What’s up current and future naturalistas!
My name is Lisa. I’m an Internet entrepreneur who teaches several Udemy courses — including one that shows you how to earn passive income online with a website.
While being an entrepreneur remains my top passion, natural hair is becoming a close 2nd.
In May 2010, I made the decision to transition to natural hair after using relaxers for over 27 years. I transitioned for 18 months without a “big chop” — something many people said was impossible.
[See my first video as a natural.]
Going natural is something I never thought I’d do because I have always assumed the maintenance and styling of my hair would be nearly impossible. Not to mention, I was afraid of how I’d look.
However, over the years I realized the toll relaxers had taken on my hair. See the video below…
This caused me to look for other options. The natural option became more and more intriguing to me. I longed for healthy hair again.
Going Semi-Natural
Nevertheless, I was still hesitant and intimidated by the transition process. So instead of going completely natural I thought I’d try tex-laxing my hair.
This is the method of using a mild relaxer or texturizer to slightly loosen your natural curl pattern. This gives you a more textured look, but straightens your enough to make it easier to press/straighten your hair if you so desire.
About 8 months into my texlaxing process I noticed that some of my hair was processing more than others so I was starting to see multiple textures. This was due to uneven processing times and different hair textures on my head.
Not good.
The back of my hair hardly took the texturizer (mild relaxer) at all, so a year after my last relaxer, the back of my hair is mostly natural because I have been slowly chopping my ends.
So at least I have some natural hair to play with while I wait for the rest of the relaxer to grow out.
YouTube to the Rescue
So about 6 months into texturizing, I started spending time on YouTube watching channels that featured women maintaining and styling their natural hair.
I quickly learned that the natural hair product world had come a long way, and there are a lot of great products out there that would allow me to manage and even do “wash and go” styles. Wearing natural hair didn’t mean I had to wear an afro everyday.
The versatility potential was truly inspiring and that was all I needed to see. I was pumped and ready to began my journey.
Not Good at Styling Your Hair?
A lot of people fear transitioning because they aren’t skilled with doing their own hair. Trust me! I wasn’t skilled either. As I already mentioned, I learned a lot from YouTube.
When I was relaxed, I was not adventurous when it came to styling my hair. If I wanted a something new, I’d wear a half wig! 🙂
So don’t let the fact that you don’t “do hair” intimidate you. You can learn like I did. Three years ago I would have never thought I’d be able to pull off flat twist styles like this and this.

You can also check out more of my transitioning hairstyles here.
So I hope that encourages you.
Check out My Natural Hair Shirts
I got into graphic design a few years ago and put that to use on some shirts. You can view all my natural hair shirts here. Your support is greatly appreciated!
Stay Updated
You can follow me on this blog, YouTube and Twitter as I chronicle my natural hair journey online. I hope to not only educate people about the transition, but inspire more people to take this natural journey.
Having said that, this is not an anti-relaxer website. If a relaxer is your choice, then by all means do what makes you happy. After all, healthy hair should be your main goal whether you relax or wear it natural.
Be blessed and thanks for visiting.
Join us in the forums! We’d love to meet you!
Hi Lisa! I just want to say I’m glad you created this site. I was already 4 or 5 months in when I first stumbled across napturallycurly, but it was comforting to find anything other than big chopping or all natural. I was still flat ironing my hair at that time, but decided to stop and started practicing twists and rollers after reading your transitioning guide. I’m almost thru my seventh month, use food based conditioners from my kitchen and have no idea what my curl type is lol. You may have saved me a lot of time and money in those moments of standing in the ethnic hair care aisle lost and overwhelmed by the prices.. I’m still doing two strand twists cause my hair is too short and thick for buns due to my scissor happy week resulting in a mini chop haha, but you’ve definitely inspired me to embrace what is not straight!
Hi, you tought me a lot through youtube, thank for your time and thanks for being a volonteer .
God bless you,.
Hi there. I used to use dreamweaver to do my website but have decided to use wordpress.
