I’m wearing extensions (Nubian Twists with EON hair) and thoroughly enjoying this hair maintenance break, especially when I was on vacation.
I was not going to let my hair keep me from getting my swim on!
If you’re looking for more natural-looking twists, these are the way to go. Many people thought it was my natural hair.
The twists are holding up well as I enter week 3, however, I typically have a bad habit of neglecting my moisturizing routine when my hair is in twists… especially when wearing extensions.
We have this tendency to forget our hair is dry because it’s sort of tucked away, but even though your hair is in a low-maintenance style, it still craves moisture.
Your hair may look OK, but when you take the extensions down, you’ll experience unnecessary breakage if you don’t keep your strands moisturized. Trust me, I’ve been there.
This time I’m being much more diligent with my moisture routine.
My Homemade Moisturizing Braid Spray
In a spray bottle I mix…
- 1 part distilled water
- 1 part aloe vera juice
- a few drops of tea tree oil (for scalp)
- a teaspoon of Knot Today Leave In Conditioner (any leave-in will do)
I spray this on my hair once every other day and then seal with a light natural oil like jojoba. (Sometimes I’ll add oil to the spray too.)
My hair maintains a nice sheen and feels soft. And because I spray it on lightly, it doesn’t seem to cause much extra frizz.
I also learned it’s better to use a lightweight moisturizer on extensions because thicker ones are harder to rinse out and will cause build up, even with regular shampooing.
Why I Avoid Store-Bought Braid Sprays
There are several braid sprays on the market that claim to moisturize your hair and help your twists last longer.
They do help extend the life of the twists because I’ve noticed a stiff feeling after spraying. The problem is, whatever product is causing that stiffness to make them last, will eventually loosen and fall onto your scalp, causing flakes.
That’s why I prefer to use my own homemade spray, even if that means I’ll get less mileage out of my twists.
Works on All Natural Twists Too!
You can also use this recipe on your regular twists (without extensions). Just keep in mind, you may have more frizz since there is no synthetic hair involved.
In this case, a thicker moisturizer may work since you probably won’t be leaving the natural twists in as long. So build up shouldn’t be as big of a problem.
Just remember, twisted/braided hair needs moisture too!
Hey Lisa! It’s been a while! You helped me have my best 4c natural hair! It’s breaking right now- my fault. I have my hair in synthetic hair, so can I still deep condition? I want strong hair back! Thanks!!
Hi Lisa. Hope you’re well. I done the big chop 6 months ago and my hair is slowly growing. At the moment Im not sure what my hair likes and im not sure what to keep using or to not keep using. HELP! Please.
I need a daily routine / night time routine also what products to use. At the moment I use JBCO, wild growth, olive oil, and for sealant I use Aunt Jackie’s seal it up, for leave in cond I use ASIAM. Also how do i know if my hair is healthy. I feel like my hair is always dry even though I moisture it ad its super hard to comb too. 🙁 I will be grateful for any hair tips, advise, anything.
I look forward to hearing back from you soon.
Thank you xx
Hi there I just came across your site and I’m so glad I did cause I have very short natural hair, and I want my hair to grow so badly. I had no idea what to do until I came across your site and I’m so glad I did. You give very good information and I can’t wait to try it out.
How long do think it will take for hair growth?
And I see in your photo you had twist extentions can u tell the name of it, cause I would like to buy the same ones.
Do u wash your hair with the extentions in it and how often?
Do u deep condition too?
Do u recommend trimming the ends of your own natural hair for breakage.
If u can answer my questions I would be so grateful.
Thank you
I love the info in your blog. Just what I really need to care my natural hair which breaks so badly…its transitioning but grows out alot. I take biotin so am wonderi g if this is doing any harm to my hair.
I need your email please or number. Thanks
Hi. I’ve been transitioning for 11 months now. I have not done the Big chop. I was wondering, does the homemade moisturizing braid spray work with sew-ins too?
I’m getting braids soon and my hair has gotten permed multiple times through 2012-2013.Ever since no chemicals.And I’m getting braids soon so I am thinking about applying a moisturizer to to my hair then rinse before shampoo.Poo 2 then condition deep condition and apply a egg for protein.(HONESTLY I HAVE NEVER GAVEN MY HAIR ANY SUCH OF KIND PROTEIN TREATMENT)
Do you have to use tea tree oil or can something else work like coconut
So i want some tips on how to make a natural box braid moisturiser and how to make my natural hair thicker i use to use Jamaican Castro oil that works really good .
Since water based is best for hair you should mix water and your fave natural mosturizers in a bbottle and spray.
I boiled extra virgin olive oil with carrot and avacado and use an applicator bottle to moisturize my roots every other day
GREAT tips love the site.
Hi Lisa, I just got box braids, my scalp is terribly dry and itchy, I’ve made the homemade spray, have been spraying my scalp every other day, now it’s been a week should I shampoo my scalp or rinse with water and ac vinegar? Please help!Thank you in advance for your help loving all the helpful tips. So glad I found your site!
Try the vinegar. I had the same problem after I wrote this post and I did a final rinse (after shampooing) with ACV and I never had the problem again.
Thanks a bunch 😉
Hey Lisa,
Any advice on how to keep the scalp clean after working out? I just got Havana twists put in and don’t know how to clean my scalp after a sweaty day at the gym LOL. I will definitely be using your homemade braid spray for my actual twists, but how do I keep my scalp refreshed as well?
Thanks so much!!! 🙂
Mix a bottle with water and organic apple cider vinegar. Spray your scalp after working out.
Thanks Lisa!
Thank you!! I’ll try that!