What’s up current and future naturalistas!
My name is Lisa. I’m an Internet entrepreneur who teaches several Udemy courses — including one that shows you how to earn passive income online with a website.
While being an entrepreneur remains my top passion, natural hair is becoming a close 2nd.
In May 2010, I made the decision to transition to natural hair after using relaxers for over 27 years. I transitioned for 18 months without a “big chop” — something many people said was impossible.
[See my first video as a natural.]
Going natural is something I never thought I’d do because I have always assumed the maintenance and styling of my hair would be nearly impossible. Not to mention, I was afraid of how I’d look.
However, over the years I realized the toll relaxers had taken on my hair. See the video below…
This caused me to look for other options. The natural option became more and more intriguing to me. I longed for healthy hair again.
Going Semi-Natural
Nevertheless, I was still hesitant and intimidated by the transition process. So instead of going completely natural I thought I’d try tex-laxing my hair.
This is the method of using a mild relaxer or texturizer to slightly loosen your natural curl pattern. This gives you a more textured look, but straightens your enough to make it easier to press/straighten your hair if you so desire.
About 8 months into my texlaxing process I noticed that some of my hair was processing more than others so I was starting to see multiple textures. This was due to uneven processing times and different hair textures on my head.
Not good.
The back of my hair hardly took the texturizer (mild relaxer) at all, so a year after my last relaxer, the back of my hair is mostly natural because I have been slowly chopping my ends.
So at least I have some natural hair to play with while I wait for the rest of the relaxer to grow out.
YouTube to the Rescue
So about 6 months into texturizing, I started spending time on YouTube watching channels that featured women maintaining and styling their natural hair.
I quickly learned that the natural hair product world had come a long way, and there are a lot of great products out there that would allow me to manage and even do “wash and go” styles. Wearing natural hair didn’t mean I had to wear an afro everyday.
The versatility potential was truly inspiring and that was all I needed to see. I was pumped and ready to began my journey.
Not Good at Styling Your Hair?
A lot of people fear transitioning because they aren’t skilled with doing their own hair. Trust me! I wasn’t skilled either. As I already mentioned, I learned a lot from YouTube.
When I was relaxed, I was not adventurous when it came to styling my hair. If I wanted a something new, I’d wear a half wig! 🙂
So don’t let the fact that you don’t “do hair” intimidate you. You can learn like I did. Three years ago I would have never thought I’d be able to pull off flat twist styles like this and this.

You can also check out more of my transitioning hairstyles here.
So I hope that encourages you.
Check out My Natural Hair Shirts
I got into graphic design a few years ago and put that to use on some shirts. You can view all my natural hair shirts here. Your support is greatly appreciated!
Stay Updated
You can follow me on this blog, YouTube and Twitter as I chronicle my natural hair journey online. I hope to not only educate people about the transition, but inspire more people to take this natural journey.
Having said that, this is not an anti-relaxer website. If a relaxer is your choice, then by all means do what makes you happy. After all, healthy hair should be your main goal whether you relax or wear it natural.
Be blessed and thanks for visiting.
Join us in the forums! We’d love to meet you!
hello i am new to the natural hair world, like you i didnt do the big chop, but i am all natural now, I am looking for a natual hair softer that would allow me to wear my natural hair and that won’t look or feels so dry, can you help me with that
Hi Lisa!
My name is Paula Muniz, I am the Beauty Director of WERK Magazine, LLC. I recently came across your blog and love what you do as a blogger. We are a new online based magazine who is looking for amazing bloggers to feature within our Magazine/Website. We think you would fit perfectly in our editorial content. If you are interested in being featured in WERK, please feel free to email me at pmuniz@werkmagnyc.com share a little bit about yourself and your blog and I will send you more information on the magazine and possible features. I Hope to speak with you soon.
