It’s week 10 of my transition to natural hair, and my hair is about 7 inches long. I have about 1 1/2″ of natural hair, 4″ of texturized/semi-natural hair and 2 inches of relaxed hair on my ends.
I’d really like to do my BC (big chop) but wanted to see how much I would have to chop before doing so.
So I tried an application of the Kinky Curly Curling Custard (bought at Whole Foods) to see how well it would define my semi-processed hair and natural hair at my roots.
The purpose of this product is to moisturize and define your natural curls. It also stretches the curl pattern out a bit so you don’t have as much shrinkage. Many naturals use this product for wash and go styles.
Even though I know it’s really best to use this on 100% natural hair, I felt I had enough textured hair to try it.
It’s important to note that I washed with Kinky Curly’s Come Clean Shampoo and conditioned with their Knot Today product. You must use this product on clean hair!
See the picture to the left and below of my results after my hair dried. You can really see where my natural hair ends and texturized hair starts in the picture below.
The product did a good job of defining my curls and texturized waves! I think once my texturized hair is cut off, my hair will get even more curly/defined and less wavy (so I won’t have that jheri-curl look LOL) I can’t wait until my hair is 100% natural so I can get the full effect.
The back of my hair is almost 100% natural because the texlaxing method I tried for 8 months didn’t take well on this hair and the relaxed ends have been cut off. It is still processed a bit but not as much as the top and sides of my hair.
The product made my hair a little crunchy so I used a bit of olive oil to soften it up. But I think this is definitely a product I will be able to work with.
I am so excited about the potential of wash and go hair!
Hello i was wonder will this product make straight hair curly. Because i haven’t had a perm for about maybe 3 or 4 years and i just wanted to know will this product make my hair a natural curl?
No, it doesn’t make your straight hair curly. It would just weight it down and make it wet and straight.
Justina says,
Hi! I’m trying to decide whether or not I want to go natural! I have net had a perm in two months. The reason why is because I work in a environment wher I have to go outside at times and sweat! I don’t want to loose money on a perm ever again and the next day, I have to go and sweat. And plus I suffer with dandruff very bad and also the perm irritates my scalp and also itchy. I want to know if I decides to go natural, where to start with my hair? I do not want to do a BC because the size of my head! Short hair do not look good on my head! Lol! So can you PLEASE help me out!!!!
Hi! Well I have naturally straight hair and I wanted Togo from straight to curly like yours. Is it possible for me to use this product to get the curl hair like yours
No unfortunately it will just make your hair limp. It does not make straight hair curly, it will only loosen very tightly curled hair. Sorry Olivia. 🙂
Can you do a review of the CurLuxe naturals line?
I’ve heard and seen a lot of good reviews on youtube, but I wanted to see results on someone with my hair type. Thanks
Like the person up front I had been using pressing combs since birth but my father’s sisters, put a perm into my head. My mother repeated the steps and now its been some years later after cutting my hair off I believe in 2009 or 10 to a really, short pixie crop. It grew back and I didn’t started getting perms again until it grew longer but this time, it was only root treatments. I do style heat a lot and recently went back to pressing combs. Sometimes I used my flat iron. But still my hair is so long in the back and medium long in the front. and Always sheds no matter what I am doing. It stays straight pencil point, last night I just wash my hair with Valsoon and let it air dry.
I used a shower wide tooth comb not sure how many times do I comb and brush my hair, since I try to get the naps and knots out. I lost about a lot of percentage of my hair when going back to pressing combs, because I stopped getting perms this year at the beginning of March. It’s now over some months. However, I am wondering what products can I used to not give me that big chop look?
It took a long time to grow out this hair and I see my natural and relaxer hair, just wondering what to use and will putting kinky curl on my hair, the way it is now work? You can email me with an response when you can. Thank you
Hi Lisa,
I have been back and forth between relaxed and natural and I’ve finally decided to stay natural. I however, made the big chop lol. My hair has been growing out for about a month now and I’ve been trying different products for natural hair but none has really done a good job defining my curls. I was wondering if the Kinky Curly products were sold in stores or if I had to order it? Thanks! 🙂
Hi Simone
Yep you can get them at certain Targets now. You can also get them at Whole Foods.
