I am most proud of this style because this is the first time I’ve ever tried to twist up the back of my head. I’m really pleased with how it turned out, and so excited to try more styles that require flat twisting.
Oh how I love my natural hair journey!!
Hey Lisa,
I just did my hair like this. My twists came out good. (I’m traumatized by how long it took to do them.Lol.I still have a bit of a learning curve when it comes to twisting and I’m very meticulous about my parts.) My problem is with the rod sets. My natural hair doesn’t seem to like them. I was a pro doing them when I was relaxed and transitioning. I’ve tried doing them with Eco-Styler gel and with wrapping lotion but they always come out a fuzzy mess. Any suggestions?
Maybe try adding a Bantu knot at the end instead of a rod and around your head but it will likely result in a different type of curl. Also, to prevent so much frizz (if you aren’t doing this already) you can put your favorite oil on your hands (olive oil, coconut, etc.) and unravel your hair slowly and gently.
Hi Lisa, very cute hairstyle. I have about 4 inches of natural hair, but yet another 12 of relaxed hair. I have a looooooong way to go, so I’m looking for styles that will last a while and that I can do myself. How did you get the twists to hold right before you started adding the rods? I normally put little rubber bands at the end of flat twists so they’ll stay twisted, then I’ll curl the untwisted part. Thanks for your help.
Hi Lisa, I’ve been natural for 5 months now and my hair is between medium/short. I love those rod sets but afraid my hair not longer enough yet, so does it matter what length to start using rods? And also what hairstyles I can manage for medium/short hair?
Forgot mention I did the big chop 6 months ago but went natural 5 months ago. I’m still in my transition mode
Hi Danie, I would go on YouTube and look for short natural styles. I never had really short natural hair so I have no experience. I bet you could do coils, which is very common with short natural / TWA’s. Check youtube for “coiling natural hair.” Good luck!
Hi Lisa, I was wondering if you could tell me a product I could use to do the rod sets because my hair can be very dry and, I want to be able to wear rods but it won’t last since it is so dry any suggestions?
Try Aloe Vera Gel (Fruit of the Earth) while it’s wet and while you are setting the hair (along with setting lotion). Also when you take the rods out, apply a little bit of castor oil or your favorite moisturizer.
Also I use the B&B Setting Lotion because it doesn’t have alcohol. Alcohol can be very drying.
i was wondering if i cud try yarn mini twist
well today i have been transitioning for 3 months i got my hair twisted going to the side then 2 strand twist but my hair has grown alot since i have went natural
hi its meka again….ive been transitioning for 2 months goin on 3 and my hair has alot of new growth but my biggest challenge is the hair style.im tired of wearing bantu knots…there is so much new growth and so little relaxed hair but my relaxed hair is long and shows when my bantu knots gets old or i get in moist weather but i wud love to wear up do’s but kinda in between with what my hair is comfortable with..but its kinda hard to find other styles that im really really comfortable with when im transitioning i have very little breakage…i keep my breakage.and hair that has shedded idk why i just do….
Have you tried rod sets with the small rods and spiral them so they don’t look old lady-ish? That was my go-to style for months while transitioning.
Lisa I love the styles but my hair tends to kink
when it gets wet and dries by itself I try to blow dry it but sometimes my hair is do thick it breaks
The comb and my hair was broken off by a lot of heat from my grandmother and I wasn’t greasing it so it became dry and my ends are also short because I pick at the and since I was 6yrs.old my grandmother put a perm in my hair and now it’s short etc I can put it into a pony tail but only if I hot comb it and my pony tail is only like “3 long but if I just take it down and do like Mickey Mouse puff balls it’s like full and my bangs are a little long basically I need help growing my hair cause I want to be an actor and I don’t want to be know as a actor with weave in her hair plz help.
Sincerely~ Yajaira
P.S I’m 12 and I need desper to get it long it been through a lot of heat chemical as in hot combs and perms including hair breaking
Email me at puppylvr@icloud.com to tell me wat to do
FAB U LOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’m still hangin in there inspired by YOU girl!
Hey Lisa, I like it – a lot.