Why oh why did it take me so long to listen to my forum members?
Flaxseed gel is indeed amazing and it costs a fraction of what I’ve been paying for other twisting gels and creams.
Based on the amount of seeds I used, the batch I made costs me about .50 cents to make AND I had some left over.
Not to mention, it’s all natural.
I first heard about flaxseed gel through Naptural85 but when I saw her straining that concoction through pantyhose and using tongs to squeeze out the gel, I was turned off.ย ย In the words of Sweet Brown…
Ain’t nobody got time for that!ย ๐
The Recipe
Well, after discovering I could use a strainer instead, I decided to give it whirl.ย The recipe is super simple:
- 1/4 cup of whole (red or gold) flaxseeds (buy at health food stores or Amazon). One pack will last you a long time.
- 2 cups of water
- Add essential oils or aloe vera gel for added benefits (optional)ย I used a couple of drops of Rosemary.
For the record, if your want your mixture to be a little thicker, use less water or more seeds.ย Keep in mind this recipe makes a LOT — even for my hair.ย So you may want to half it if your hair is shorter.
I was able to store the remaining gel in the refrigerator and it did last for 3 weeks.ย Adding essential oils will help preserve the product.
You can watch me create the gel in the video below. (Email subscribers: Click here if you cannot view it.)
What I love most about this gel is that it doesn’t flake and it has great hold.ย I was able to leave my twists in for 2+ weeks and the twist out was very full.
I could also see using this for a wash and go because it defines curls so well.
Looks like I have a new twisting staple!ย Flaxseed gel + natural hair is definitely a winner!
Natural is the way to go, thanks for the info. I usually spray water to revive my curls every morning. How does FSG reacts to this
How much time I should keep FSG in refrigerator … Can I keep it all the time in order to preserve it … Right now I don’t have essential oils … ?
With the essential oils I was able to leave it in for 3 weeks, but not sure how long you can leave it without it.
Hi! Thanks for posting this. I read about flax seed gel a long time ago, and I swore that I was going to try. Well, here I am, and your recipe was the first one that I found. I, too, didn’t want to squeeze through the stocking! Thanks for the informative video.
I made mine with flax seed, a tea bag filled with Alma powder, then added 1/8 teaspoon of MSM powder to the jar I stored it in, with a dropper full of XCT oil. The gel is wonderful! I did add a few drops of teat ree to preserve it. It makes my hair so moist and defined, its unreal!
Thanks for sharing that!! I may give that a try!
Flaxseed is also know as linseed.
I successfully made flaxseed gel and I didn’t add any oil to it. I used it to make a puff(it’s got great hold by the way) only thing is it was super flakey. My questions is there a step I missed? Did I use too much? What should I add to the gel to make it not flake at all…
Add oil. The oil will not only cancel out the flakes but add many more benefits to the gel
Do I need to twist the hair before applying the flax seeds gel?
I am replying again because my last reply was wrong. I was thinking about another gel. No, apply the gel first then twist.
Can I use this gel in my LOC method
L- cantu leave in
O- fenugreek oil
C- flaxseed?
I don’t think that gel would fall into the “C”ream category since it’s so thin. Typically the “C” in the LOC method should be a creamy product to help lock the leave-in and oil in. I don’t think gel fits that.
Does anyone know if it will affect color?? I am blonde with frizz!! I use coconut oil and co wash with conditioners….I just made some and I’m dying to try it….didn’t see any questions about color
Thanks everyone for all the information!!
You will have no frizz. I tried it yesterday and I have color in my hair and it made it pop so much! I will use this every time!
Hi ladies.
I made my flaxeed this weekend for the first time and I’ve tried it. Like the curl pattern and the fact that you save a lot. My concern is I don’t see the shine. I put Amla oil before using the jel. I don’t mind continuing on this journey because being natural is so confusing because of so many products on the market. I am not a product junkie. I was when I started but I’ve learned through the process that you must do what works for you.
Thank you for sharing.
Stay beautiful
To get shine add raw honey, glycerin or natural sweetner.