Paula Muniz
Paula Muniz | WERK Magazine | Executive – Beauty Director
New York (NYC) | http://www.werkmagnyc.com
I’m so excited to have ran across you’re page in a random frusterated Google search. I’m 26, mixed, and a mother of two (one boy one girl). Our hair is usually a hot mess lol. I try so hard not to put heat on it and such, but our natural curls never seem to fully shine. As a kid I got a perm or two and my hair has always been damaged to some extent. It hasn’t made sense that my sisters could have such flowing locks of beauty, but my kinky mop wouldn’t grow past my shoulders. And to top it off, my daughter, who’s hair is absolutely gorgeous, is usually up because I havent mastered the natural look on my own head yet. So, I damage it more by brushing it with all types of products trying to tame it only to give up and put a million pony tail holders or even loose braids. It’s too thick to learn to French braid with, and it always seems dry. My mom never really taught me a regimen for hair care. Reading you’re page has tremendously explained I guess in a way what my mother (being white) never could. I mean that in the most humblest way. #mixedgirlproblems
Thank you for being able to share what I’m sure millions are really just learning too ☺
I hope to get especially the money for new products, and the time to read your site completely. I feel confident I’ll be able to design a routine to cure our #thickcurlyhairproblems
#naturalhair #nappyfamily
Have you ever tried roller setting your hair under a dryer and then looking at the results afterwards. As a non-mix person I have done this to my fine but tightly curled haired and loved the semi-straight results as if I had flat-ironed it. Give it a try…. it might make yours easily to managed. But note you might wish to do this once a week.
I have been without a relaxer for about 3 months now. I see my curl pattern maybe like an inch at my roots in the front. I wash it every other 3 days by just co-washing it or using conditioner. I barely shampoo, maybe 3 times a month. My hair always seems dry, even when I do apply oil. I have the roughest times now with it because when it air dries, its brittle and really thick in my roots. I dont blow dry my hair at all. I barely even flat iron it because its so short and it keeps breaking off. I normally put the small white perm rods in my hair and let them sit over night every time I wash it! Any other time, it’s in two braids. I want to cut it because I feel like its the only one it’s gonna grow back the way it used to be. I used to have really pretty long hair and It has experienced some serious damage. My kitchen has broken off bad, its really short. My edges are pretty decent, but when I wash it curls up a little so it makes it look like its breaking off. I really need some assistance. This has caused a lot of insecurity issues for me lately and I know if i do decide to go through with the “BIG CHOP”….. i’m definitely going to have a rough journey with my appearance.
jazz, i had/have the same issues (i finally had to do braids). it seems like my hair isnt taking to the coconut oil concotion i use daily. hair is still super dry and to get thru it, i take a lot of it out. i try to stick to a schedule of alternating a co wash with a wash and deep condition every other week but my hair still seems hella dry. i don;t know what to do. maybe change to a different oil like olive? my hair has definitely come out but i refuse to do the big chop–yet!!! maybe order hairfinity (expensive but works i guess) to get your hair stronger. please let me know if you find something that helps your hair. i know everyone is different but i’ll try whatever. lets keep in touch. in all fairness, i like my itty bitty afro under my relaxed hair. that’s what keeps me holding on.
One thing I have found out is that you may be over washing your hair. This disturbs the natural PH balance of your hair. Hair is porous which over washing can cause more damage. Do not over product your hair, not all brands are good for hair. I find Garner or Pantene is good. When you do wash your hair do not use hot water, try a medium warm wash. Also use a moisturizing conditioner with cool water after shampooing. This allows the conditioner to lock into the strands. Use minimal heat or let hair air dry. I had been relaxing my hair for over 40 years ( yes I’m older) but had been experiencing brittleness and breakage because of this hair abuse and from medications which do affect your hair sometimes. A year and a half ago i said enough is enough as my edges had broke off to 2 inches. I had always had longer hair and was frustrated. So I started with a small braid style, no micros, no weaves or extensions as they can further contribute to hair breakage was well, trimming hair about 1/4 to 1/2 inch each month. After 6 months I transitioned to 2-strand twists. I’m so glad I did! My hair grew so much faster I can say those 2 inch edges have grown an additional 6 inches. I found a great twist gel-Organics by Africa’s Best, olive oil twist and loc gel. And no I did not loc my hair. It only costs $4.59 for 15oz jar. You do not have to use a lot, just a finger dip for each strand-it works as a detangler when I comb out strand before twisting-it doesn’t flake and after set it gradually softens the hair. I can actually wash my hair with a gentle fingerwas to scalp and strands without disturbing twists-blotting with a towel apply a little gel with my palms and keep it moving. You can also tighten twists with this gel. I recommend. I get lots of compliments and it is low maintenance. A jar will last me 3 months or more.