I have watched your youtube video on wordpress which was great & thought me a lot.
Though with the wordpress I have downloded through my webhost site does not have all the widgets you had on the video.
I have tried downloading a few plugins but still am haveing difficulty finding the rights ones.
One I’m after is the image one that lets you put images uploaed from your computer on the sidebar & footers areas.
The other thing i really need is a widget/pluggin that lets me increase the font size. (change the fonts would be a bonus)
I was hoping you can help me
Thanks again for the youtube video
Lias PLEASE forgive me but I did see what you post for me on August 25 question.
Lias can you get back with me. Wanda wrote on August 25. Help. What can I do.
Wanda, I did respond. If you go back to the post you’ll see my reply.
Just wanted to let you know how I enjoy your site! So many helpful tips, as I’m in month three of transitioning and need all the help/advice I can get. :). I also decided to start a blog to detail my journey (blissfullyrooted.blogspot.com) and listed your site as a resource. Thanks again, Lisa.
Thanks, Shirley and good luck on your journey.
Hello Lisa, well I did the BC today. 8/25/12. I love it. Now, what can I put on my natural hair to give it that curly look. I go back to work after been out since March and I want to rock that curly look. Help. Any one can help me. Thanks
Lisa, Your website is so helpful! I am just beginning my natural journey. i am only one month in. Is it okay to wear my hair the way I have been doing or should I start putting it into styles?
When I was between 1-2 months, I wore my hair like I normally did because little changed. But when I got to my 3rd-4th month I started doing more rod sets to help blend my textures.
Hi Lisa OMG your website has been the most helpful and really informative for transitioners,I am 4 months transitioner and my stylist used “Isabella Own” on me yesterday very moisturizing,I like the product I’ve used keracare for 7 years. Please keep doing what you doing and keep the transitioners update,this site is. Defin a keeper and a motivation tool for me!
hi lisa. I just wanted to know if you used photoshop and dreamweaver to make this site or did you design it from using just dreamweaver alone??
Hey Mike
I used WordPress and the theme is called Lifestyle by Genesis. The only designing I had to do was the header and I used Photoshop. The rest is all theme specific.
Hi Lisa,
I have really been enjoying your Videos. I’m about 9 months natural and at that point where I feel like my hair is not growing fast enough. Its growing just fine!! I live in Kenya, Africa so I don’t have the options that you guys have on products, especially natural products without cones, sulphates and parebens. I try to make my own homemade deep conditioners and it working ok. I also like the fact that you are a NETntrepreneur. Been working online for a couple of years, a foreign concept in Kenya. Working hard to build my network of sites and offering SEO services. Nice to meet you!! You encourage me.
Thanks Irene! I wish you all the best. 🙂
Hi Lisa,
First, I’ve been watching your videos, reading your other sites and I’m really impressed. Even more pleasant was to discover this natural hair site as I started growing my natural locs in September 2006 and haven’t looked back since, my hair has grown from strength to strength – in fact I even put an anthology together called Hair Power Skin Revolution (publ 2010) as like you I wanted to spread the word although I liked using poems and personal essays to do so. Thank you for sharing your natural hair tips – in the UK we too are evolving along the same route and celebrating our naturalness!
Nice to meet you Nicole! Thanks for stopping by.
Lisa you are a God sent! I found this site and fell so deep in love. Yesterday July 14th 2012 I did my Big Chop after 15 months of having no relaxer. The thing is I wore braids 13 and half of those 15 months so I really haven’t had my hair loose. So I am still trying to get accustomed to the flat twist/twist outs etc…. I am having a big problem with moisture and I think given some time that will improve.(w/deep conditioning etc…) Two questions is the oils that you suggest such as olive, castor, jojoba. Does it have to be 100% or just the regular oils I see in the hair stores/pharmacy/stores? And as time goes on will the twist outs last longer etc…. Thanks so much for sharing the information and the styles!!! God bless
hello i have been transitioning for about 2-3months now if not more my friends talk about my hair everyday right now i have a sew in which is my 2nd one and before than i had braids so it really has been a while since a perm but my hair is sooooo nappy my stylists says my hair is transitioning good and fast but i was about just go ahead and get a perm and i came on this site and am glad i did do you have any suggestions on products that i can use to shampoo and condition
Hi Nita, I have a page dedicated to the products I used while transitioning here. https://napturallycurly.com/2010/07/my-favorite-transitioning-products/
Hello Lisa. I have been thinking about going natural for a while, and your website gave me the push I needed. However, I have a question about my (very bad) dandruff. I tried the vinegar rinse to no avail. Head and Shoulders is the only shampoo that works, but it contains sulfates. What do you suggest to ease my dilemma?