Hi Lisa
Thanks for taking the time to share and put this info out for us curly girls. 🙂 I was so happy to see that most of the products listed I already use. I have learned a few new tricks though thanks! I need to find an alternating leave-in conditioner, and shampoo besides the Kinky Kurly. When I did my BC over a yr and half ago Kinky Kurly Custard got me through that trying, insecure period!!!!!!!!!!! I’m excited to try the Aloe Vera Gel. I have been using Eco Styler. Happy curls to you 🙂
Hi Lisa,
I am two weeks into wearing my natural hair and have not been having the best of luck. I haven’t had a chemcial treatment in 3 yrs., but recently came out of wearing a hair weave. I went to a natural hair salon today and when I left several people asked me either when was I going to the beauty salon or I thought that you went to get your hair done today.
So my question to you is how do I start the natural hair journey? I have tried to two strand twist my hair and it looked good on the first day or two but slowly grew to an afro as time went on. The weave grew my hair out but the tension from the braids thinned it out and my hair is soft and kinky. I have been trying some products but so far I haven’t had any success. Do you have any suggestions for me? After reading your blog and seeing your transition pictures I love the versatility that you have with wearing your hair naturally.
Hi Marcie
Have you tried to do a rod set? Since your hair is soft and thin, this may help give you the illusion of thicker hair. And you can jazz it up with a headband, clips, etc.
Thanks so much! I’ve also being looking at other peoples videos on YouTube and some of them have expressed that they were still gonna do the BC once their relaxed ends have grown. But I’m like what’s the point of even transitioning if you’re still gonna cut it off. Was just curious about the whole thing. I really want to cut my hair but not to the point if having none left. Also I was wondering if using the hair products for curly hair still will work on my more straight ends. Like I mentioned before one side of my hair is natural and on
the other straight. So I’m just lost on what I should do. Cut my hair to ear length(being I don’t want to go too short) or just keep using
transitioning styles like you have posted on YouTube. Oh yeah I forgot to mention there’s a hair line called Shea moisture, have you tried that yet? Can be bought at target and walgreens. It’s for natural hair.
Well I understand why people do it. As your hair continues to grow, your relaxed ends become more weak and begin to break off. So some people transition long enough to get some length with their natural hair, and then cut the ends because they are tired of the thinning and breakage. Plus it gets hard managing two textures of hair.
Curly products do not work on relaxed hair. That’s why I became such good friends with my perm rods. LOL Nothing is going to make those relaxed ends curl other than a curling iron or a rod/roller.
My relaxed hair was well passed my shoulders, but I cut it to bob length (a little below my ears) to make the transition easier. I don’t think I could have transitioned this long with that much relaxer on my hair. It would have been too difficult. So I would trim as much as you’re comfortable with.
I really like Shea Moisture. I haven’t tried too many of their products but I do use their Conditioning Curl and Style milk.
Thank you So much for taking the time out to answer these questions for me because I was totally lost on what I should do. Nobody that I know has natural hair, so I’m having to do my hair totally different from what I’ve been doing my whole life! So pretty much without your advice and others I don’t know what I would do lol. I wish I would have known about these things when I decided not to put a perm on my hair 2 years ago because of the grade of hair that I have. Relaxers where a waist of money! This is a new experience for me and im starting to really find out who I really am. So for me it will totally become an emotional journey. I really really thank you! You’ve been a inspiration to me and I’m sure plenty others! Oh yeah and I love your opening on your channel lol!
I am trying to transition from straightening my hair everyday to just wearing my hair natural. I haven’t had a perm in about 2 years now and I’m trying to figure out what things will work on hair. The problem I’m having is that my hair is still straight on some sides im guessing from straightening my hair for so long. I guess it really not transitioning from premed to natural but more of getting my hair to it’s natural state without cutting it really really short. I’ve cut it before to about my ears in 2009 and haven’t put a relaxer in since like June of 2009. So I’m just wondering if you have any suggestions of what I should do and which products to get. Recently I tried one if your flat twists and 2 strand twists on the side and the double strands ended up being just straight. I really need your help. Thanks in advance.
Buy some of those small perm rods and roll the ends of your hair with aloe vera gel. That will give your ends a nice set/curl so they won’t be so straight next time. Those rods will be your best friend while dealing with straighter ends.