where would one like me be able to start with my relaxed, short hair i’m wearing right now: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/547750373405420206/
Hey Lisa!
I am making a fiction on wattpad based on my teen story on going natural. I would love I you could check I out and share it with other teens and naturals.
Thanks 😀
My story:
Another teen story about being natural that I enjoyed reading:
I’m reading natural and I can’t wait till she updates 😀 I look up your book as well when I have the time
I am on the forum page but some reason I am not allowed to make new post or comment on any other post Can you tell me what might be the problem. Thank you
What is your username?
hi lisa,
this will be my second time transitioning. i am sooo afraid but tired of relaxing my hair. i beleive my downfall was that i wasn’t conditioning or moisturizing enough. hair was always dry and super nappy. what do you think of shea moisture”s transitioning kit? wish me luck.
Hi Aiysha,
I don’t know anyone who has used it and I was already natural when they announced it. Have you looked online for reviews? Yes, conditioning, moisturizing and keeping your ends trimmed are a must!
Great site! Thanks for letting me that I don’t have to cut all of my hair off to make the transition. I appreciate the time you are taking to share this information.
Hello Dear Ms. Lisa,
Hope all is well.
I would love to feature you on my blog here at WordPress: http://islandkynks.wordpress.com/
You are one of my first inspirations, your hard work and site information helped me survive my first year successfully, thanks to you and my natural aunt, not only did I go return natural, but so did 4 members of my family!!!! Plus encouraged so many others to think about it.
Please let me know if you will be interested.
If yes, please email me back at: zion_areli@yahoo.com
Will be an honor to have you featured 😀
Thank you and have an amazing day!!!
Isle of Azure
“I transitioned for 18 months without a “big chop” — something many people said was impossible.”
I had relaxed hair and decided to go natural as I was fed up of trying different products to try and prevent my hair from breaking. I got my mum to plait my hair with synthetic extensions for a few months at a time and over the course of about 2 years my hair became more manageable. I would never have had the confidence to chop my hair off or go for a TWA. So ladies & gurls, it IS possible to transition without the use of those scary scissors!
I have been thinking about transitioning for a while now….I changed my eating habits and try to go for a more eco friendly lifestyle until I realized that I was doing nothing in changing the way I eat and the products I use if I was still relaxing my hair. I am Dominican and I have been relaxing my hair since very young and as a result my hair is very dry and brittle. I stopped relaxing 8 months ago but wasn’t taking care of my hair as I should just because I didn’t think I could live without relaxing my hair..i thought that eventually I would have to. I didn’t do the big chop but a week ago I cut some of the relaxed part and it feels so much better. Also I bought carols daughter transitioning and the olive oil infusion about 2 weeks ago and OMG my hair is feeling so good! Now after reading about your experience I am very motivated on going natural. Everyone around me doesn’t agree but it just feels right..thanks.
Hi Lisa, I’ve been natural for 2 years. I found your site when I was transitioning. Now I feel as though I’ve hit a plateau. I shampoo, deep condition and do weekly hot oil treatments. Any thoughts?
Do you mean a plateau with growth?
Yes, a plateau with growth. I apologize if I wasn’t clear.
Are you trimming your hair often? IF you think about it, your hair never stops growing so if you aren’t seeing growth it’s because your hair is breaking. Perhaps it’s time for a trim? Do you notice breakage?
