Are you transitioning? See what products I used here.
Because I get so many questions about what products I use on my hair, I thought I’d create a more up-to-date page for you to reference.
I use many of the same products I used while transitioning, but there are a few changes.
Keep in mind that what works for ME may not work as well for you, as we all have different textures.
1) Kinky Curly Come Clean (Purchase @ Whole Foods or Target)
This is my favorite shampoo right now and I use it almost every time I wash my hair.
It’s a very good clarifying shampoo, but does not strip my hair of its moisture like some brands can. The key is to use a dime-size amount. When I first started using it, my hair felt stripped because I was using too much.
Even though the bottle is only 8 oz. I can usually get at least 10 shampoos out of it.
2) Giovanni (Purchase at Walmart, Amazon, etc.)
This was my go-to brand while transitioning. The Tea Tree Triple Treat is my favorite because the tea tree oil gives my scalp a nice fresh tingle. It’s great if you have dry scalp and/or suffer from dandruff/itchiness.
I actually use all their shampoos except the ones that say “thickening” or “volumizing.” Those are typically not for kinky hair. Our hair comes with its own volume and thickness.
Rinse-Out Conditioners
1) Suave Naturals Ocean Breeze (Purchase at most drugstores.)
I use this with olive oil for my pre-poo (the process of moisturizing your hair to prevent stripping before shampooing). It’s very inexpensive and goes a long way.
2) Herbal Essence Hello Hydration and Totally Twisted (Sold at most drugstores.)
I use this line of conditioners for my pre-poo routine (coat and strengthen your hair with oil and conditioner before shampooing). I always keep a handful of inexpensive moisturizing conditioners for pre-pooing and this is another one.
3) Giovanni Conditioners
I mostly use this when I’m finger detangling my hair in the shower while it’s wet after shampooing. The Tea Tree is probably my favorite (like the shampoo) because my scalp loves tea tree oil.
4) Aussie Moist (Sold at most drugstores or Amazon)
This is my newest favorite and I LOVE using this for co-washing (washing with conditioner only). It really makes my curls pop….
Puff after co-washing with Aussie Moist.
Here’s a video showing my twist out after using this product…
Leave-In Conditioners
1) Oyin Handmade Honey Hemp (Purchase Online)
I’ve been using this since my transition. I love it because it has honey in it, and honey is a great humectant — which means it attracts and locks in moisture.
I don’t like using this product full strength because it tends to leave a residue on my hair when it dries. I usually dilute it by adding a teaspoon or two to about 6 oz of water in a spray bottle.
This is a pretty decent detangler, but because I don’t like to use this product full strength I rarely use it for that.
Be careful with using products containing honey in the winter months. In the summertime honey draws moisture from the air and into your hair. In the winter, it can have the opposite effect and dry your hair out.
2) Kinky Curly Knot Today (Purchase at Whole Foods or Target)
Knot Today can be used as a leave-in or a rinse out conditioner. I typically use it as a leave-in because it’s fabulous for detangling natural and transitioning hair. The smell is also very marshmellowy, but not in an annoying way. I really like this stuff!
3) The Great Detangler (Purchase at Target or any Beauty Supply)
This is probably one of the best detanglers I’ve found thus far. It’s really good for people who have thick hair.
Now that I detangle with my fingers in the shower with a conditioner, I rarely need a thick detangler like this anymore, but it’s a nice product to have on hand.
Twisting Creams and Gels
1) Homemade Flaxseed Gel (Watch me make the gel here.)
I spend a LOT less on twisting products now because I discovered this cost-friendly, homemade recipe. It’s super simple to make and it takes all of 10 minutes.
This gel will give your hair shine and great hold. It also makes for a great twist out.
2) Taliah Waajid Lock it Up (Tight Hold) (Purchase at most local beauty supply stores.)
This is another good twisting cream for long-lasting twist outs. It may leave residue if you use too much. I like to dilute mine with water and another moisturizer. Mix the ingredients together in a bowl with a spatula for a whipped consistency.
3) Miss Jessie’s Curly Buttercreme (Purchase at Target or Amazon)
Before I discovered Taliah Waajid, this was my original favorite for twists. Even though the product is not all natural, it leaves my hair feeling very soft.
This is not a good product if you want to keep the twists in for longer than a few days because it only has a slight hold. However, if you want luscious, moisturized twists and twist outs, this is the cream for you!
Also, this is NOT a natural product. It has mineral oil and if you are a person who doesn’t like using non-natural products, this will not be the cream for you.
In the beginning of my journey, I tried to avoid non-natural products, but I’ve found that as long as I moisturize my hair underneath, my hair does fine.
I don’t mind mineral oil from time to time. It doesn’t seem to have a negative effect on my hair as long as it’s truly moisturized with a water-based product.
Most people seem to prefer Miss Jessie’s Baby Buttercreme, but I like a bit of hold with my twisting creams.
4) Original Moxie Oasis Moisture Gel (Purchase Online)
I won’t lie. This product is quite expensive so I don’t buy it often. However, it really makes my twists shiny and leaves a nice hold. You can see the flat twist style I created.
The reason it’s priced higher is it uses a lot of high quality natural ingredients, however there are still many less expensive products out here that do a nice job.
5) Organic Root Stimulator Lock and Twist Gel (Beauty Supply and some Target locations)
This product works very similar to Taliah Waajid’s Lock it Up gel on my hair, but is not as expensive.
Once again, I would recommend diluting with water and another moisturizer. Many twisting gels leave a white residue because the ingredients that provide some hold tend to dry and flake after a few days.
6) Fruit of The Earth Aloe Vera Gel
Even though this product is for sunburns it works GREAT on natural and transitioning hair.
I use it for setting my rod sets. It is super, duper moisturizing!!
Below is a style where I two-strand twisted my hair with Aloe Vera Gel while wet. Then I rolled the twists up on perm rods.
