Here is a video showing my first all natural puff. This style took less than an hour to create, which is fast compared to many other styles I’ve tried. It will definitely be my go-to hairstyle when I need something quick and low maintenance.
I have been sleeping with a satin bonnet and moisturize my puff daily with my essential oils mix. As I’m typing this, this style is on day 5 and it’s still going strong.
Email subscribers: If you cannot view the video, visit my blog.
I love your site. It is one of my favorites. I just wanted to share an extra tip to you ladies I learned from my sister, she went natural 5 years ago and her hair is absolutely beautiful and down her back.
Hair Vitamins. I notice that my hair grew an entire inch in one month. I know, right. Hard to believe but I’m telling you the truth. The hair vitamins really work..
If you want as much growth as possible take “2-Hairfinity, 2-MSM and 2-Biotin per day. Trust me you will love the results. If you have thin hair Headstrong give you thickness but not the growth.
Make sure you talk to your doctor first if you are on any other type of perscription medication.
Thanks for the tip, DeDe!
Your hairstyles are so beautiful and thank you for sharing your experience! I recently removed a sew in weave and decided to go natural. I have been recieving a lot of negative feedback and jokes. However, my question is how do I keep my headband from slidding off my hair?
Hi Jessie
You can buy the kinds with rivets in them so they don’t move as much. Go to Target, Walgreens, CVS or any store like that and look for the “no slip” headbands. You can even wear them underneath other headbands that usually slip to keep those in place.
How do you keep your edges from thinning? My edges seem to thin, then again I do wear a LOT of head bands. May I ask…What is in your diet. Your hair seems thick and healthy? Please share.
I am truly IMPRESSED! God bless and cover you!
Hi Angela
I have never had a problem with my edges thinning except the last months of my relaxer. Since my edges are usually free or in two strand twists (which aren’t very tight) then my edges are fine.
My diet is pretty good. I am a slave to sugar (lol) which is my weakness, but other than that, I eat a pretty balanced diet of fruits, vegetables and lean meats for the most part. Of course I have my days where I splurge on whatever. But I think it’s hereditary. My mom’s hair has always grown fast and healthy so now that the relaxer is gone it’s able to thrive even more.
Have your edges always been thin? If so, it may just be genetic.
Hi Lisa, Thanks!
I thik my edges are thin more so now that I wear a scarf …and I tend to wear my hair away from my face and push it back very tight. I need to wean myself off of this. Ummm
my mom ALWAYS wore her hair AWAY from her face too. WOW, mentioning genetics! FUNNY!!! Hummm, Something to think about.
Love it!!! My hair is only 4 inches but I am still going to try it on Sunday and let you know how it came out.
Thanks a mil Ms. Lisa!!!!
OK, let me know!
Congrats on your full transition. My last relaxer was in May of this year. I appreciate your comments on being patient. Thank you for sharing your journey with us.
Make sure you have a puff party. Congratulations