I normally go to the salon every 6 weeks but I get my ends clipped every 12. I haven’t been since June and I’m going on Sunday. It does seem like it’s breaking a little. I thought the plateau may be from changing products to shampoo my hair.
Unless the shampoo is causing your hair to break, then it’s probably not the shampoo. Your hair is going to grow regardless. Seems to me the breakage is the problem. So the key is figuring out what caused it. Make sure you shampoos are sulfate free and I always pre-poo my hair meaning I add water and conditioner before I get into the shower to soften it up and prevent breakage.
You may be due for a protein treatment too.
I’ve never done a protein treatment before. I think the damage may be from my blow out in June. I’ll try the protein treatment before I get my kinky twists in a couple weeks. Thank you advice v and taking the time.
hello lisa, I have been natural for a year now, just a made a year on april 20th me and my hair have this love hate relationship some days I love it and some days I hate it. I really don’t want to go back to a relaxer but iam thinking about doing a texturizer is that a good or bad idea? my hair has so much shrinkage but I do have some pretty curls they are just tight I really prefer loose curls
Its been a month since my last relaxer and I have chosen to go natural but I’m wondering when I should start the whole transitioning process. How much new growth do I need before I start emptying my bank account by purchasing all of the necessary hair care products. Is there even a waiting period?
While my hair has other issues, I just wanted to say…I think you look GREAT in that last photo! 🙂
Awww thanks Lavender!
Hi Lisa u know IAdmire you how you are very professional and helpful. Well I want to say natural hair is not new to me I’m 60s child its just my hair has changed use to have a perm now I’m natural but my air is more of a cotton afro 4b 4c more 4c when it is dry I can’t do any of those styles. U go to great lengths to give suggestions but my hair won’t cooperate. First of all it is longer than a TWA but not long enough to twistout
Hi Vanessa
Have you tried doing coils with gel?
Hi Lisa,
Love your site and I am back on my natural journey. I went narural spring of 2011 , relaxed my hair in the spring of 2012! Just crazy and became lazy! Thanks for the inspiration to try it again.
Go for it Charita! You can do it! 🙂
Hello! I came upon your blog and wanted to ask a question. In 2010 I straightened my hair with a straightener what got too hot and burned my hair. Throughout 2011-2012 I was cutting out the burned bits and letting the natural hair grow in. Now it’s nearly two years later and my hair texture is completely different. I went from being a curly-coily 3c to a 3b…and the hair dressers say there are parts that are curlier (the front) and parts that are wavier (back). How is this possible? They’ve all said there’s no way hair texture should have changed and the new hair should have re grown like my original, 3c hair I had all my life. I’m 29 now, so it shouldn’t have been a hormonal change. Any advice on how I could get back to my 3c hair? Thanks!
Hi there Lisa , I love your videos and relate to them. Thank you for your website…. It’s Very helpful and need it. I have been natural since 2013 and if I tell you it’s been wonderful ! My hair is stronger, healthier, thick, soft and beautiful and growing long as well. this has been the best Decision about my hair to go natural. At the Beginning of my journey I went to my Beautician to get Shampoo and conditioning and she would Press my hair and it look just like I had a Perm on it.
May God Continue to open doors for you Lisa.in Jesus name …Amen.
I don’t know if this will help anyone. I have very tight curls very similar to Lisa’s. When I started to go natural, I transitioned, and it was HARD. I was so used to relaxers/straight hair, quick flat iron and walking out the door. Trying to figure out my curl pattern, not getting the curls that I wanted…I got frustrated and often.
I have been natural for over a year without the big chop, but getting trims every few weeks, and I’m still on a journey. Products wise — I could open my own store!! I purchased items from CVS, CurlMart; from cheap to somewhat expensive; I even tried homemade recipes.
So far, I am down to 4 brands that I like: DevaCurl (No Poo, 1 Condition), Camille Rose Naturals (co-wash), Darcy’s Botanicals (I haven’t been disappointed in any of her products) and Karen’s Body Beautiful (leave-in conditioner).