You can find this product at Amazon, and even though Amazon usually has GREAT prices, you can probably get this cheaper at Walmart or another drugstore.
7) Oyin’s Burnt Sugar Pomade
This is a wonderful product to use on a dry twist out (meaning you twist your hair after it’s dry for a stretched look.) You can get it on Amazon.
Here’s a pic of my stretched twist out that I achieved by twisting my hair every night in 13-16 large twists using water and the Oyin pomade (more water than Oyin). Then I take them down when I wake up in the morning.
Your hair will continue to stretch each night. You can even stretch the hair more by making a ponytail overnight.
Deep Conditioning
Organics Olive Oil Replenisher (Purchase online)
My deep conditioning list is rather boring because this is the only product I use regularly. I’ve used it since the start of my transition and found no reason to change. It helps keep my hair soft, moisturized and it’s reasonably priced.
I apply an ample amount to my hair after shampooing, cover with a plastic cap with a warm cloth inside (instead of sitting under the dryer).
I have also used Deva Curl Heaven in Hair a few times. This stuff is AMAZING and you can even see your curl pattern pop when you apply it, but because of the price, I don’t buy it often.

Because I don’t use any heat and deep condition my hair regularly, my hair does a pretty good job of retaining moisture.
My favorite right now is the Shea Moisture Leave-In Conditioner.
I believe this is one of the older Shea Moisture products because you can only buy it on and not in stores. After using this for 2-3 days, my hair feels so incredibly moisturized. I hope they never stop selling this. I would go nuts!
Even though it is labeled as a “conditioner”, water is the 2nd ingredient and it has Aloe Vera which are two very good moisturizing products. So this behaves more like a moisturizer on my hair.
To seal in moisture, I use Jane Carter’s Nourish and Shine.
It’s important to note that products that are water-based are moisturizers (water should be the 1st or 2nd ingredient), and oils are sealants that lock in moisture.
Using oil by itself will just sit on your hair and do nothing but give you glistening, dry hair.
In order to have properly moisturized hair, you need a true moisturizer (check the label and look for water) and then use a natural oil to seal it in. This is very important if you live in a city where it gets very cold during winter.
Update: February 2013: I just started using Qhemet Biologics Amla & Olive Heavy Cream. It’s a very thick, rich product that keeps my hair moisturized. Oil is actually the first ingredient but water is 3rd, so it can still be considered a moisturizer.
In fact, this could actually be used as a moisturizer and sealant.
Read more tips on the best ways to moisturize your natural hair.
Dry Scalp
Be careful with twisting gels because they can leave flakes behind and make you think your scalp is flaking.
For months, I thought I had a dandruff problem, but when I did not style my hair with a twisting gel, I didn’t have as much of an issue. So it was the gel that was leaving behind flakes.
However, if you do have dry scalp, try mixing 1-2 drops of tea tree oil in one ounce of jojoba oil and apply it to your scalp as needed. Jojoba oil is very closely related to the natural sebum our scalp secrets and tea tree has antifungal properties that can prevent dandruff.
I also find that doing hot oil treatments regularly will help keep your scalp more moisturized.
Also check out another great dry scalp remedy here.
The Multi-Product Myth
Unless you just like to experiment and try new hair products, you really don’t need to buy a lot to maintain natural or transitioning hair. You just have to find out what works for you and yes, that may mean investing more money in the beginning.
People often ask me what products they should use on their hair and I do not really know. I can tell you what works for me, but it may not work for you and vice versa. So keep that in mind.
Hair Typing
For those who keep track of hair typing, my hair is mostly 4a and 4b. My texture is very cottony/fluffy and dries with no curl pattern unless I apply a defining product.
When it’s wet, I can get very defined waves/curls with a product like Kinky Curly Custard (Whole Foods or Target) or Eco Styler Gel (beauty supply store), but my hair quickly reverts to its cottony texture after a few days.
My hair also holds rod sets and twist outs very well, which is why they are two of my go-to styles.
Be careful of getting caught up in hair typing. I used to think it would be useful to find out other’s hair types so I could buy the same products. The problem is many people classify their hair incorrectly according to the chart/definition.
Plus, there are classifications within the subtypes.
For example, I’m a 4b with some 4a near the nape of my neck, but my strands are fairly fine. Someone else may have the same hair type but have very coarse, thick strands and the same products might work differently on their hair.
That’s why it’s better to just experiment with products until you find what your hair likes.
I personally believe the hair type chart is misleading, and I explain why here.
Save Money on Products
You don’t have to spend a lot to transition or be natural. Check out this article I wrote with some money-saving tips.
Most Popular Natural Hair Products
This page was all about my faves, but here’s a list of some of the top (most popular) products based on global sales.
Hi Lisa!!!! I love your twist and I am ready to begin my protective style journey. While Ive been taking in all the recommended products, I am a bit confused on the steps……like when do I deep condition or when do I pre poop, when should I moisturize…… Will you please include a step by step process on your website for it will be very helpful. I know I might sound ridiculous but I don’t want to pre poop when I should be deep conditioning………Thanks!!!!!!
Peace and Love
Ideally you want to deep condition and pre poo every time you shampoo if you can. Pre poo comes first before you shampoo and then deep condition comes after the shampoo. So it’s pre-poo, shampoo, and deep condition. Then after you’re done apply a leave in conditioning treatment.
I’ve been totally natural now for about 2yrs. I began my transition by cutting off my hai, you would think after 2yrs of being natural I would know how to manage it but I have no idea what to do. I like to wash my hair and let it air dry but I hate the way it look once it drys. My curls are so dry and around the edges of my hair some of it still appears as if its relaxed. I know some of the cause is from the products I use but I have no idea what are the best products for my hair and I also still apply heat to my hair. Can you please give me some suggesstions because I love the way natural hair look I just can’t get use to it on myself. Help me please before I run back to a relaxer
Hi Nikeba
I think the air dry is the biggest problem. That will dry your hair out like nobody’s business! That could be drying your hair out and no wonder you are frustrated. What products do you use? Have you ever tried adding a good moisturizer like Shea Moisture after you shampoo and then twist your hair up using some kind of twisting cream? Let your hair dry in the twists and then take them down.
