Finally, a style that doesn’t take me a couple of hours or more! πΒ Here’s a way to get your hair into a ponytail if it’s not quite long enough to reach.

Finally, a style that doesn’t take me a couple of hours or more! πΒ Here’s a way to get your hair into a ponytail if it’s not quite long enough to reach.
Hi Lisa
After 30 years of relaxing my hair I have decided to go natural. my last relaxer was three months ago, woud love to hear tips and advise on styles and hair products especially the early days of transitioning. I have spent a lot of money so far buying hair products because my hair is early stage not quite sure which ones that I should use apart from watching some tuturials. most of my hair journey has been at the hairdressers, truth beknown I am not very good styling or even plating etc. I don’t want the big chop my hair is shoulder length at the moment and don’t want it any shorter or to break it manageable and healthy, any ideas.
i want to go natural and at the moment i am , i got a texturizer will i still have the same new growth ?? at the moment i have new growth , idk what to do i cant even put my hair in a ponytail . for school i have a lose ponytail cuh the new growth and a little hair sticking out ! what to do .. im all over the place
I am a recent transition-er. I started last year having my last relaxer in September, and I freaked out when washing it proved to be a nightmare. BUT I am at it again, with new-found dedication, especially since I was so disappointed than I gave in over hard to comb hair after washing! π
I THANK YOU for this site! It’s been very hard for me to find things to do with my hair as it transitions. I’m not one to get my hair done, even when I was getting it relaxed. Your videos are easy to understand, and the images seem to be exactly the look I want for myself but didn’t know how to get.
Just want to thank you again for your time and dedication to our hair! I am excite about this journey, and am even more excited now that I have ideas of what to do with it!
I have absolutely no clue what i’m doing to my hair but I know I want to go natural. I have been relaxer free for about a month lol. My hair is so straight and soft and I don’t have that much new growth lol and I don’t like that. I have been deep conditioning every week and I tried to do a hot oil treatment. I don’t think I can afford to go natural right now but I would really like to. I also made my own oil treatment (Not knowing what I was doing) I used regular olive oil from the kitchen and i crushed some vitamin E vitamins and put them in the oil. Should I have done that?? I really need your advice pleaaaaseee and thankyou.
Hi Emone
What makes you think you can’t afford it? I think that’s a big misconception. I wrote an article about how to save on products here by the way
Right now I would work on practicing styles like straw and rod sets. They last long and they really help blend your two textures. I wore rod sets almost my entire 18 month transition because they lasted so long. Watch this.
Hey Lisa,
Thank you for your blog, it has been very helpful to me when I was researching tips on how to go natural. I especially like it because it does not emphasize the weaves and braid extensions as main ways to go natural. I was just wondering if you think it is possible to transition without using extensions at all?
Thank you
I have just began my natural journey and my hair comes out in long strands anytime I wash or comb it. I was just wondering what products can I use to stop the breakage and is it breakage or something else. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks a bunch
Consider trying the Carol’s Daughter Transitioning Kit
Hi Lisa I started relaxing my hair from last year summer but i’ve decided to go back to natural. I have a major problem with my sides as they look like they are receding badly (i blame my family for all the tight vraids they made me do as a kid) Any advice on how to grow them back cause im only 18 and so im far too young to have a bad hairline
Thanks π
Hi Enyonam,
Have you ever tried rubbing castor oil in your hair nightly? That may help. Scalp massages for at least 15-30 minutes per day can help too (you can break it up into smaller minutes throughout the day). Just make sure you let your hair rest from those braids (or get them done looser) so you don’t do permanent damage to your edges.
Hi Lisa,
Thank you so much for your videos and updates, very helpful. I am 10 weeks relaxer free, my hair is long in the back well past my shoulders and the front is shoulder length. My question is will the mini twist style work on my hair, I do plan to do roller/rod sets, right now I have just been going to the beauty school getting it washed, blow dried and flat ironed but I do want to get away from putting heat on my new growth. I have very very dry scalp always had as soon as I wash my hair a day later it is packed with dandruff (any suggestions)? Also I have been using WEN and it’s okay still have a lot of shedding thinking about switching to Carol’s Daughter the transition kit… What do you know or think about those products. Again thank you so much for sharing your journey, I wasn’t sure I was going to go through with this but you make me believe I can π
Hey Michelle,
The mini twists will work if you rod the ends. You still have a lot of relaxer left so your ends wouldn’t stay together without something on the ends or rodding them. Never used Wen — heard mixed reviews. Are you sure it’s shedding and not breakage? Breakage is normal because of the demarcation line where your natural hair and relaxer meet but you shouldn’t have much more shedding than usual. People seem to really love the Carol’s Daughter kit.
I hadn’t had a perm for bout 4 months. What does stripping your hair mean when u r transtioning.
It means when you strip the moisture out of your hair. You can do this no matter if you’re relaxed, transitioning or natural. Shampoos with sulfates or over-shampooing your hair can strip the moisture and make it feel dry.
First off I am newly.. 5 months,, lol and going strong. Its been hard but love your advice. I also have some perm left in my hair, about an inch or so.. but I recently found your site and have gotten great tips !!! I love the two twist on you, very beautiful.. I am going natural without the BIG CHOP,,.. when do you think is a good time to chop off my permed hair without my hair being too short???
It depends on how long you want your hair to be when you chop. Just remember that 5 months means you have roughly 2 1/2 inches of natural hair. And natural hair shinks up at least 50% or more unless you have a looser pattern. So 2.5 inches of natural hair is really 1.25 inches after it’s shrunk.
So if you really want to have some length (say past your ears) you’d probably have to transition for over a year due to how much natural hair shrinks. Again, everyone is different but I know people are often shocked at how much their hair curls up after they chop.
So for example, 8 months may seem like a long time to go without a relaxer and you feel like you have sooooooo much new growth, but when it comes to big chopping, you’ll probably have an afro that is about 2-3 inches long (after shrinkage).
Awww, thanks so much for stopping by and the kind words. I wish you all the best on your transition.
Hello Lisa, I feel like I’ve met you since I watch or read your website daily. I’ve just begun my journey, only 5 weeks in. Your website is truly a blessing. It is full of education and helpful tips. I think I’ve read every link you have. π My sister and I are going natural together. I am extremely confident that our journey will be successful because of the excellent information from your website. Thank you so much π