The homemade product I used was for an itchy/flaky scalp and for scalp stimulation: I used 50% organic apple cider vinegar (store brand is too watered down), 25% water and 25% peppermint oil (not food grade). I would put that in a small squirt bottle, shake it up and squirt it lightly, and massage the mix into my scalp. That helped clear up the itchiness and flakes big time!!
I think my hair grows the most during the summer…this winter, I haven’t noticed much growth. Right now, my issue is just trying to find a nice style/shape for my hair. I just use a headband once I’m done and fluff it out when my hair is dry. Also, air dry your hair if you can, or sit in front of a fan. It does take a while to dry, but that helps to reduce heat damage from blow drying.
Lisa, your site is GREAT!! Keep up the great work!
I’m starting not to like my hair, I can’t even put it in a bun anymore and I can’t do cornrows, I don’t know how to preserve a braid out and my hair is just really making me mad. I’m 16 so I always want to look pretty and different but I can’t do this with this complicated hair i have on my head. I’ve been natural all my life BUT I did go to the salon often when I was younger and I did dye my hair the begging of this year. When I was young my hair was so long and beautiful , now I’m slowly starting to hate it >_<
Hi Lisa?
I am in Kenya and i have been purchasing miss Jessies Baby buttercream and the curly one but its so expensive. I have natural hair that is so soft and would want my hair kinky, add volume and curly. I have been doing the twist outs with the above oil but i’m wondering can i get something cheaper and what hair product would you recommend?
Is there any in Kenya i can get?
I just wanted to say I love your blogs. After having a perm for 30 years (got my 1st perm at 16) I decided to stop perming my hair in March 2012. I’ve learned so much from your site. I learned how to flat twist up last week and have been getting great compliments. Thank you so much for your dedication in keeping us naturalistas inspired!
Thanks for visiting Joddice!
Hi. My name is Cathrine.
I am in Kenya and i have been purchasing miss Jessies Baby buttercream and the curly one but its so expensive. I have natural hair that is so soft and would want my hair kinky, add volume and curly. I have been doing the twist outs with the above oil but i’m wondering can i get something cheaper and what hair product would you recommend?
Is there any in Kenya i can get?
would you recommend carol’s daughter transitioning kit for 4c texture?
I know of people with 4c hair who have used it but everyone’s hair responds differently even if it has the same hair type classification since that number and letter really only tell part of the story about your hair. You’ll just have to test it out and see.
I just wanted to say that everything about this site is amazing. I’ve been natural since June. I actually ended up cutting my hair, because I dyed it and the color was too much and it begun to break it off. I didn’t have any intention to go natural. I love straight hair and my combs and natural hair texture don’t get along. Its been about seven months since I’ve put any heat on my hair. I dyed it once, but other than that nothing. My hair is short and not damaged from the relaxer or dye, but still is taking a little while to grow back. I was having a really hard time, because I still haven’t been able to find the right products. Although, Olive oil works quite well. I’m so happy I found you when I did because I was getting a little discouraged, but you are a true inspiration and I’m so excited to see what my hair will grow to. I already love my curls and I’ve found many ways to tackle dryness problems just on your site alone. Thank you so much! Do you have anymore recent pictures of your length? Also, have you ever considered straightened your hair just because? I was told that hot combs were okay, but I’m still nervous to use them later down the line. Thank you again! 🙂
Hi lisa,
I have relaxed hair for about 5 years but i want my natural hair back
But i don’t want to bc my hair. What can i do to get rid of the relaxer in my hair????
And i started to have breakage problem. I started to use apple vinegar like you said in one of your videos
But what else can i do to remove the relaxer frommy hair???