Hi Akua
My more recent discovery has been mixing 2-3 ounces of jojoba oil with one or two drops of tea tree oil. Massage this into your scalp before you shampoo and let it sit for about an hour. Tea tree oil helps kill the fungus that causes drandruff but you have to use it regularly to see results. Then after about 3-4 days post shampoo, I’ll apply a bit more of the mixture to my scalp. (I don’t rinse it out though) This has helped tremendously!! Understand everyone’s hair is different so I’m not guaranteeing results. Just test it out to see if it will work.
ey! nothing to do with hair but: thx for the free tutorial video’s, they really help a lot with making a website. appriciate the effort!
silly request…..if you don’t mind will you post some pics of the bathroom where you record your hair sessions. I am looking to remodel out master bath and yours seems to be a good fit, not to large but yet not to small. Thanks, but if you would rather not post the pics I understand.
Hello Lisa I have been following your 2 create a website. I did’nt know you were into natural hair. But do you do any guest posting on your natural hair blog. I am trying to do some guest posting to gain exposure to my website. I read that subscription in one of your email post regarding guest posting. Any tips that you have for me will be greatly appreciated.
Thank you for this information. I would also like to be added to the Pinterest group.
Hi lisa, iv been natural for 5 months now. I went for the big chop. I’m now trying to transition my 12 year old daughter’s hair. She has been relaxing her hair since she was 7. How can I do it without the BC,cos she has such long hair. Thanks
Hi Stephanie
Have you read my new transitioning guide?
Hi Lisa,
My mother and I decided to go natural around june this year due to damage from perms. I had a short cut like monica around the time I decided to to this and hadn’t had a perm in about two months so I just cut the long part tring to make it even… but my mom just cut all hers off and I’m wishing I had did the same thing her hair is in a even lil fro and I’m having a had time geting it all even I just trimed my hair for the first time yesterday and I’m having a hard time telling the difference between my natural hair and damaged or split ends I use tresume naturals conditioner organic olive oil hair lotion and organix coconut milk anti breakage serum my hair has been feeling a lot more healther its just when I plat it I have some straight ends should I cut them or not?? When I look at my curls individually I can see the damaged ends from the curls should I just cut it strand by strand or wait another 8 weeks
Hi Lisa,
I just discovered this site yesterday and felt compelled to leave a comment. I am going through the process as well…stopped with the relaxer in late June of this year. I was encouraged to go natural by (get this) my boyfriend! After I gave birth to my daughters (3 & 4 y/o) the condition of my hair went downhill, but like a fool I was still relaxing it. One Saturday after braiding my daughters’ hair I was preparing to relax my hair when I took a good look at myself in the mirror, then took a look at the box of relaxer and decided that “the buck stops here! I cannot keep doing this!” Both of my daughters have beautiful natural hair, longer and healthier than my relaxed hair, they came from me and I put lots of work into their hair, why can’t I do it for myself? So here I am. My problem now is that I haven’t been really taking care of my hair through this process so now it’s very uneven as a result of breakage and/or the scab hair you spoke of earlier. I try to pull it back in one, but now even that doesn’t work or look right. I will now follow your site dilligently, but if you have any quick tips to get me (re)started it would be of great help! Thanks in advance and, please, keep it up because my hair needs you! 🙂
Hi Natalie
I will tell you what I tell everyone at this stage…… deep condition, deep condition, deep condition. Do it weekly without fail. I use Organics Olive Oil Replenisher but you can use whatever works best for you. That really changed the status of my hair when transitioning and made it much more manageable. Hang in there, it gets easier once you get used to the transition and once you’re natural.