I’ve had locs for almost 15 years and have only now tried flaxseed gel…. HONIES I AM BEDAZZLED!!! I am so impressed at the hold of the gel combined with the lightness of weight and consistent shine that I would otherwise only get with a store-bought aloe gel, which was about the most natural/lightweight I could find but still left eventual residue/buildup! I also used just a dab to moisten my roots with each twist, along with a dab of castor oil. I’m thinking I might stir them together in a next batch, and refrigerate. This gel makes me think I could actually manage with an afro again :-), I had no idea back in the day!
I have a question. If you apply gel on your hair at any time, do you have to wash it off all the time?
I have used flaxseed for years. I add teatree oil to preserve longer. I have never washed out because its a natural nutrient for the hair. There is no flaking with flaxseed (the beauty of it all).
Remember its a natural nutrient for your hair, feed your hair and watch it grow!
Can i use flax seed gel daily on my scalp n hair n is it necessary to wash of with shampoo or with normal water
I personally wouldn’t use it on the scalp because it can flake.
I’m new in using flaxseed gel, always when I use it myhair becomes dry , what can I do to make it still shinnyand curly
Put an oil underneath before you add it. Maybe olive oil.
try using cocoa butter. like a teaspoon in your gel plus a lil essential oil.
With the flaxseed gel can I put honey in it to make it more hydrating or would that be bad ?
Yes you can! Try Manuka honey.
This is really awesome!
Though I’m yet to lay my hands on Flaxseed, I would like to know if you can recycle the flaxseed after the first use or do you discard it? I just feel it could be used again. Can it be eaten like oats or is it just useful for gel?
Waoh! Sooooo much of God’s provision for our beauty I would say…sure we’re yet to discover much more. So excited.
Thanks a lot.
You sure can! You can re-use them 2-3 times so you get double/triple the benefit! I should add that info to this article.
Yes, you can eat flaxseed. These seeds are the same ones people grind up and put them in their cereals, yogurt and smoothies. Flaxseeds are super rich in omega 3s which fight cancer, improve health and have so many other benefits..
Is there anithing else you can use to replace flax seeds incase you dont get them
You can use chia seeds. ?
After leaving my hair in faux loc extensions for way too long (abt 8 months ), I used flaxseed gel to detangle and remove the knots that were left behind and it worked wonders. I just placed a little gel on my fingers to wet each knot and was able to pull apart and finger detangle with ease.
I’m a first time user of flax seed gel to make my hair smooth and shin. So my question is can i apply flax seed gel for smoothing after the hair conditioning or no need to apply the hair conditioner after hair wash.
I love FSG! Been using it for the last 4 months on my transitioning hair and it has been a lifesaver.. I had about 5 inches of natural new growth and 6 inches of relaxed hair and Because the FSG helped define my naturally 3b/3c curls so beautifully I wasn’t afraid to go ahead and chop off all relaxed portions of my hair. When my hair was relaxed I had to use oils sparingly and my curls were limp, dry and brittle. Now that my hair is natural it loves oil and butters with the FSG. I whip up my own Shea/mango coconut hair butter and run all throughout my hair right before I use the FSG and my hair comes out so wonderful. I also add a little aloe Vera gel and honey to my FSG for extra curl definition. My curls have never been so defined moisturized shiny and healthy looking. I will never use store bought hair gels or mousse on my hair ever again.
Can you share yourshea/mango recipe?
This gel is easy to make, and it works very well to control my naturally frizzy hair. It isn’t sticky or drying like some store-bought gels I’ve tried, and ever since I discovered this, I don’t even use conditioner anymore!
I love this gel…..used it for the first time and it gives a soft but firm hold. Great definition too. It is now a staple for me when twisting my hair. Thanks for sharing the recipe
How do you apply the flax seed gel?
I find that when I generously apply to get the desired results I always have too much in my hair
Does a little go a long way?
Should I be untangling my hair before applying?
Do I rub it all in or wait for it to dry?
As much detail as possible would be great, thanks
Hi L
I literally dip my finger in so it’s lightly coated. I mean VERY lightly. A little goes a looooooooong way! Then when I twist I may dip one more time to the end to seal it. But you’re right. It can make your hair crunchy. Yes, definitely untangle your hair first. And the smaller the twist, the better the twist out and results.
Can relaxed hair use this gel.?
