Do you need inspiration for transitioning or natural hairstyles?
Of course you do. We all do from time to time!
Here’s Help!
So if you haven’t heard of Pinterest yet, you will in the next couple of months.
It’s one of the fastest growing social networking sites out there and I believe there is so much untapped potential for the natural hair community.
When I first heard of it I thought “Oh boy… not another social networking site.”
As an online marketer, I spend enough time managing my website Facebook and Twitter accounts, so I sure don’t need anything else to keep up with.
Nevertheless, I created a Pinterest account a few days ago, and was pleasantly surprised at how useful it can be — especially for finding new hairstyles and sharing them with others.
I’m only following a few people and I’m already itchin’ to try some new styles.
How It Works
Pinterest lets you organize, share and comment on pictures that you find around the Web. Simply install their app and you’re ready to go!
Any time you stumble upon a picture you like online, simply hit “Pin it” on your browser (or phone app) and the picture is instantly shared. Organize your pictures into different “boards” — that way people can select which of your boards they want to follow.
For example, I created a board called “Fly Natural Hairstyles.” Now, anyone can follow that board and be notified when I “Pin” a new photo. They can also “Like”, Re-pin the photo to their board or comment on it.
So as you can see, Pinterest adopted elements of both Twitter and Facebook.

How to Join
Pinterest used to be invite-only but now you can sign up instantly. Click here to join.
would love for you to send me an invite…i been transitioning with braids now for 2 months.please send me an invite
i would like an invite to pinterest
What’s Up Ms. Lisa?
I Love your website. I have been following you for some time, and have done many of the styles on your site. I have received many complements on my ( or your hair styles – LOL) guess you will call me a copy cat.
Love ya!
Also, please send me an invite for Pinters
Thanks Kimberly! Done! Just sent your invite. 🙂
Please invite me too!
Please send me an invite did my big chop march 2012.
Hi Lisa,
Can you please send me a Pinterest invite 🙂
Hi Ms. Lisa,
Hope all is well. Loving my naptural journey!!!! On June 28th, will have 4 months since BC Chop, so excited. Loving it every way. Did a Bantu Knot on 3 inch hair and love the way hairstyle adds length and it seems you have so much hair. Cannot thank you enough for all your advice, been studying about hair for the past 7 months and your’s is still my # 1 website. Going to do Bantu Knots to get better at it. Take care and enjoy the weekend girl!!!!!
I have yet to try a bantu knot out! I think this style tends to hold and look better on shorter hair like yours. I’ve yet to see a result I’ve liked on longer hair. It always seems to look good on the first day but then gets crazy on the 2nd, 3rd, and so forth. LOL! But I’m glad it worked for you. I still may try it though!
Hi! Let me first start off by saying I LOVE your site. I started off watching you on YouTube and I finally made my way to your website. I’ve been transitioning for almost 7 months and I hope to BC this Saturday, so wish me luck! I would also love to have an invite to Pinterest. That way I can share it with my cousins when I head to Htown this weekend, (you may now them as “mynaturalsistas” on YouTube) if they don’t already have one. Thanks so much for your tips, posts, and videos. They have been such a big help! Btw, your hair is so beautiful!
Hey Amy!
Thanks so much! I watch your cousins all the time on YT. Tell them I said “what’s up!” LOL Their channel is so well done and of high quality. I just sent your invite and good luck with your BC. 🙂
Please send an invite for Pinterst — Thanks 🙂
Hi – I’d love to get a Pinerest invite. I’m still doing research on natural hairstyles. I decided to transition while I’m working at a summer camp and won’t be able to keep up my usual beauty regime and have access to my my regular hairstylist.
Hi Lisa,
You webpage has been very helpful. I have been in transition from a texturizer for only a few months now so I’m still trying to find my way in this process. I would love for you to invite me to Pinterest so that I can check out natural styles to find what works best for my texture. Thanks!
Please send me an invite to pinterest. I have been on many sites on my journey to natural hair and your site has been the most informative. Thank You!
Id like an invite please!
I am currently 3 months post and i am struggling with styling. Please send me an invitation to pinterest!
Thank you so much for this information!!!
Thank goodness I found your site, I just recently started to trans to natural and I’m super scared I would not be able to manage a decent style. Please email if it is not much to ask, I would love to use some inspiration of any sort!
Sounds great.please send me an invite.Thanks!
Invite me please!
invite pls !
Please send me an invite.. Thanks
I would like to be apart of this, I’ve decided to go natural and can’t figure out what to do with my hair for work. I’m in the beginning stage.
I would like an invite please. I have 3 little girls (6yrs,5,yrs and 9months) I love it! Anywho, they all have natural hair. I plan on keeping it that way. But I also struggle with using/finding the right hair products and styles for them. Also, my hair has been relaxed since I was TWO yrs old I have now made the choice of “GROWING” Natural:). A lot of people are saying my head is tooo big. I think thats funny. But I must admit i’m nervous. I do plan on doing the “Big Chop” tonight to be exact. And I have maybe one inch of new growth (not including my relaxed portion) hair on my, “Big Head”. Any suggestions???