I used Carols daughter after I did the BC is October 2012. After the product ran out I couldn’t afford to buy more so I just used what I had at home (Suave, Dove, Wen, etc…) I bought more Carol’s Daughter in January of 2013 and it no longer curls my hair. What’s up with that?
Sometimes your hair gets immune to products and you need to give it a break. I’ve had that happen.
Hello Lisa,
I’ve been to all the local hair stores, and supermarkets, and I haven’t seen any natural products. However, out of curiosity, who does your hair? I want to try twist outs, or something. There’s much excitement put into going natural, but not much forth, and effort.
Hi Rayona
I learned to do my own. I was never one to do my own hair when relaxed but I went to YouTube university. LOL I get most of my natural products on
Hi, let me start off by saying ur website is sooo helpful. Keep up the good work!
Secondly for my question….Im having a problem with not knowing exactly what products to use. I know how I want my hair to look and it never does!
I can wash and condition my hair, but once it dries it feels and looks like a brillo pad. I do not know what to use. The curls dry up and it’s to look like hay.
When you twist/set your hair, do you use a moisturizing setting product? Sounds like your hair is not getting enough moisture. What are you using?
Hi lisa, thank you so much this website and all the advice.
A few months ago I did the big chop. I’m really glad that I did it but now I’m struggling to find products that help my hair at all. I live in a small town in romania, and I wanted to know, because we don’t have anything that you recommend, if you could advise me on specific ingredients that we should look out for in shampoos and conditioners. And also if having a weaver on as a protective style once a year for maybe 3.weeks could be damaging. Because I’m in europe for most of the year and while I’m at school I let my hair be and just grow but I’d like to do something different every once in a while.
Thanks for hearing me out.
Hi Lisa!
First I want to say thanks for having a site that speaks English and not all that natural hair jargon! So I’m trying to not become a product junkie but I’m having a hard time finding a process to follow to grow and moisturize my air. I have been natural since April 2012 and started with the “big chop”. If at all possible, can you give me some suggestions for what should be done during a typical natural hair week? I workout 3-4 times a week but I don’t want to dry my hair out with water. I also have a spot that broke in the crown area. Right now I’m using Alikay products, Coconut Oil, AsIAm Coconut Cowash, and EcoStyler gel. Please share your thoughts!!! Your site is great; thanks again!
I just want to say that I have been natural for at least 2 years now and finally have a decent amount of hair to be happy with. I want to first say to your audience, “don’t give up.” Stick with it ladies, it will pay off in the end and since a lot of women are going natural, you will feel more fit in.
I remember everyone in my family always telling me how beautiful, black and curly my hair was when I was younger. Yes, everyone had great hair as a kid, but I saw photos of a huge puff fro and I lol’d. Well, I have that again now. While its not perfect, its better than perming and burning my hair just to be straight. I wash and wear my hair now, and wish I could do more to keep it soft. When I sleep at night, I wake up with a dry box fro and not sure of how to share without using water from the shower. I’m thinking its causing me to dry out fast. I ask for suggestions with both issues here. Can you tell me a good dry to wet moisturizer, and your suggestions to rid myself of the BOX fro?
Love your site and your Afrocentric attitude. :p
EDIT: When I sleep at night, I wake up with a dry box fro and not sure of how to share without using water from the shower.
This should have been, “not sure of how to soften my hair without wetting it with water. “
Make sure you put a satin cap sleep bonnet on at night. There is also a great product called it’s a 10 in salon stores wow! This is a little miracle in a bottle, please read the reviews on it!
Have you tried the baggy method? You add moisturizer to your hair before going to bed and sleep in a plastic cap? The heat from your body and product work to moisturize your hair.
My hair was naturally curly once upon a time. I have recently cut all of the perm out, and started going natural again. I would love for my hair to grow out without damaging again without heat, or chemicals. Right now I am terrified because I don’t know what to use on this wavy/curly madness. Usually I buy what’s cheap, and good for my hair and scalp. That seems not to work. Beauticians, and my mother tell me I need a perm, or something medicated, their wrong. Before I buy what you recommend to use, I’d like to know if those are good products. Help!.. Indefinitely :'((
Hi Rayona
I tried some of those medicated products in the beauty salon and I never had good results. Now, I don’t know specifically what product you mean so it’s hard to say for sure. I’ve found that a lot of those “beauty supply” products are made by mass production using very cheap products that give the product a long shelf life. I think transitioners and naturals should really pay attention to labels and try to buy as many natural products as possible.
Hi, I’m natural. I decided to press my hair out with flat irons so I could get my ends trimmed. The problem is that a small section in the front of my head will not go back to kinky. It’s straight , I have washed it about 15 times , put viniger in it curling shampoo and condition, etc…. how can I turn it back. I even got in the steam room. Help!
It sounds like you have heat damage and unfortunately it sounds like you’ve permanently altered that section of your hair. Only option is to grow it back out and trim the straight ends, really.
I had it looked at by several natural stylist they said it was not heat damaged actually healthy. Maybe nerve spot? I will give it some time thanks!
Hi Lisa,
I have type 4b to 4c hair I was natural for 10 years, but 3 years ago I put a perm in it for my wedding and shortly after I decided to go back natural. Now I’ve been natural for 1 year, and being natural has expanded so much until I’m not sure what’s best for my hair. During the first 10 years not much research was out about natural hair, so I mainly used Grandma’s old recipes for doing hair, but now that we have so many options and different products that can improve the quality of your hair I’m confused. Can you help me narrow down what I need to do to maintain the moisture for my type, products that will assist in growth and healthy hair.