Lisa thank you for responding:)
My curls were so tight that my scalp would be tender to the touch!! Sometimes bleed.. But so many people would compliment me on how pretty my hair was. I’m starting over its been a month & the pain is back but I’m going to see if it eventually stops, lol. Your hair is rocking ma’am peace & blessings
Ok, so I was fully natural and decided to loosen my curls by adding a light perm which it worked at first, the results were great! But then a month or so later I started getting severe migraines which I thought to be from my haor being coiled to tightly to my scalp..Well the bright idea was to try adding the perm again soooo now my hair went bone straight! Is there any way to get my curls back??Please help
Hi Shawn
I’ve honestly never heard of coily hair causing migraines but unfortunately you will have to grow it out again. There’s no way to make relaxed hair curly without growing it out. Sorry to hear about that but time will go fast. 🙂
Iam a 21 year college student in kenya.I had my 1st perm in september(just the beginning of this month) after i was convinced by my friends who were having relaxers.My natural hair was pretty & long.Its not very bad now but i feel like going natural since its cheaper & i dont feel like applying those stuff anymore.Iam not going to apply chemicals again. Whats going to happen to my hair.plz advice coz i feel terrible with all that.God bless
I haven’t had a perm in 4 months, but i need to do something asap, before i succumb to the relaxer. my hair is very course but i have alot of relaxer still on the ends, what can i do to soften the 2-3 inches of newgowth while i’m waiting for enough newgrowth to cut the remaining perm out. HELP
Deep condition your hair every week. That will help soften up your hair. You might have scab hair and that will soften up over time after your follicles heal from any chemical damage. My hair felt coarse when I started transitioning too. Deep conditioning saved me!
Omg you inspired me so much I spent most of my day just watching your videos. I’ve learned so much about going natural. I’ve been transitioning since march of this year & I’ve been looking so crazy. So many people have discouraged me but I’ve been just ignoring them. Now that I’ve seen some styles in the transitioning stages I’m going to try them out. Thank you so much.
Yay! Stay strong, the naysayers are everywhere but 2 years from now when your hair is long and healthy and you’re rockin’ your fly twists and twist out styles, those same people may end up transitioning too! It happens all the time. 🙂
Hi Lisa,
I’ve decided to go natural. It has been 2 months since my last relaxer and I am so excited. I’ve saved this as a favorite and find myself on your site everyday. Thanks for the all the good tips and pictures. My 13 year old daughter is also going natural. God Bless you and thanks again
I love you website! watching your youtube videos really gave me the courage to go natural. I am so happy with the decision! (^-^) I did the “big chop” 5 years ago , but i didn’t know how to maintain it and got a lot of negative feedback from my family. so i went back to relaxers. i was in japan last year i didn’t know what else to do with my hair except continue with touch-ups. i am planning on returning to japan next year, and i want to go back rockin’ a natural hairdo. i am in month 4 of my transition. i love how my hair feels and looks. i can’t wait to see what it will look like in a year^^
my biggest concern is how to properly do protective hairstyles. i’m not very good with styling my hair
I wasn’t either Erica but YouTube helped me greatly. I NEVER did anything to my relaxed hair except wrap it and maybe an occasional roller set. So if I can learn, anyone can. 🙂 Thank you!
Thank you so much for your inspiring and supportive website. I’ve been natural for 18 months and I must admit that they are days that my hair frustrates me, but them again; what hair doesn’t frustrate women at times. Sometimes I feel like cutting it short or going back to relaxers but thank goodness I take time to think, and change my mind. The other thing that gets to me its family members that suggest that I return to relaxer that my hair is so horrible and nappy. Why do people insist in denying who they are or their identity. I’ve decided that I will be true to myself and how I was born. This new me is very liberating.
