has come a long way in two years.
I never dreamed a personal site that documented my natural hair journey would spawn such productive and interesting discussions.
Thanks to people like you who come and chat, the site is evolving and I decided to take it one step further and launch a forum.
Because it’s getting difficult for me to answer all of the questions that are posed on the site, I figured a forum would take a bit of pressure off me and also give you the opportunity to connect with even more like-minded people who are on the same journey.
Now you can get those burning hair questions answered, let off some steam, engage in product chatter, or obtain styling advice from your peers.
There’s even a Lounge where you can let your hair down (so to speak) and discuss anything NOT related to hair.
After all, we are more than our hair. 😉
Whether you’re transitioning or already natural, stop by and join a community of friendly people who all share the same goal — obtaining and maintaining healthy, natural hair. The forum is absolutely free and all you have to do is register here.
Check out some of the recent discussions…
My Mom Hates Natural Hair
Natural Oils for Transitioning Hair
Dying/Coloring Natural Hair
Natural Hair is Unprofessional
That’s just a small taste of what you’ll experience. You’ll have to explore the forums to see what else we’re talking about.
Just go to
… And tell a friend too! 😉
Thanks again for all your support and I look forward to meeting you there!
ok so i am writing this to respond to all of the beautiful black women that feel their hair is just too nappy to go natural,and have told me this as if to say women with natural hair are walking around just looking too crazy?!!! they ask me if I am natural, then they say they are afraid, what does that insinuate?
has this happened too you since you have joined in on using the natural approach to care for their hair? if so you may know the feeling I have when this happens!
so hold on…because I have something to say
after what we have been through as blacks, of course we are afraid of being to blasted nappy!!!! from africa, to our new countries, like america that is all we had to hear about even on the slave ships, ifrom the white man that our hair is ugly and unruly and this and that, in africa i dont think we even knew otherwise, but the slave masters actually made us cover our heads to prevent having to look at our natural hair because they thought it was so ugly???? so what can we do,
we feel bad – yes!!!
and in all honesty we all know mixed hair is beautiful, nappy hair is too, but before slavery back then mixed race people were rare, and being brown was not well known, well that all changed and blew up with slavery up, mixed people got all of the power, privilege and preference etc! we have been conditioned and abused, blacks actually still need psychological help! now we are talking like we do not have the option of loving our natural hair and this is crazy
on the other hand many who are natural feel the girls with relaxed hair should just up and big chop and love a short tough dry naturals, i think not!!! we have many steps to go to get there. and i agree it is a big huge pill to swallow or choke on!!! cutting off our hair is like cutting off our arm or leg very difficult to adjust too, we deserve time and space and understanding from the community when doing this!
because it is not easy!!!
well first of all, natural hair needs to be maintained, it need specific products and styles, to look good, but dont get me wrong i love it, I especially got to see natural hair in its glory in Jamaica, w.i. where many women wear natural hair and it is not a big deal, they just do. there it is not about the big chop or anything contrived or fashionable, some are just to poor to afford chemical processing and all of that, some are so country and naive that they dont even know much about chemicals, others just love themselves and dont have so many whites around with silky hair to develop a complex about being nappy or natural, many just were raised that way because of religion and their parents forbid them to relax or alter their natural selves! imagine that, it is very different there, being there and seeing this gave me so much strength! I felt like a crazy person at first, i saw grown women with natural hair and was shocked, that is just not how it is in america,, at that time all grown women i knew were straining to be straight as possible, some way or another – being natural and nappy was not an option at all!
africa unfortunately is very different, weave is selling out there now like hot cakes!!! the black women there are embracing false hair and feel sweet! who can blame them, they see colored women around the world running from their nappiness and afrocentricity, so they must feel ashamed to be sitting in the place of origin with nappy hair! and there should be no restriction for them, if they want to use weave that should be no problem like white women want to bleach out their hair always to be blond – no problem!
americans are always looked up too, we are world leaders, so now i see this world wide trend to go natural!!! the relaxer companies must be in panic, i see natural hair topics, products, blogs, etc all over the internet! good, look out here we come nappy,kinky curly and lovin it.
however, the next thing we need to address is if we love our color or not! you know that is a touchy issue! so i wont go there now, but……ahhhemmmm anyway
as i said, just being natural is the start of something big, it is not just our personal anxiety that we fear dealing with about out naps, but others, our man, our family, our children for gods sake, asking what is up with your hair??????? and looking embarrassed and confused for our transition looks which could resemble one hot mess!!!!!! no lie!!!!! and we are standing there talking about “its okay i am natural,” and they are not feeling it like we are, believe me!
in fact our families actually take pride in the beauty of our hair length, textures and styles! Men feel powerful with a girlfriend with long hair that is real, they will say “hey man look at my woman and that is her real hair not a weave” black children brag and say “that is my mom she has indian hair, or long hair” etc!!!,and I have actually talked with some black girls who know other black women who did the big chop and went from having beautiful relaxed long down their back hair to having short tough naturals , and they were stressed angry and distressed about this!! saying “they cant believe ____ so and so cut off their hair – it used to be so pretty and now i saw her at a party and she looked crazy etc” some people had such pretty relaxed hair that they were our hair envy, and hair inspirations! and now they are nappy post big chop! like i said we need professional help!!!! to even allow each other to make choices like these, we dont know how the other person is feeling, they may have long hair, but they may really want to have their natural texture, it is really okay!
anyway in time i think this to shall pass, our own natural hair novelty will wear off and we will be glad to get straight some how, i know a lot of women who are going back to the press & curl! but I really think hair product companies will come up with better products and processes for taming our hair types. and this is good, this is evolution, this is progress, if we stand up and demand a better process then the old time konkalines, the super lye relaxer extra-strength that burns straight thru skin, we may get somewhere, but
we will see..?
bye for now!!!
i have to go moisturize my natural afro! 🙂
love and blessings to all with every hair type