Hi Lena
The more moisture you can add to your hair the better. It will prevent breakage and help you retain more length. Read this article. It will help.
Hi Lisa . I am a older lady that has a problem with my hair. Very thinand bald in spots, so I cut it all off and now natural. I have tried many products for the past two months. I no it’s not good to used so many different products. my hair is dry and thin on the sides , but long every where is. What should I use and how often? I want my hair to feel and look natural. PLEASE HELP
Hi Brenda
Have you heard of Jamaican Black Castor Oil? Castor Oil is very good for thinning hair. You can massage it into the thin spots daily.
Liiiisaaaaaaa!!! =(
OK… lol!
June was my last perm. I stopped perming and decided to go natrual (NO CHOP) because I liked my sister’s hair AND mine was FALLING OUT BAD because of sew ins. And you are right everyones hair is NOT the same. I started using the beautiful textures line of products because my sister was but her hair is already natural and curly and Awesome. So I asked myself, Why am I using this and Im not completely natural yet? Is that dumb?
Its definately NOT helping the permed ends because when I shower and wash my hair.. OH EM GEE! its like theres so much shedding and its the permed ends. O_o they’re super straight and im like this is why I decided to go natural but at the same time I dont want the permed ends anyway. Think its time to trim again?
NOW FOR TEXTURE.. I have to pre poo or something and find a good deep conditioner because I can NOT COMB MY HAIR AT ALL.. LOL ! At the roots its thick thick thick. Now when its wet its beautiful but when its dry COTTON!! In your videos i was like “heeeyy thats me”
Hey Tee!
Have you thought about going to a professional and getting a consultation? Seriously, they may be able to assess your hair and tell you what you need (Protein treatment?, etc.) Actually, using natural hair products may not be bad. You just won’t get the curliness of course, but it’s OK to use products that are for natural hair.
The breakage is normal as long as it’s just breaking off at the relaxed part. Do you deep condition at all? That may help strengthen your hair.
Are you combing your hair when it’s dry? I only comb my hair when it’s very wet and with conditioner. I do styles that don’t require combing like rod sets, puffs, twist outs, etc.
Thanks for the response and I have thought about going to see someone.. But with my schedule there is no time =(
So I was hoping I can create a miracle from home. & yes maam, I deep condition every week I wash but i dont have a dryer to sit under, is that bad?
And I will comb my hair when its dry.. I’m stopping though because when I did it the other morning I wanted to cry.
Im going to try twist out or rods or something when my school semester ends.. Just in case I dont like it, im at home and I can have time to change up.
No it’s not bad. If you don’t have a dryer you can warm a wash cloth and put it under a plastic cap.
i have been natural for 2yrs after i did the big chop. i have 4a type hair, its pretty and curly wet but bushy when its dry. :*(. I want to keep the curly look with out wetting my hair all the time (HELP ME PLEASE ;*)). Its cold in boston now.
also my hair is uneven due to stress and breakage. I really want my hair to be even and strong. my front, back, and sides are long while my middle is short. (major stress spot). Although it has grown out alot, i will be happy when it catches up to the rest of my hair. The shampoo & conditioner i use is tresemme natural. For oils
i use jbco, tea tree creme brulee’ and doo grow oil. i really want my hair to grow to a certain lenth :*) [to my elbows} it is a challenge i am ready to concur.
Hi A.W.
Not everyone can keep the curly look. If your hair texture is not made to be defined, it won’t stay that way. Mine is very curly when wet but I have to apply gel to get it to stay — and even that only lasts for a little while. So you can try adding curling cremes and/or gel when your hair is wet to see if it will hold your curls. Shingle it through with your fingers and do small sections at a time.
The downside to it being so cold now is that it does take FOREVER to dry if you do it that way. So you may want to sit under a dryer.
Our hair also grows at different lengths, so not surprised at your story. My bangs and sides grow the slowest. Never realized how many different growth patterns I had until I went natural.
Hi there,
I guess I’m running into a problem that many people have when transitioning. I am letting my hair grow out from my big chop. I am want my hair to be shiny, however, its always looks dry but when I touch it, my fingers are greasy. It also feels very rough. What is going on with my head??? Any suggestions…
HI Kim
Sounds like the product is sitting on your hair instead of penetrating? What is your product routine? For example when you shampoo what do you add afterwards? What products are you using?
hi again i didnt like the cream of nature products. so now im trying shea moisture, i want to knw whn will my hair get to where your hair is its curly but not locking up like yours an i still have a little perm have left on my endswht do i do with them needhelp an i dont knw how to style my hair…its in a afro now wht do i do….
It’s hard to really know until you are fully natural. Everyone’s hair texture is different so you just have to wait and see.
i just chopped the front of my hair ends off. my hair been without a perm for a while. i been wanted to go natural. i really dont know how to define my hair because its different textures but i know that it is very dry and coarse. any suggestion for me on what to use or do. but im going to get it cut even all around because i just chop off the front to see and i like it but i know it will be alot of work
Hi Lisa is the Giovanni products for hair type 4b my hair coarse and gets dry a lot , I stay moisturizing a lot
Yes, it’s good for dry hair especially the ones that say Moisturizing.
hello lisa did u gt my message
Yes, I can’t usually get to all these questions right away so hang in there.
I have never used Cream of Nature products since I’ve been natural so I can’t really say. So you’ll have to test it out and see how it goes. Let me know!