Sorry, to but in, but…There isn’t much you really can do. The two options are to grow it out or chop off. Although, you could try to work with your hair. Try deep conditioning ever week for about 10-30 minutes, hot oils, and a trim ever 4 to 6 weeks will help with breakage.
hi Lisa,
I’ve been going natural for about maybe 5 or 6 months. I’m really new at this & I don’t know where to shop and get the products or how to use them. My new growth is definitely coming in, but I’m still blow drying my hair. Is that bad? I haven’t straightened it though. I didn’t want t cut all of my hair off, so the ends of my hair is relaxed and I don’t know what to do. I want my hair to be curly so bad. Do you cut your hair every 6 weeks or so? I’ve heard that’s good, and plus I have split ends and ,y hair is shedding. I need a cut right? please help me, Lol. This natural thing is really hard d confusing.
thanks for your time. Sincerely, Kyoka
Hi Lisa how are you? I was thinking of maybe having my 4 year old daughter hair cut all off…I had someone braiding her hair and the person took it out really bad my daughter hair is bald around the sides and back like a mohawk anyway I have used so many different products it’s awful nothing is making her hair grow at all I’m so ready to give up I’m would like to know would it be a good ideal if I had it cut all off for the natural look in hopes to it growing good
hello, i am just about to start the transition. had my last relaxer 3 weeks ago. like you i have always had long, full hair. But despite still getting great comments about my hair, i know its thinning out and something is wrong. that is why i wanna go natural. My edges are particular bad now, so my question is, will the edges grow back out? did yours?
I want to transition and I really need help LISA >___< can you please help me email me akarilove95@gmail.com
Your videos on YouTube inspired me. I woke up this morning frustrated because I’ve been transitioning for a while…almost a year without the BC and my hair still isn’t growing properly… The back is shorter than the front…I’m completely natural in the back and on the sides of my hair but the top is just as yours used to be wavy but still with traces of the relaxer I guess…I hate that my hair is so uneven and I’m desperate to find my natural curl pattern…I was so close to just putting a relaxer in the hair and calling it a day, but watching you made me realize I have to be more patient…try new things and MOISTURIZE….which I’m really bad at since I pay little attention to my hair at night before bed. I keep long hours at school and when I get home…my hair is the last thing on my mind…You would think that after all this time I would have learned how to take care of my hair…Unfortunatly, I’m still trying to figure it out. Thanks for sharing your story with us.
Hey Lisa,
I’m following you, currently, on “YouTube” (…regarding my website, etc…); but I came across a nice website, on “Black Hair”. An acquaintance of mine was just in a hair show, yesterday (…here in “Indy”). I went to the stylist’s website, and thought of you! Here’s the site: http://www.naturallyusalon.com/ Just thought you’d like to check it out; there are hair styles similar to those on your “Pinterest” page(s)!
Cool, thanks for the link. Will check it out.
I have this beyond nasty scalp condition like dry flakyscalp but worse it builds on layers. Nothing works 🙁 . I tried box braids twice. Helped a whole.lot. but since i, half natural i blowdry it natural anx flatiron natural with heat protection. Im 14 & my front hairs are starting to lose its natural state. I chopped/trimmed my hair in the summer. I want curly spanish hair like my mom nd sis. I got stuck withthe nasty nappy dry brittleshort uglly hair. I wwnna cut it all off then get senegalese twist.
Hi Lisa! I have reading your creatawebsite posts a few years ago and did nothing with it. Today I finally went to websitepalace.com and registered my .com! I decided to go with your domain company because you are so helpful and generous with your knowledge and experience. I feel secure knowing that if I had ANY problem you would be there for me whether via your sites or your videos or email. I just found this site. I am also a natural! Your like my “friend in my head so to speak!”. I will be watching your videos once again because even though i got have my dot com I dont know how to get started. Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge and I am happy to do business with you.
Thank you for your support, Desiree!
I just want to say you have been a totally blessing to me my little sister as we start our journey by doing the transitioning without the BC u have inspired us so much I was wondering if me and my sister was on the right track at this moment my sister has plenty of new growth so she washed her hair with shampoo and then did a deep condition with the condiotioner and while her hair was still damp we did the twist out on her hair and covered it with a satin bonnet and in the morning I was going to spray it with some water before taking it down and styling it if I’m on the right track please let me know and if I’m not please tell me what I should be doing at this stage its only been 2mths since her last relaxer so she’s in her early stage
Hello Lisa,
I just want to start off by saying thank you for this website.