I’ve started navigating websites to get more information on how to make my hair easier to manage and different hairstyles.
Thank you so much for your information. Let’s stay happy nappy
You’re almost there Napturally Curly…..You transitioned great. Ive still got a few more months to endure . Still not the length I will be most comfortable with…still trying new products…butthis midwest weather has got me a little down….can’t wait for the break. Still loving my natural journey…people are now finally starting to notice…” Is that your hair ??..or a wig….” Its so funny I can’t help but laugh. My own people don’t even know our own hair.geesh..
Thank you for providing tips on different transitioning styles. I have decided to go natural. My last relaxer was October 8, 2010. So I am pretty much just starting. I have started treating my hair as if it were all natural by using sulfate free products and deep conditioning everyday. I really enjoy your channel on Youtube. It keeps me inspired to continue this transition to natural. I have decided to transition for a least one year and see how my length is at that time before I BC. Thanks again so much for your informative posts and website. I am really looking forward to learning my hair texture as well.
Thank you for all the info you provide, your awesome!! I just have a question about nu gro products. I notice on one of youtube videos you using there products and mentioning that they work but then on your website you don’t mention them at all, so I was just wondering what I should do? I relaxed my hair in september and my hair has thinned out so much and it is still clumping out and I feel like I am going to go bald so befor that happens I wanted to know what I should purchase to stop that from happening. Please Help!!
Thanks Salene, I don’t use Nugro anymore and thought about removing that video. I learned there really is no hair product (unless it’s something like Rogaine) that can help your hair grow. I think what really helped is I stopped relaxing and started texturizing. So the use of fewer chemicals allowed my hair to grow back. Now that I’m going natural and haven’t used any chemical in 9 months, my edges are back completely. The best way to get your hair back is to either stop relaxing or stretch your relaxers for longer periods of time.
How do you know what type of hair you have? I don’t remember my natural hair because I’ve been getting perms for so long.
When you have a 3-4 months of new growth you can pull a strand out and examine the curl pattern. If it looks like an S shape, you have 4a hair. If it’s Z then that’s 4B. If it’s looser and shiny they that would be 3c or 3b. Most African Americans fall in the 4a/4b category but there are also many in the 3’s as well.
It’s interesting to know your texture, but the most important thing is to figure out what works for your hair. I spent way too much time obsessing over my texture and curl type in the beginning but what really matters is finding out what products work for your hair and that may take some experimenting and time. Good luck, Courtnee!
My last perm July, 2010; I never had an issue with my hair being damaged from perms; but I just felt this need that I want to go natural. I am transitioning, so I got my ends trimmed a few weeks ago and I’m using Yes to Carrots shampoo and conditioner and Jane Carters leave in conditioner; which has worked wonders on my hair. It’s been a little scary for me because my hair is really, thick and course and I’m curious how the end results will be. One of my co-workers is transitioning to and she’s been very encouraging along with the information I can from this site.
Hey Lisa, I’ve been natural for 2 years (I BC’ed Oct-29-08) but after too many colour jobs I had to cut it off and start all over. *sniff sniff*
See my video: http://YouTube.com/Mar00nDawta
Fabulous Lisa, how are you? I am watching your video channel on You Tube, and cant wait to get to the latest one to see your new hair style. :)) See you soon.
hey, girl! congrats on the decision to go natural. i’m transitioning myself — i’m at 10 months so i completely understand!
keep it up!
I went natural too. I permed my hair once during the process, only because I felt pressured to do it. That was over a year ago. I cut my hair again, and let it grow out. I love it. I use natural products also, and try to not use any products with hard chemicals in my hair. After a year it’s stronger and healthy again. I don’t think every black woman need to perm their hair, even if you feel pressured into it.. because of work friends etc… Just be yourself. If you see how your natural hair looks without the chemicals trust me you wont go back to relaxers 😛
By the way.. great site Lisa
I started my journey in June too and I have about a half inch of new growth already. I’ve never takin care of my hair before now and at 17 I think its about time. I’ve only been relaxed since i was 15 and i never liked it. I’m so glad to be going back natural. I wanted to start making videos too but I don’t know where to start. Help?