Hi thanks for the nice explanation but i as beginner yo natural what do you recommend me to start with,coz my dcalp is dry and i want to get curls from the begin, make me list. From shammpoo,conditioner,leave in and moisturizer,and any product to curl my hair i have 4c. Thanks
Hi Jennifer
Unfortunately I cannot tell you what your hair will like. It’s a trial and error process and everyone’s hair is different. Start with one line like the Giovanni product line (Walmart and Target). Their shampoos and conditioners are very softening and moisturizing. Same goes for moisturizers. Try the Shea Moisture line (Walgreens or Target).
pls have a natural hair that i have been growing going to one year now, but my problem is that the hair is breaking so much and is very strong. pls i would like u to recommend what i can use so that it will become soft and curly.
Here’s an article to help with breakage Softness can come fro making sure your hair is moisturized.
have been using quadid products on my natural hair for 1 year and find it drys my hair very much i wear my natural curls need to find some products that won’t dry out my hair please help
Hi Debra, you have to figure out what your hair will like but here’s a guide. Look for “moisturizing” products that have water as one of the first two ingredients. Before shampooing, coat your hair with a natural oil (olive) and a cheap conditioner to keep from drying out your strands. Moisturize your hair while it’s damp to help infuse your hair with moisture and seal it in with a natural oil when your hair is dry. Try the Shea Moisture line.
What’s an good products keep my hair from feeling dry and can have some shine to it I have 4a 4b hair type
Shea Moisture products are great!
Hi. Is the great detangler you’re referring to by talijah?
Hello Lisa,
I enjoyed your articles and overall your site, as I recently have started transitioning. I am roughly 2 1/2 months post relaxer and my hair really grows fast. I notice the products you use or use to use some may have ingredients that I read were not good for transitioning or natural hair, like petroleum, parabens, sulfates, etc. What is your position on products that may leave a build up, or have these ingredients.
Hi Dee
I use a lot of all natural products but some products I use do have the “bad stuff.” When I first started transitioning I was afraid of all those products because of stuff I read, but now that I have been on this journey I’ve learned that my hair doesn’t respond negatively to them as long as I use sulfate free shampoos, deep condition my hair and use good moisturizers/conditioners like Shea Moisture in addition to those products.
Miss Jessie’s products have a ton of “bad ingredients” in them but my hair LOVES that stuff. It feels and stays moisturized better than some of the “natural” products. I also add natural moisturizers underneath. So I definitely learned not to worry about trying to use the “perfect” ingredients. As long as my hair is thriving, I will continue to use those products.
Lisa ,
What a great article you have posted here! all my buring questions about products , what they do you answered. although is it essential to shampoo alot? do i have to shampoo regulary or just do it like you said a few times a month for buildup ? and also as far as a sealant for moisture is that the same thing as a serum? im so confuzzled lol , its just soooo much knowledge about hair that i had no idea. i do believe that i will try the giovanni shampoo. i am one of many that suffer from dry scalp. Thank you so much for all the information. Your a big help to my journey =)
You don’t want to shampoo more than a week because it can dry your hair out usually. If you do feel the need to shampoo, try co-washing with conditioner only to keep from drying out.
A serum is like a polisher and a sealant locks in moisture. Definitely two different things. Yes, the Tea Tree Tingle by Giovanni is a great shampoo/conditioner for dry scalp. The Tea Tree Oil will help soothe your dry scalp.
Hi Lisa,
I’ve been growing out under a weave and finally went with my natural hair about a month ago. I’m currently going to the salon to get my hair dine every two weeks or so but it is becoming so expensive at about $100 every time. Can you give advice on a hair cleansing regime? BTW, I’ve been searching sites for months for advice on going natural and caring for natural hair. This is the first sight that has great advice and applies to someone who doesn’t the super curly natural hair like Alicia Keys and Jada Pinkett-Smith.
Hi Kam
Yes, my hair is far from those textures, that’s for sure! lol I have a video on how I shampoo my natural hair. Maybe this will help.
Hi Lisa , I am one thoses people that brought soooo many expensive products while I am transitioning I to have the same hair type as yours but it don’t look like your hair , problem I have that’s it I can deep condition it it feels soft until I go out on the sun , dries feels hard so I was wondering can I co -wash my hair more then once an week to get it softener not look dry You can also email me some tips at
Hi Sheryl,
I never co-washed when I transitioned so I’m not sure but you can definitely try it if you have the time. Some people co-wash 2-3x’s per week and there hair loves it. What kind of moisturizer are you using?
Well I have tried the curls unleashed line products that didn’t work and thoses products cost , now I am using Cantu Shea butter leave in conditioner and and repair cream sometimes I use garner fructis sleek and shine leave on conditioner , they make my hair soft while I am putting it on but once it drys it get back feeling rough and dry again not my whole head just the front ( I know that sounds crazy but I don’t what’s going on ) I have coarse thick hair .
HI Sheryl, how far are you in the transition? Doesn’t sound crazy at all. I had this problem at the beginning of my transition and I wonder if it was scab hair. I just kept with my routine and my hair did get softer over time. My hair doesn’t like Cantu Shea Butter. It doesn’t do anything for it. I need thicker moisturizers like Shea Moisture. Have you tried that?
Hi Lisa I am about 6 months or so in my transition , I have the problem of feeling dry in the sun , or when my moisturizer drys up , do you suggest I use Shea butter I was thinking about that , anyway , I have use other oils not butters , and also what do u recommend for 4b hair type product so make my hair curly looking , I find myself twisting the from quite often don’t look curly there like the back and sides thank you for all your advice I need it
Oh how do you order Bee Mine Products online or at the store?
Go here You should join us at There are a lot of great discussions going on and we’d be happy to have ya!
Um I wanted to tell you that my hair is itchy and I don’t know what ton use
I have a mixture of jojoba oil (with 1-2 drops of tea tree oil) That’s GREAT for dry scalp.
Where exactly did you find the kinky curly products,because I tried to find them products but I didn’t exactly find them
Target or Whole Foods.
The Kinky Curly products can be found @Target or Whole Foods.
Hi Lisa,
I love this site; I wish I would have found it earlier!