I am currently thinking about going natural, and too know you did it without a big chop, gives me hope. I am a little lost I’m unsure how too start my transition. I’ve never had a perm I just blow dry and flat iron, I already use the curls products because after I had my son my hair just started breaking off. Now its healthy, I get cuts every month and i make sure its moisturized. I want to try natural but i just don’t know how to start, can you give me tips.
Hi Lisa!
I just wanted to let you know that I LOVE your site and all of the valuable information. I found your site by typing “maintaining rod set” in Google Search. Your site was the first one listed. I’m natural (have been for years), but recently asked my hair stylist for a rod set (need something different). Usually, I would just get a wash, deep conditioner, dry and flat iron each visit. Now, I’m struggling with the maintenance of the rods. But, with your videos, articles and plethora of information, I’m not worried anymore! I will save a lot of money as well. I’m thinking about doing my own rod set from now on. Oh yeah, I purchased your Niche Website Success e-book! I love supporting black owned businesses.
Congrats on your success and take care!
KJ 🙂
Thanks so much for your support, KJ! Enjoy the journey. And yes you will save a ton of money doing your own hair.
Hi Lisa.
So I’ve been natural for 9 months now and I use a lot of jells I want to find one product that i can stick with and refrain from all of the jells I guess I want my hair to look shiny and feel soft what do you recomend. And also I’m thinking about adding a texturizer just to get ride of the dry and dullness what do tou think?
Hi Tashema
Not a fan of texturizers. They made my hair worse. I did it myself so that was part of the problem, but just understand that will permanently alter your texture and make most of the tips and information here invalid since you will use a chemical.
Not everyone’s hair will be shiny and soft because of your natural texture, but you can do things like rinsing with cold water to seal the cuticle (promote more sheen), use aloe vera gel when setting your hair, hot oil treatments (for softening, etc.) However, I don’t know of any product that will change the texture in the way that I believe you’re asking. If I want curls, I use gels or something like kinky curly. But it never lasts because my hair is naturally more cottony/frizzy.
Hi , Lisa
First let me say Thank You, your YouTube channel is my guide through my natural hair journey. I am about a year in. I did not do the “big chop”. I used wigs and weaves until I was confident enough to let my natural hair show. Through Vlogs like yours and others I gained a confidence that I didn’t have before. I was so happy to see that there was so many others like me who were trying to muddle their way through this process. btw do you have any reccomedations on taming frizz. My hair is a 4b/c? I like the fullness but the frizz is killing me (lol) any suggestions?
Hi Wanda
I recently wrote a page on frizz here https://napturallycurly.com/make-hairstyles-last-longer-no-frizz/
Dear Lisa,
I’m having trouble with my hair and have a delemma,
so I have not relaxed my hair sense I was a child I’m 27 now
I have dyed and bleached my hair. Now Im trying to transition back
To my natrual hair state I have had heat damage fir years and now
The middle top of my hair is course and shorter then the rest
Of my hair and I don’t know what to do.. do you have any tips
For me I been constently looking for answers online and youtube
And have not found help?
Hi Tiffany,
To be honest, I would find a natural hair stylist. Since your hair is so much shorter in the middle, finding styles will be more challenging. So having someone help you manage and possibly even up your hair first will make the transition much easier. Then once it’s evened up, they can guide you on what styles are best for your hair’s conditioned. Sounds like you may need to get rid of the damaged hair first.
I’ve seen people try to nurture already-damaged hair during their transition and it just ends up breaking so it’s better to get a professional consultation and get your hair evened up before trying to transition. I wish you all the best!
Hi Lisa,
Do you ever give yourself a trim? I’ve heard so many things about it. Some say it’s good to have your hair trimmed and others say it’s not. What’s your take on it? Thanks.
