Hi Lisa. Thank you so much for making this website and the videos. It has really helped me with my long term transition journey. I’m 5 months post relaxer and recently mini big chop 4 inches (went from armpit length to slightly above shoulder length). Really like the twist out look with 2 big flat twist. But by the end of the day my hair has lost the curls and just look a fluffy mess. Tried using the Elasta QP Elasta Care Feels Like Silk Styling Control Gel but it weighed down my hair. Any suggestions?
I’m sure you have heard this plenty, but your website is wonderful! You are such a beautiful person and I like that you keep it real on your site. I am just starting out on my transition and I come to your site for support to know that when I reach my goal, I am going to look super fly.. just like you!
Thank you so much for sharing, for empowering and for your support!
In this video, did you blow dry your hair a little or is it still wet?
I twisted it up while wet.
I just wanted to say, “THANK YOU!!!!” You have really helped me along this journey and I’m loving my natural hair more and more each day 🙂
Hi Lisa. Thank you so much for making this website and the videos. It has really helped me with my long term transition journey. I’m 5 months post relaxer and recently mini big chop 4 inches (went from armpit length to slightly above shoulder length). Really like the twist out look with 2 big flat twist. But by the end of the day my hair has lost the curls and just look a fluffy mess. Tried using the Elasta QP Elasta Care Feels Like Silk Styling Control Gel but it weighed down my hair. Any suggestions?
Hi Sasa
To keep your hair from frizzing, try doing more smaller twists and leaving them in longer if you can.
Hello there,
I’m sure you have heard this plenty, but your website is wonderful! You are such a beautiful person and I like that you keep it real on your site. I am just starting out on my transition and I come to your site for support to know that when I reach my goal, I am going to look super fly.. just like you!
Thank you so much for sharing, for empowering and for your support!
Thank you so much Kassaundra! I wish you the best.