Do you need inspiration for transitioning or natural hairstyles?
Of course you do. We all do from time to time!
Here’s Help!
So if you haven’t heard of Pinterest yet, you will in the next couple of months.
It’s one of the fastest growing social networking sites out there and I believe there is so much untapped potential for the natural hair community.
When I first heard of it I thought “Oh boy… not another social networking site.”
As an online marketer, I spend enough time managing my website Facebook and Twitter accounts, so I sure don’t need anything else to keep up with.
Nevertheless, I created a Pinterest account a few days ago, and was pleasantly surprised at how useful it can be — especially for finding new hairstyles and sharing them with others.
I’m only following a few people and I’m already itchin’ to try some new styles.
How It Works
Pinterest lets you organize, share and comment on pictures that you find around the Web. Simply install their app and you’re ready to go!
Any time you stumble upon a picture you like online, simply hit “Pin it” on your browser (or phone app) and the picture is instantly shared. Organize your pictures into different “boards” — that way people can select which of your boards they want to follow.
For example, I created a board called “Fly Natural Hairstyles.” Now, anyone can follow that board and be notified when I “Pin” a new photo. They can also “Like”, Re-pin the photo to their board or comment on it.
So as you can see, Pinterest adopted elements of both Twitter and Facebook.

How to Join
Pinterest used to be invite-only but now you can sign up instantly. Click here to join.
I love your webiste! I have been natural for 7 years, but have been feeling like I’ve been stuck in s styling rut. Thanks for the encouragement! Can you please send me an invite to Pinterest.
Hi Lisa,
I went online early this morning looking for ways of perking up my texturised hair which has gone flat…and hours later wound up here. I think I will probably make the move to natural hair – your website is going to be so helpful to achieving that. I am going to spend the next three months researching it so that by the time my next texturiser is due, I will just start transitioning. I would love an invite to Pinterest because the key for me will be to 1) find hairstyles that I can wear in a corporate environment. My other challenge will to maintain deeply moisturised hair, ie finding the right products. Thank you for all the effort you have put in, you have inspired so many people.
Hi, LOVE this website. Could I please have a Pintrest invite?
I would like an invite to link site
I love that whe went into all the steps for natural hair and hairstyles
we need the hairstyle ideas for natural hair
Hi Ms. Lisa,
I wanted to know how do you cut your ends? I know it seems like a very silly question and that the process is self-explanatory, but i am struggling with cutting my ends and having sections of my transitioning hair equal to each other. I’ve looked on Youtube and I am confused because there are TOO MANY DIFFERENT METHODS :(. I am in my fourth month of transitioning, about to enter my fifth and already my back hair is all-natural because in previous months i cut more of the relaxed hair off than in the front, and my sides are shorter than my middle and front sections (lol when i comb my hair our it looks like an awkward afro). Please help me before i start cutting off my natural hair.
I prefer being called olives 😀
Hi olivia
I went thru the same thing. In fact, my hair is still longer in the back but it’s fine because it’s just in layers. But now I put my hair in medium sized twists (I may have about 25 or so on my head) and I trim that way. But my back is still longer. I just don’t want to cut it. 🙂
Please send me a pinterest invitation.
I am a newbie on becoming a naturalist. I’m 5 months without a perm i have cut my ends where the perm still exist. My question is what can i use on my hair after i wash and condition so my hair want be so tight . I have thick hair and i have dry hair. Please help.
Have you tried twisting your hair when it’s wet with a leave in conditioner and twisting creme? This will stretch your hair out when it dries and keep it from being so dry and tight. Since you still have a relaxer on the ends, you can rod the ends of your hair. See this style
Hey , love your hair advise . Please send me an invation on pinterest . Thanks
Hi I am very interested in joining this site. Please send me an invitation. I have been completely natural for a year now after BCing on June 30.2011. I am looking for new styles to try. Thanks!!!!
Hi Lisa, New to your site and I want to thank you so much. I am 8 months transitioning actually I have no pern left in my hair. I transitioned with braids and vowed to where them for a year. I took them out the other day and I like my hair and decided to start wearing my natural me. I having problemd with styling my hair. I would really love to have the invite to Pinterest. Thank you
I just found you on you tube tonight. You did a great protective style that I can’t wait to try. I would love an invitation to pinterest.
Hi Lisa!
I like your site quite a bit. I also love your creativity. I am in the transition stage and I am looking not only for ways to keep my hair healthy but also for cute and creative hairstyles :-). Looking forward to the things you’ll post.
I love the what you have posted on pinterest too. Please send me an invite.
Thanks in advance!
Hi Lisa. Let me start by saying I love love love you site. Ive actually came here when I first started looking for styles to try on myself. Could you send me an invite to find more styles.
Invite please
Im interested in your pinterest profile