Have you tried the product line “As I Am Naturally”. I am considering doing a twist out with their defining twist creme, yet I cannot decide if I want to do a wet vs dry twist out.
I hear this product is great…
I haven’t but some ladies on the forum have said it’s great.
Hello Lisa,
Believe me your website is a God send. Yes, I’m going with transcending my haif from a perm back to it natural state. Perms have been year of damage to my hair, but yes, I really did enjoy the care free style. But one day recently, I realize my hair is coming out for no reason:{ It made me sad. My hairdresser did advise me that it would get better, but when. So here I am two monts into the transition phase, scared in some way, but yet, going to keep on going to reach my goal ,,,, Natural Black Hair (once again). You have so much good advise and I’m going to be reading and learning everyday if it needs to be. Just wanted to say thank you much and please keep on posting your good adivice. Watch for me in the future, I’m going to have lots of questions that only you can help me with. <3
Hi Laura
Have you tried a protein treatment and how often do you deep condition?
HI Lisa. I came across your website and loved it, actually both of them (Niche website). I did have a few questions and based off of your experience, what your thoughts were. I have just recently decided to transition from relaxed to natural. My hair was already really short (shorter than Halle short) as is, so I figured it would be easier. So after my last relaxer didn’t take that well (which prompt me to try to go without), I decided to try it. My friend and my hair stylist (who does not “do” natural hair), suggested that I use Jane Carter curl defining cream, the next time i washed my hair. Needless to say, my hair curled right on up without a problem. My hair was already kinky in the back and sides, however a little strait on the top, because that was the only place the relaxer took. Well, it’s been almost 30 days since i used any kind of relaxer or heat, and about 20 days since i have been using the Jane Carter product. Not sure on the chart where my hair falls, but my curls on the back and sides are kinds of coily-kinky, with bouncier curls on the top. I was thinking of trying anothe product that might loosing my kinky curls up a bit. In addition to the Jane Carter, I have been using natural Kemi Oil for shine and CHI silk infusion for softness. What other products can you suggest? I was going to order some samples from Miss Jessie and see if I can find a sample of Kinky-Curly products online somewhere. I like wearing my hair the curly look, however i want to be able to blow-dry and straiten it as well, I am not into the braids and the twists and the afro type of styles. I just want to be able to style my hair without a relaxer but be able to go from curly to strait styles. Any thoughts? Thanks so much in advance………
Hi Tammara
These questions are always kind of hard for me to answer because without seeing your hair or knowing how it reacts to products I cannot really suggest what you need. My suggestion would be to try Kinky Curly or even one of Miss Jessie’s curly creams to see how they do on your hair. You can also use a non flaking gel like Fantasia. I know a lot of people like to use that to define/loosen their curls. Experimentation is really the best option now. Wish I could be more specific but it’s hard to answer what products are best for other’s hair because our hair responds differently to products.
Hey Lisa, My last relaxer was January 18 2012! Im so excited to transition from relaxed to natural!Lately my hair has been breaking severely and im doing everything I can to stop the breakage where my relax and natural hair meets.I was wondering is this normal?when will it stop?Or is this going to continue to happen until I cut off all my relax ends?Did this happen to you?If so,what did you do to stop the breakage?I am currently wearing a half wig and I braid my hair in loose braids underneath!Im so scared to do the big chop because im so use to having long hair!How long did it take you to bc!The products I use are Argan oil from morocco shampoo and conditioner,wild growth oil,jamaican castor oil,olive oil and soybean oil.Are these good products for transitioning if not do u have any suggestions?
I transitioned for 18 months. Oils are good for sealing in moisture, but you also need real moisturizers first. Shea Moisture, Oyin Handmade’s Honey Dew are two good ones. Products that say moisturizing are what your hair needs. Read the labels and make sure water is listed as one of the first ingredients. Come by the forums and join us. There’s a lot of discussion about moisture/breakage
Hi Lisa,
My question to you is what should I do with this part of my hair that would make it grow and become healthy again? Should I keep doing the rod sets or should I choose another protective style such as braids or wigs? Thank you!!
Just wanted to say I love love love your site!! You are such an inspiration for me…I just began my journey transitioning to natural hair 2 months ago. The back of my hair is very very damanged to the point were all the relxed ends have completely broken off. I only have what looks like a tightly curled tiny afro now. I tried my first rod set last night and when I took them out this morning, the back of my hair looked so dry with NO curls or shine what so ever.
Hi Latoya,
Was your hair wet when you did your set and what products did you use?
I just wanted to know what you thought about LouAna Pure Coconut Oil. It is not extra virgin/organic. I purchased it from WalMart for about five dollars. I am in the process of transitioning and I wanted to know whether or not it was okay to use.
Sorry, never heard of that product.
hello i have a ? already natural an i need to knw if the cream of nature argan products are good to use..i just went an brought sum shampoo,conditioner,leave in conditioner an oil moisturizer an also shea curl enhancing smoothie with fanastia olive gel are them some good products an another ?ive just been straightin my natural hair never wore it curly are my curls just gonna pop out alot cause they are now an im not usein anything now please help asap
Hi, Ms. Lisa! Do you ever use “Eco Styling Gel?” If so, when do you use it and what for? I was looking for something to kind of “tame” my edges sometimes during this monster heat wave in the south, but the word “gel” somewhat causes hesitation for me… The thought of gel being anything like the brown gel from back in my finger waves and French roll days…?
I have used it to slick down my edges when I wear a puff, and even though they say it doesn’t flake, that’s not true. If you keep using it, it will flake like the finger waves from back in the day — not a good look. LOL So yes, I do use it from time to time but very rarely. In fact, my jar is 2 years old and barely has a dent in it.
Can’t you just scrunch out the crunch? Have you ever watched Mahogany Curls she talks about that.