Hi Carlene:
I cannot find it on the thread, but your comment about freezing popped up in my inbox when you posted it–and I was very excited when you noted that you can freeze it. I discovered that at the beginning of the summer, and have been freezing the excess gel from each batch ever since. Flax seed gel is super easy to make, but having extra gel to unfreeze instead of making a new batch from scratch every single time is an easy, breezy lifesaver. I also use rosemary oil in mine to preserve it longer..And, Ladies, in the summer flax seed gel is your best option hands down. The glycerin in my commercial hair gel reacts to humid weather and makes my hair go nuts. The fact that flax seed gel is glycerin free keeps my hair and edges smooth–no matter how hot and humid it is..
I first learned of flaxseed gel from a redhead who strugled with frizz for years until she found this gel . she did say it dries hard and once she scrunched her hair with her hand for about a minute it was soften completely into bouncy shiny curls. I made my first batch today and was looking for tips on preserving it when I found your blog.
I found it very difficult to strain my fsg and somewhere I read that it goes hard in the fridge but mine didn’t.
I wonder did I simmer it for too long?
I have never had issues with it in the fridge. Lasts 2-3 weeks. I wonder if you used too many seeds or not enough water.
I made some flexseed gel but it’s not thick , what can I do to make it thicker?
Try using less water and more seeds.
You can soak the seeds overnight to thicken. If you let it soak for 24, it will gel on its own…meaning you won’t have to boil it, just strain it.
Never knew this!! Thanks for sharing.
Hi Lisa,
Am from Ghana and finding it very difficult to come by the Flaxseed. It seem the market woman have no idea of what it is. I also don’t know its local name which i think would have helped. Please do you know of any ingredient that can be substituted for the flaxseed?
Have you tried ordering it online at Amazon.com?
Dicta. Which part of Ghana are u cos wen u go to Osu n ask off akai Hse near e old American Embassy
u wil get some.
Another name for it is linseed
Health Food Store
Dicta u can get some at Tema Station too. There’s an organic store there, they sell seeds and its near the Nima station.
U simply ask for Nima Station, when u get there ask for the woman who sells seeds.
Linseed is the name used in the Caribbean. Not certain of the name on Ghana. Perhaps google translator can help with finding the Ghanaian name. I hope this helpsโบ๏ธ.
It is also called linseed in the UK
You are a life saver! This is amazing.
Does this have to be kept in the refrigerator?
Yes it will last longer if you do. Also put some essential oil drops like rosemary in to preserve it.
how long do It need to be in the refrigerator
Just till it chills. Maybe 2-3 hours.
Please refrigerate it. I didn’t refrigerate my last batch and it was ransid!!
hi. i’ve used fsg a couple of times now. and ive followed all the mentioned procedures, with probably all the correct quantities
but both times, my hair has become dry and crunchy after drying up. i apply fsg on my damp hair.
first time, i used a lot of amount of fsg. but the next time i restricted myself to justa handful and applied it on the end sections of my hair. it made my hair all the more messy and hard.
i have loose and big curls.
what do u suggest i should do now? ๐
I had the same issue…my hair was very dry, crunchy & even flaky from using the fsg
Hi Napturally:
A woman on my job who had just gone natural was the first person I’d heard of who used flaxseed gel. She taught me about it about four years ago (that it existed, but not the recipe)–but I stuck to my commercial gel (which I still think is great, by the way). Two weeks ago, I finally decided to make my first batch of flaxseed gel. Still getting the hang of it, but really liking it so far. One question: How do you know when your batch has gone bad? I think I had mine a little over two weeks so far. I did not pick up essential oils yet to start adding to my gel (doing that today). Yesterday when I went to use my gel, I could smell it. It smelled neither terrible nor great–I just took it as a red flag that I went from detecting no scent to the mixture, to smelling one. Question: What are the sure signs that your gel has gone bad? I took a chance and still used some to style my hair yesterday, but threw away the rest. If gel has gone bad and you add it to your hair, what’s the worst that could happen? You may or may not know the answer to that one, but thought I’d still ask. BTW: Your flaxseed recipe is the simplest and best that I found in my Google search–love it! Thanks!
I have really short hair as i opted to cut and start natural will this flaxseed gel work for me? My hair isnt even long enough to rod its maybe 2-3 inches long?
Can you twist it or do finger coils? If so you can try that.