Hey Scarlet,
I sure do! I’m not the most precise since I don’t wear my hair in styles where my ends have to be uniform, but if I want to be more accurate, I’ll twist my hair and trim the same amount off each twist. That’s what a lot of naturals/transitioners do.
Love the website! I’ve been researching natural hair/transitioning for a few weeks now. About two months ago, I attempted the process by denying touch-ups, and then after my new growth began, I just didn’t know what to do! Eventually, I ended up begging my hairdresser for a touch-up. This time I’m committed! Your step-by-step transitioning tips and videos are exceptionally helpful! Thanks for taking the time to help others. I will also research your online business. Lost my f/t in 2008. I’m trying to get over my fears and apprehensions of using the Internet and social sites. I’ll put it to practice and learn. Thanks!
Thank you for sharing your journey. I officially decided to take the journey to natural hair on Wednesday after taking out micro braids that I’d had for 2 months. I have been relaxer free since August. I have short hair (long enough for box/micro braids) and I find it somewhat hard to find a style that works for me without using heat. I’m still learning but your blog has by far been the best!
I’m so glad I came across your website. Please I need your help. I haven’t relax my hair since January 2012. I am having a hard time styling my natural hair. I chopped my relaxed ends about a month ago. I don ‘t know what products to use and I don’t know how to style my natural hair. Do you know of any natural hair salons in Orlando, Florida?
Hi Philidia
You can read my list that has the products I use (below) but you really have to experiment and find what your hair likes because it’s different for everyone. I learned how to style my hair by watching YouTube. I wasn’t good at styling my hair either but you can definitely learn.
Try going online and searching for recommended natural hair salons in Orlando. There are probably reviews you can use to help make your decision.
Hi Liz,
I’m a computer programmer. Knowing that you are into the internet business is impressive but what’s more impressive is your passion for imparting others with what you know. I would share your links with as many people as I know. Please keep up the good work. You are really good!!!
Thank you!
Hi!!! I am trying to join the Napturally Curly forum.. When it ask how I was referred, I put in web and also tried internet and it will not let me register. Please advise.
Thank you so much!!
You don’t have to enter anything for the referrer. It’s for the “username” if you happen to know the username. Try that and let me know. 🙂
Thanks for creating this website! This is my second time trying to transition and with all of the information I am finding here, it has made it SO easy this time around (6 months in, considering the 4 I managed to suffer through the first time). Thanks also for recommending Aussie Moist! I have been trying to find something that will give my hair the extra moisture it needs as well as make it feel soft and more manageable, and this has definitely done the trick! Now, if I can figure out how to wear my hair other than pulling it into a ponytail that would be great! Again thanks for your help & keep it coming! 🙂
Hi Lisa, I am a single mother of two and expecting a baby boy Nov.7th. I have not had a relaxer since I got pregnant in Feb. I would like to stay natural but its hard to find someone to trust to take care of my hair. I do not know how to do hair at all. I want to do some of the natural styles you have on your website. Can you suggest someone for me? I stay in Morrow GA. I just moved to Atlanta in Feb. Are you here in Atlanta? I went to the Dominicans and got it blowed out but that only lasts a week or two. Please help me. I want a nice stlye before I have the baby, to last a month at least. By the way, I love your website!! It is very helpful! I would like to do an online business as well, especially with a newborn coming. Thanks
Hi Melinda
I am in Texas so I’m not familiar with places in Atlanta but you are in a GREAT place for natural hair salons. There’s a lady on YouTube called TheSistahChick and she’s in Atlanta. Her videos have a lot of recommendations.
Ok, thanks very much!!
Hey Lisa,
I only get a relaxer once a year but I want to go natural without cutting my hair. I get my hair straight every two weeks. What is the best way for me to go all the way natural and stop using so much heat to my hair
Oh, and I am also a failed online business owner so i will definitely be checking out those resources you’ve posted. Maybe I can get a better start this time lol