I thought I was the only one to experience flaking with ecostyler gel. I felt like I was doing something wrong. I have been using a product called Edges to smooth my edges. It’s clear. It’s a little expensive, but it works better for me than any other gel for smoothing edges. I buy it at the Beauty Supply Store.
HI Lisa,
I LOVE your website! My question is, what brand of Castor Oil do you use?
I am in my 3rd/4th month of transitioning and seeing great results from using lots of natural oils. I would love to add Castor oil to my regimen of Jojoba, Grape-seed and Olive oil mixes.
I still have at least 7 inches of relaxed hair but I find myself snipping away at it weekly, so we will see how long I transition. I too have very frizzy hair and need something to help tame it!
Thanks again for all the great information so far.
Hi Kimberly!
I use Home Health from Whole Foods.
Hello Lisa! First kudos to you on transitioning without the BC. I tried but at 5 months post relaxer, I gave in. I am loving my baby fro and texture though so those five months were very worthwhile.
My fro isn’t as tiny as I thought it’d be so I am happy about that.
I am curious about the Miss Jessie’s line of products. Do you have any experience with those or have you heard good things about them? I see on-line you can obtain a few samples from their site so I am looking to do that. I also was in Sally’s the other day and I saw another line “As I Am” naturally and I am tempted to try that as well because the clerk just about had me sold on those products but gawd, they are pricey! She said they were really popular though and lots of people recommend those products.
My biggest concern is retaining moisture, as is probably a lot of naturalistas and maintaining a definitive curl pattern.
Any feedback you can proved is very appreciated.
Hey Ms Lisa, they now have Taliah Waajid products at our Walmart Supercenter, along with Organic Roots Stimulator Leave-In Conditioner!!!! Hopefully they will one day carry the Kinky Curly line and Jane Carter’s products too!
Whaaat? I’m gonna have to go check to see if they have it here. That’s great news! With so many people going natural, I would bet more and more stores will start carrying these products. They just started Selling Miss Jessie’s in my local beauty supply and before I had to go to another neighborhood to find it! LOL Thanks for the heads up, Deidra!
Thank you so much. May God bless you. You have help me so much. I have not had a relaxed in 8 months. I want to keep it stright but it is not working. i now know that the heat is not good for my hair has help. Now i am just trying to roll it and keep it soft and hold and the curly look. Still want to have pretty looking hair on my head when i go out to church and other places Can you help me with that. Thanks again
Hi Dorothy,
Have you watched my rod set video? If you follow my advice, perhaps that will help you achieve a longer lasting rod set.
Your website has been very helpful. I am new in the transitioning phase but I am taking note of all of the information you have provided and I am looking for to a smooth transition.
Hi, I am new to the site and find all the information extremely helpful. I recently moved from New England to Georgia and my once beautiful head of hair has dwindled down to a dry un-manageable MESS. I had the hardest time finding a stylist even after recommendations I am on my 3rd in 7months and so unhappy. I have been told my hair needs to get used to the climate and to the water that is why it is so dry and unmanageable,but I have never had this or any issues before now. I feel there is a total lack of care here becausee I see that WEAVES are so incrediably previlant it appears that my Stylist is fed up with my complaints of only having a 1 day hairdo, blaming the fact that I work out and sweat my hair out. (I do not like to use flat irons and other heat daily but now I am buying all sorts of tools,oils,gels,sprays…….. to have my hair look not even decent after spending an hour curling and straightening with diasterous results which have seriously brought me to tears)…………….. as the reason my hair looks and feels the way it does. My last relax was May 3rd and I am going to use the Braids and Twists to transition to natural. My question is shoukld I just cut out the relaxer and go to the braids??? Or start with the braids then after the 1st 4weeks. (I only intend to keep them in for a month at as time because I do sweat abundantly through my head even when not working out and I do not like to go more than 2 weeks without washing my hair) Cut out the relaxer and put in new Braids or Seneglise twists?? HELP PLEASE.
Hi Reeya,
I don’t have much experience with extensions. I only had them once during my transition. But I’m not sure it really matters whether you trim before or after the braids. I did not trim mine when I had them. It depends on how you want to wear your hair after take them out. If you want to continue to transition with your own hair then you may not want to trim. The one advantage to cutting the relaxer would be that your hair will probably be easier to manage because you’ll have one texture and you won’t have to worry about breakage from the transition.
Just make sure the braider doesn’t put them in too tight.
Hello Lisa.
Thank you so much for answering my comment. I decided not to go with theTwists or braids for the moment. I cut out all the relaxer and have just the texture of my natural hair. I must say it was extremely liberating to be rid of all the straight ends and be able to wash my own hair in minutes and allowing it to dry naturally. Now, I have to say I am overwhelmed with the amount of products for natural hair. Right now I am using the Organic Root Stimulator Olive Oil collection, with the exception of the shampoo which I am using Pantene for Natural and relaxed. I use a leave in conditioner and a Twisted Sista Curl Activator. With my hair being so short and somewhat uneven I am waiting a few weeks before going to the barbers for a cut and shape up I am being patient and just researching products until I can do some additional styling. I would be open to any suggestions you may have on products. I workout everyday and sweat significantly through my head. I am resisiting washing my hair everyday which I used to do many years ago. Thanks Again. Reeya
Hiya! I’ve decided that the relaxer I had in March will (hopefully) be my last! I’m so tired of struggling with breakage and all the other ills that come with relaxing. Plus, I’m moving from Chicago to the midlands of England soon and I had a rough time finding salons that could do my hair during my last 6 month stint there. I am glad I found your site and have already gotten a lot of great advice from your posts. My question is: can you give me the rations of the oils you use for your moisture mix? Not sure if I should just go out and get the oils and wing it or if you have definite measurements for what amounts of each you use in the mixture. I’d like to start on a bit of a regime of taking better care of my hair now, before it gets into the real nitty gritty of the transition. Thanks again for sharing your experience with us all!
hi<i recently gave up my relaxer and hav been keeping my hair in plaits most of the time to help with the fransitioning.I am however very worried about my hair line<can you suggest any product which i can use to help with the breakage??