I was hoping to buy the flaxseed gel at a health food store, but now see that it is easy to make. Wiill try it this weekend. Hubby said that he would help!!! Thank you for the recipe and video to make the flaxseed gel.
I’m going to make this gel after work tonight but I don’t have any essetial oils…I so however have some grapeseed oil…so you know it that will work Well with then flaxseed?
Love then info you offer…thx…
I made a batch of flaxseed gel, however, when my hair dried it was hard and crunchy. I made it with 2 cups of water a third cup of flax seeds and after it had thickened I added coconut oil, olive oil and some essential oils and whipped them together. I was hoping it would moisturize my hair, but it didn’t. My hair still dried hard to the touch. Could you give me some guidance?
I think you used too many seeds. I only use a fourth of a cup so that’s quite a bit more than I used and could have made the difference.
I’m a little late to the party, so I hope you get to see my question ๐
I made this gel last week and so far I absolutely love it! My curls have never looked better!
So I was wondering if adding soy lecithin would help preserve it, as I often forget it when it’s in the fridge!
Thanks in advance ๐
Never tried it but I found that adding Rosemary oil helped preserve it for almost a month.
Thanks for the tip! I also found that storing it in a tin can helps too
I have both Rosemary oil and a tin can so I will be trying this next time — thanks. But I had 90% of the batch I made left after my twistout so I froze it. I wonder if this is advisable? ..
Yes, you can freeze it as well.
Can pepper mint put it the flax seed gel
Hi, I’m wondering how well will this method work on my hair, it’s about 4 inches natural and about 7-8 inches relaxed? Will it lock together better? Right now I do wear my hair twisted with the perm rods but it doesn’t stay locked well without using holding sprayhelp…..?
Im so impressed about your natural hair look
Im proud of my natural hair, I have been thinking of how to maintain it and keep looking natural
Thank you for your article.
I have organic milled flaxseed… Will it still work the same???
Hi Lisa,
I’m only 1 month into transitioning into natural hair so I’m a real babe in all this but your website has been the best that I have found & you have a fan & lifetime follower in me. My question is can I use the Flaxseed mixture you made on my hair because its mostly relaxed hair & hardly any new growth yet?
You can if you rod your ends with perm rods.
Ok, I am going to make another batch once I see how my twist out come out. I use vitamin E and avocado oil
I made mine to but I didn’t use Aloe Vera. The only aloe vera I found was for skin can I use that
I used Aubrey Organics Pure Aloe Vera. Bought it at Whole Foods. Not sure about any other brands specifically for your skin.
Made my Flaxseed gel last night and used it today and oh my goodness! My hair is absolutely beautiful today!. I wear a TWA because I big chopped in May and my curls are popping! My hair is so shiny! Added Vitamin E and Aloe Vera to my mixture. Thank you thank you thank you!!
That is fabulous!! I am going to try Aloe Vera next time. Thanks for posting your update. ๐
@Jacqui: How are you styling your twa? Are you shingling, coiling, or some other way to make your hair pop? Do you have coarse hair or looser curls? Thanks Ma…….
Sorry for the delayed reply. I think my hair is a combination but mostly course.
I use the “TWA Curly Girl Method” from mekari776 on YouTube. Except she uses Eco Styler Gel and I use my amazing Flaxseed Gel!
So you are shingling or twisting Jacqui? I have been shingling with EcoStyler. Will do the flax gel next week. MaMa S
I am going to try this today. Thank u
Thanks for the easy steps. I also was turned-off before by the difficult instructions I found on the web for this recipe. Question: Your picture seems to show two types of Flaxseeds and I’ve seen others use golden colored seeds. Can you give information on the correct “type” of seeds to buy? Thanks.
I was told that as long as they are labeled “organic flaxseeds” then they work. I inquired about the golden ones and they also work just fine.
Thanks for your version. I’ve seen folks squeezing through pantyhose and even old drawz honey (yes girl). I bought my strainer and getting my seeds. It helps to see your process. Hair is happy. W ill add a pic soon. Much love! Ma…..
Could I mix she butter
Hi Lisa:
Going to try this soon, love the look!
Thank you MaMa Scherrie!
I 100% AGREE!!! Homemade flaxseed gel can be made in 5 minutes and the benefits are endless!!!!!!!!!
You know it, Cheryl! Love it. ๐