her i didnt wan a perm but she said it was for the best.So now im starting all over with extentions,and my moms with me. No more perms!!thank you for your advice!!
Good for you Makaylah! Pretty name too. 🙂
Hey, I’m 15 yrs old,I’ve been natural for almost a year now (next month, March) and at first I was going to grow my hair all the way out and then cutt off the perm parts but over time I saw the difference between my natural hair and permed hair so I sort of did a big chop and Cutt off the all the permed ends. However I’m the type to wear weaves & sew-ins back to back (For Example: I would get it unbraided today and braid it the same day or the next day) because I’m not really comfortable showing out my natural hair yet, so I’m transitioning in the meantime while wearing braids. Does wearing weaves & sew-ins back to back affect the growth of my hair negatively?? Thank you!
Hello! I just love how you made a thread for teens transitioning. I am 14 years old and these tips were amazing! I’ve been transitioning since Nov. 2014 (3 months post relaxer) and I have a broken foot right now. I find it hard to keep my hair condintioned and cleansed since my acess to the shower is limited. (Have a boot) any tips for styling and managing my newgrowth without relying on the shower? Thanks.
I’m currently 14 and I thought about going natural 2 days ago I didn’t want to do a big chop I was thinking about transitioning. But my aunt doesn’t want me to do it neither does my uncle he says its ugly and that I shouldn’t so I had doubts about doing it but I’ve still decided I should just start tomorrow but I don’t have any of the tools only shampoo and conditioner and oils. But my goal is to cut of my relaxed hair in august are may. And also im going to have to save up on my things so care things are very rear.
Will it look weird?
Im still going to wash my hair, no heat and just do mayonnaise treatment.
How many times do I wash?
And were you scared at first?
And also my hair is very long now will it be just as long if i wait a year are something?
The last time I was relaxed was sometime ago in October 2014 and throughout that time I have been doing braid extensions in my hair. I rarely wash my hair or deep condition when my hair is in extensions. Should I be doing this? How do I do it without my braids becoming frizzy?
Are you only mean’t to cut your relaxed bit or all of your hair, if so after doing the big chop can you do medium sized single plaits?
Hi Victoria.
Yes and yes. 🙂
I’m sorry. I didn’t make it clear. That “yes” was to you should cut only the relaxed hair.
So you can use extensions that’s good.
I’ve been natural for about a year now, and it seems like my hair is still the same length. I think it’s my ends. How often should I get my ends cut? Thanks!
Forgot to add… I’m 16 by the way.
I usually dust my ends (take a very, very small amount off the ends) about once a month. That keeps your ends healthy and even though you may feel like you’re cutting a lot, you’re keeping your ends healthier so you can retain more length. There really is no “best time” for everyone. It depends on how your ends feel and look and how you wear your hair.
People who wear their hair in protective styles all the time have to trim less b/c their ends are tucked away. But if you wear your hair out a lot then you may want to trim it more. One way I can tell when I need a trim is when I do my mini twists and seal them. If they don’t stay together or I don’t get that nice seal when I twist them around my finger, it’s time for a trim.
I’m 13, and I have been natural all my life. I trimmed my hair and have been a REAL natural for 9 months. I see no growth! An I doing something wrong? I deep condition, moisturize, and LOC.
Hi I’m 14 years old and my edges are really thin. I’ve been using castor oil for a month now and I see no growth. I want to take biotin but I’m scared of breaking out!
I’m 15 and I’ve been wanting to transition for a while now. My mom and I have talked about it a few times when I was around 13, but I think I can be responsible on taking care of my hair during the transition. Should I start asking again or just keep my relaxed hair? Please help!
I Think If Your Ready To Commit To Being Natural Then Do So. Your A Young Adult You Can Take Care Of Your Hair Now. No Need To Do The Big Chop Though Just Do Long Transitioning . GiveYourself About 6 Months To See If You Want To Do It . Taking Care Of 2 Types Of Hair Can Be Exhausting But Its Worth It ! You Have To Be Patient To And Don’t Be In A Rush. ! Hoped I Helped
Hi I am 17, )just turn 17 on November 5th) I have been transiting for about two years now, all my perm ends are no more but I haven’t seen any growth. Do you think it’s because of the products I’m using ? I do wear sew in weaves as well
You Won’t Notice Until You Keep Track. I Can Tell Because My Hair Is Colored. But if You Feel Like Its Not Growing I Take Nature’s Bounty Hair Skin Nails Gummies They Work And They enhace growth. I Heard People Get Break outs such as acne but I don’t . so take at your own risk. I Hoped I Helped !
Also What Products Are You Using . ? You Should Use sulfate free shampoo and deep condition your hair how ever your hair needs it .
My mom is natural and her hair is 3c .. Do most girls have the same natural hair texture as thier mothers ?
Not necessarily it can also depend on your dad’s natural hair pattern, or yours could just be entirely different.
I am 15 and since I was 11 I’ve been transitioning my hair.
My hair is pretty much natural but i still have split ends.
I haven’t done the big chop yet, so should I do it or no?
If You Feel Your Ready and you Feel like your hair is long enough. go for it ! I’m ready to get my big chop in the next 2 weeks ! I’m excited ! So if your ready ‘JUST DO IT’! Lol
If you feel confident enough then go for it, I did n it’s been a good experience
I am 15 and I have been transitioning for almost a month now and i really like it. The only problem fo me is the dryness and detangling. I dont have the right essential yet so im trying to save up for them. I been told that i will not be able to keep up with my transitioning but thats keeping me motivated. You are a big help too. Thanks!!! Alot ∞∞☆☆
Your Welcome Love . Keep Going Patience Is Key!
I transitioned in February of this year.I told my mom I was going to go natural. She said I don’t think your going to make it. Of course I didn’t listen to her. Before I even decided to transition I did a lot of research to make its something I want to do .I was already 3 months natural because I had my sew in for 3 months which encourage me. I was so impatient and excited to see what my curls would look like because on YouTube I saw these girls were natural n there hair was beautiful it encouraged me to keep forth!! And now I’m 9 months in . I decided to keep both textures straight n curly and treat them both until I was ready to let go lol. Its difficult BC I have to treat them both differently but I can tell my permed is getting stronger! I love being a natural hair 17 year old girl who cares less what anyone says. My curl pattern is 3c for what I can tell & don’t give up for the ones who are transition ing ! Good luck !!