My last perm wasn’t long ago (June of this year) but we all got to start somewhere right?!? I have spoken with a hair care specialist and in one month I will be getting kinky twist to really begin my transition from relaxed to natural!!! I love all the information that has been given to me through my friends that are already natural and the beautiful ladies of youtube. They are all AMAZING and beautiful women. I can’t wait to be ALL NATURAL!!!!
Congratulations to the natural side. I’ve been following your other channels and when I did a search this evening on natural hair; you popped up and I did a double take because I thought the person in the video was your twin. But then I said that is Lisa. What a pleasant surprise. I’ll be following this channel too. Good luck with your adventures on this side of the tracks(no pun intended)
Hi, I have just made up my mind to go from relaxed to natural. I cut my hair short but had been getting perms, but now I am stopping all of that. My hair is very short in the back and has lenght on top and sides are now growing out. My touch up was two weeks ago. I am going to get a rod set and just gel the back becuse it is too short. I am also going to get micros in my transition phase. I also started using Carol’s Daughter products for about six months now, so I will continue to use them on my natural hair.
Good luck to you Pat!
The wig in your “wiggin out” video is very nice. I wish I had that wig a few weeks ago. It looks just like your hair, extremely natural. Have you heard of the CG (Curly girl) method? I’m doing that now w/my TWA. I think I”m gonna like it, it’s working so far.
Hi Lisa,
Guess what??? I did it! I did the big chop, and I’m so happy! Its a little shorter than I expected so I’m going to wear half wigs for about 2 months. But I’m so happy. Where can I get a Napturally T-shirt? 🙂
Kelley!! I’m soooooooooooo happy for you. Congratulations!! I need to get those T-shirts up for sale! lol
Yes, you’ve gotta get those t-shirts up for sale. I will be the first to rock one. I’ve decided against the wigs, I’m gonna rock my TWA and wear it proud. I saw a young lady rocking her natural hair this weekend and a t-shirt that said “I got 99 problems, but a perm ain’t one”. LoL
Lisa, if you can, please hit via email. I am starting this journey and a sister needs help. Even though, I have decided to take this journey I definitely do not want any breakage, so I looking for your expertise. Thanks,
If you are on facebook, my name is Gwendolyn onmywaytobecomingaDr Simmons
Wow Lisa, you are everywhere! I follow your other youtube channel as well and your other blog. Nice to see you’re joining the natural side. I’m 16 months into my transition. I am aiming for 3 years before I BC. Are you on any of the hair blogs? LHCF, NP?
Much luck to you on your natural journey; I’ll be following.
Hey Kim! Wow, 3 years! I would love to know more about how you are maintaining your hair for that long. Do you have a fotki or pics of your hair now? It’s so rare to hear someone transitioning beyond a year. I’ll probably chop sometime early next year or earlier depending on how comfy I am with the length. I am on LHCF every now and then but not on the forums much (yet). Thanks for stopping by to say Hi!!
Hi Ruth-ann,
Thank you! I’ve heard that applying a leave-in conditioner prior to swimming can help protect the hair. Also try to style her hair in low maintenance/protective styles like pin-ups (instead of ponytails), rod sets, etc. The less heat you can use, the better. Good luck!
I love you videos and they are very informative. I have decided to let my daughter, 8yrs old, go natural because her hair was not doing well with the perm. It has been about 4 or 5 months since her last perm but I have not done the chop. I have just trimmed. For the summer she will be doing swimming lessons. i wanted to put in the braids you have but I was wondering if you had any idea of what I should do to prevent breakage while she is swimming.
the last perm was on november 25 2009 the perm that i had use was mesmurize right now its 2010 june 6 thats like 6 months and i refuse to put perm in it again i have some natural and alot of perm left.my hair is rough and kinky thick.