I haven’t had a relaxer for at least 4 months. I’m being orced to natural because I developed a severe dandruff condition which causes severe flaking and tenderness o my scalp. I’ve been told that the case of dandruff that I have prevents me from applying oils and such to my hair so Morracain hair products aren’t good for my hair. I have a lot of new growth and my hair appears to be falling out. I need advice on how I can transition my hair without loosing it all. I am a 17 year old young lady and with prom castle approaching I need help. Oh by the way I was also instructed to say away fom weaves as well.Please Help,,,,,Imani
I learned something new about my flakes. It was caused by oils… not dry scalp. We have a tendency to want to oil our scalp to treat flakes, but sometimes the flaking you see is extra sebum (oil) that is created so adding more oil just makes the problem worse. Do you have oily skin? If so, that’s probably sebum not necessarily dandruff.
So what I’ve been doing is applying a mix of jojoba oil and a few drops of tea tree oil to my scalp right before I shampoo. I massage the mixture in and leave it on for an hour. The tea tree oil is what slows the production of sebum and I only mix it with oil to dilute it. But after shampooing it out I notice a BIG improvement in my flaking. Sounds like your scalp might have a similar condition. Always seek professional help if you’re not sure though.
Hi, Lisa. I’m new to this natural journey. My last relaxer was Dec 2011. I have thick, coarse and dry hair. I’ve switched to sulfate free products and have found that they have definitely helped with my dry, itchy scalp. My dilemna is styling. I’m still applying heat by way of blowdrying, flatironing . i pincurl my hair at night to hold the style. You offer great style tutorials, but I never was good at styling even when I had a relaxer. What are your thoughts on braids? I thought about using braids during my transition but I’m concerned about the stress it may put on my natural hair growing in. (I’ve never had braids by the way, so I’m scared of the pain too! LOL.
By the way, your website has been extremely helpful. It’s definitely saved in my favorites. Thanks for sharing your hair journey! Loleta
Girl you sound like me lol. My last relaxer was in Dec 2011 and I have been going back and forth on braids for a while now. I’m scared of that and sew ins now that I’m transitioning. I haven’t used any heat since Feb and am trying to avoid it all together.
Yeah I think it’s best to go without both if you can help it. My hair was so weak I almost had no choice if I was going to make it through my long-term transition.
Hello, I was wondering do you comb ur hair out, after you wash it, before you twist/braid it in order to do a twist out? Or do you detangle it only with your fingers?
I just started something new. I detangle my hair with water and conditioner before I shower and put my hair into about 10 fat twists. I wash my hair in the twists and afterwards, I take each twist down individually and detangle with a comb. Because my hair was already detangled and twisted prior to shampooing, my hair has very few tangles and I could probably even detangle with my fingers. I can’t believe how much time and hair this method has saved me!!! I have to do a video on this.
I’ve heard of the Fantasia products and wanted to know if any of them were good like i have been told by store members that the Tea Tree Naturals shampoo and conditioner was a good one. But, i dont know and wanted to know if you know anything about them or if there good.
I’ve never tried any of their line but I have heard good things about their gel.
I’ve been having my hair loc’d since Oct 2011 and use the B&B Tropical Roots product line. I also use the Jane Carter Solutions for shampooing and conditioning. If you ever decided to get locs, I highly recommend them.
Thanks for the tip, Dedric!
Thank you for your emails. I get them weekly, I think. i really appreciate all the styles you provide for us. I BC’ed in September and I have been wearing braids and wigs because I’m not comfortable with the length of my hair yet. With the styles you provided in your latest email this month, December 18, 2012. I’m confident in wearing my hair now.
Awesome Lecretia!! So happy for you.
Hi Lisa, its me again with question this time. I am trying to braid my natural hair to protect it against the weather and so I can wear it visible and not under a wig. I’m still getting the hang of braiding, and it looks good when I braid my straight haired mannequin, but every time I braid my natural hair, it looks 3 weeks old when I’m done. And its very frustrating because I spent hours trying to braid it, but I told it back down because I hated it. What are some techniques for doing this. I used eco styling gel, the brown one, and I used the hair wax everyone likes. I did this on freshly washed, mositurized and damp hair at first. Then I cam back and tried it on my hair once it was dry. My hair was also in its natural state, because I don’t want to use heat like the other naturals I’ve seen do, to braid there hair.; maybe that’s the problem. What would you do???
Hi Lecretia. Are you making sure your hair is thoroughly detangled and then pulling the hair taught when you braid to make them neater? The smaller the braids the neater they will look.
Sorry for the errors. I’m using a phone and on this site, the box cut my vision off on the last few lines, so I had to backspace a lot to see where I was. My corrections…took, came & their.
Hi Lisa,
This is in response to my question I posted a few weeks ago. Yes, after I wash and condition my hair, I detangle it. Now when you say detangle, do you mean sort through my hair and get rid of knots, or actually comb it all out into a puff? Because, I’m trying to do the curl girl method; well sort of. I’m using the comb less as possible and using my fingers more to detangle. So after I get out of the shower, I use leave in conditioner and shingle it into my hair to make my hair defined. Then I twist it, and let it dry. After it dies, I unravel it, then part the hair, and try my best to braid it. So at this point, it’s not comb or detangled more. I use gel, and/or wax to keep the edges down while. The ends do get tangled, so that’s why it’s takes so long. And I have to rebraid, braids mult times which eats up a lot of my time too. So, should I just comb it all out before I braid or twist it?
I’m not familiar with the curly girl method. I always detangle with a wide tooth comb in sections until it is completely detangled. I get the best twist outs when I do that. I only finger detangle before I get into the shower (with conditioner)
Ok, great. Thank you.