Invite sent! There’s a site called Our Natural Kids and it has great advice for kids with natural hair. So I’d recommend checking that out.
Folks always have something to say don’t they! That’s OK they’ll be hating in a couple of years when your hair is thicker and longer than it’s ever been. My hair is now armpit length (when stretched) after 2 years post relaxer. My hair has never been this long. So I say rock your TWA (teeny weeny afro) if you are ready to chop. It will grow back in time.
Good luck and keep me posted!
I will love an invite Great idea!
Hi Lisa,
I have been on your site by chance and maybe I should say that I was blessed to find your site and boy, what a blessing. I have read a lot and still reading about how to transform safely to natural. I made up my mind to go natural since the 1st of May. I am also thinking about doing the BC too but afraid of looking too skinny since I have lost a lot of weight. I also have in mind to do a little BC when I remove my twist braids because I have read that some women find it hard to maintain two texture hair. My hair has been through a lot. One month ago I put keratin or something like that in my hair to straighten i and I paid. It had the deadlest smell that almost killed me and little did I know that this girl had no idea about this product until I came home and read about it. You don’t want to know. I even colored after that. Can you imagine? It’s a long story and a kind of confession I should write for others to read. Anyway, now I want to go natural and stay true after all the abuse to my hair. I am new to this whole thing though and worst of all, a product junkie who is trying out everything she sees and thinks is good. lol I just bought nourish and shine and when I saw that you use it too, I was glad that this one will not go down the drain. Anyway, how do I become one of your followers? I really like what you write here. You give a lot of details that you have tried and that’s what I like.
Anyway, before I forget, please invite me to pinterest. I see it on bhg( where I go for garden tips) every time I visit and never knew what it was. Now I know, I think I want it for hair instead lol.I suffer from hair syles sometimes and HATE pulling it up into a ponytail. Boring.
Ok, I am so happy here that I am just talking in my head as I write. Please don’t forget to invite me.
Thanks in advance and wish me all the best.
8’s Soenie
P.S. I wish we had good products like over there where you live. It’s hard to find the right one you want. Not many choice unless you ask someone who is coming to buy it for you and pay when they get here. I already asked someone who will be here next week to bring me the jane carter curl defining cream or something like that. 🙂
I’ll love an invite too pls
Please in invite to pinterest thanks
Yes I just transitioned about 2 months ago and i am always looking for different styles. Please invite me to Pinterest
This month made it my 5 months transitioning with braids.
Wow! You should have a nice head of new growth by now. I sent your Pinterest invite.
id love to
I would also love an invite. I’ve made the decision to transition and need some motivation. Thanks for your website.
your website is great!! I am 5 months natural and loving it. Please send me an invite. thanks
I’m currently transitioning from relaxed to natural and have a long ways to go. My journey started Sept 2011 and at the time my hair was mid-back length. It’s been a challenge but I’m being patient. I haven’t so much as washed my own hair in 10 years prior to starting my transitioning journey. I started transitioning my daughter’s hair (12 yrs old) April 2011 & she’s enjoying the fact that she doesn’t have to sleep extra cute or sit under a hair dryer for prolonged periods of time. I can’t wait until the length of my natural coils are as long as hers. I would like to be invited to view transitioning/natural hairstyles.
Invite sent!
I love your site and I’m also interested in Pinterest. I am 2 months into my second transition so wish me luck!
I would love an invite….about 3 months into my transition. I welcome any and all ways to get through this and things I can try at this stage and beyond.
please may you invite me to the pinterest website.
I have been keeping natural hair for 2 years but its always under something a weave or braids cause i dont know what to do c it. This site sounds like i can get plenty ideas to rock my curls !
Lord yes. Please send me an invite
Thank you so much for the info…please send me an invite my email addy is
Yes! Please send me a pinterest invite… I love that! luvin this site… so informative! Keep it up!!
invite me please! any tips on color for natural hair…i have been reading that the recommended color is henna for naturals…anyone have any info on this?
Please send me an invite
Helloo!!! im in my first state of transitioning. Im 2 months post, im so excited and nervous at the same time. I love this website so many different things that i did not know about transitioning!! I would also like to get an invite to the website for different hair styles.
Hi, I’d love it if you could send me an invitation to join Pinterest. It’s just what I’ve been looking for…some cool hairspiration styles!
Thank you!
Please send me an invite. Thanks. Btw love your sites. I’ve been on them almost all day.
Invite me too!!!!!!!………
Hi, sounds interesting. I am always looking for natural hairstyles and products. Would you be willing to send me an invite to pinterest?
This sounds really helpful. I’d like to be invited to it.
I am six months in on this transition w/o the BIG CHOP and I am struggling with it. I refuse to just cut my hair it has been past my shoulders for as long as I can remember. Reading through your website has giving me some encouragement and wonderful tips. That being said I would like for you to send me an invite for Pinterest.
Pinterest is the truth for so many needs!! I found decorating inspiration, recipes, hair and clothing styles, graphic organizers (I’m a teacher)…the choices are limitless!!!
I would love an invite to pinterest please and thank you. This is soo cool.
Sounds so neat, I’m always looking for different styles. I’d like an invite please!