I often hear naturals complain about how dry and dull their hair is — especially if they have 4C hair, which can be tightly coiled and prone to dryness.
You may be thinking, “If I am no longer relaxing my hair, then why does it feel drier than when I used chemicals?”
The one thing you need to know about natural hair is that the kinkier (tightly coiled) it is, the drier it will be in many cases.
When your hair has more kinks, it’s harder for your scalp’s natural oils to travel down your strands. You also may have less shine/sheen.
That is why some people who have looser/straighter curl patterns don’t have as much of a problem with dryness.
Your pattern can also explain why your hair has a very low sheen and no shine. Shine comes from light reflection. That’s why relaxed hair appears shinier. Straight hair reflects the light better.
Natural hair has more of a sheen when healthy and properly moisturized.
So if your hair is very kinky (4B/4C curl patterns), it will be harder for it to reflect light and your hair may appear dull.
But there’s good news…
No, you cannot change your hair’s texture. However, with proper TLC you can still bring out your strand’s natural sheen and revitalize your tresses.
AAAAND…. as you’ll see below, you CAN do a successful wash and go on kinkier hair. You just need moisture and the right steps.
So let’s jump to it…
Know Your Hair’s Porosity
Porosity refers to how open your cuticles are on your hair shaft. If they aren’t open enough, moisture can’t get in (low porosity). Your hair may feel dry and straw-like if you use too much protein.
If the cuticles are too open, your hair can frizz and tangle easily (high porosity). High porosity often comes from heat or chemical damage.
Take the hair porosity test here.
Buy Water-Based Moisturizers & Good Sealants!
Unless the first or second ingredient is water, it’s not a true moisturizer. Don’t be fooled by products that claim to moisturize your hair, but don’t even have water (or it’s listed as one of the last ingredients.)
The term “moisturizer” is used so loosely and incorrectly on natural hair products. Now you know the secret to discovering if it’s REALLY a moisturizer or not.
Sealants contain oil and/or butters that seal in water (moisture). So if you twist your hair while it’s damp (water is your moisturizer) and apply a good sealant, that will keep your hair moisturized and soft for a long time.
See how to make your own shea butter sealant.
Here are some good moisturizers and sealants for natural hair that I really like…
1) Jane Carter Nourish and Shine (This is a sealant. When you use with water (damp hair), it keeps your hair moisturized for a long time.) You can buy online or at Target.
2) Shea Moisture Products (They have tons of moisturizing products. You can buy at Walgreens, Target or Amazon)
3) Shea Moisture Leave In Conditioner (I believe this is an older Shea Moisture product, but I can only find this at Amazon. Nevertheless, it’s GREAT! Check out how it moisturized my puff.)
4) Qhemet Biologics Amla and Olive Heavy Cream (Another great sealant.)
5) Oyin Hair Dew (A light moisturizer.)
6) Oyin Burnt Sugar Pomade (This sealant smells sooooo good and will make your twists very soft and luscious!)
NOTE: I rarely use a thick sealant and moisturizer together because it’s too much product and I’ll have build up.
If I use a thick sealant like Qhemet Biologics, I use water as my moisturizer. So I will spritz my hair first and then use the Qhemet Biologics as my twisting cream. The product holds the water/moisture in and my hair will be soft for several days.
See some of the best rated natural hair moisturizers at the bottom of the page.
NOTE >>> When searching for moisturizers for kinky, dry hair, look for thicker, creamier products.
Do The Cherry Lola Treatment
No, this has nothing to do with adding fruit to your tresses. It was named after the lady who invented it.
This is an EXCELLENT protein + moisture + clarifying treatment for your hair and scalp that will help reduce frizz and make your curls pop. The 3 ingredients are liquid aminos, yogurt and baking soda.
The aminos give your hair a protein boost while the yogurt infuses moisture into your hair. Finally, the baking soda helps cleanse your hair of all build up and dirt to let moisture penetrate your hair shaft.
When your hair can absorb moisture better, your natural curl pattern will come out easier. If you are in the Type 4 group with low porosity hair that doesn’t hold moisture well, you are going to love this treatment, and it’s super easy to make and apply!
1) Mix the following ingredients in a bowl…
- 16 oz. of full-fat, PLAIN yogurt (I use Chobani)
- 2 tablespoons of Braggs Liquid Aminos (buy at health food store in the soy sauce aisle)
- 2 tablespoon of baking soda
2) Section your DRY hair and add the mixture to your hair from root to tip. You will instantly see your curl pattern start popping out as you coat your hair. Apply generously and don’t be afraid to overlap.
I tend to use a lot more of the mixture on my really dry/brittle areas like my crown!
3) Place a plastic cap on your head and leave on hair for 20-45 minutes.
4) Rinse with a cup of water to keep from disturbing your natural curl pattern. But if that is too tedious for you, feel free to rinse in the shower.
I’m telling you… when you rinse this out, your hair is going to feel like silk!!
5) Follow up with a rinse-out or deep conditioner of your choice if you wish.
Wait at least 2 weeks between treatments. Too much protein is not good for your hair.
Try The Max Hydration Method (MHM)
Let me tell you, this method is the TRUTH.
You do this treatment for 7 consecutive days or until your hair is fully hydrated. You will know because…
- Your hair will retain moisture very well (less product to achieve optimal moisture level)
- You’ll have less shrinkage
- Your curl pattern will pop with less frizz
- Your hair will be stronger (less breakage)
- There will be fewer tangles
This won’t change your pattern, but it will highlight what you have naturally.
You can also do it every other day or every 3 days. Just understand the more you space your 7 treatments, the less effective it will be because you will lose moisture.
The first time you do it, you should really do it for 7 days straight. Then you won’t have to do it as often since your hair will be hydrated.
I got great results doing it every other day, but I probably would have had better results doing it daily the first time.
Read more about max hydration and how to do the steps here.
Big shout out to Pinke Cube for introducing me to this method. Check out her results too. Amazing!
Why I Love The Shea Moisture Conditioner
When your hair is properly moisturized, your natural curl pattern will come out when you use conditioning leave-ins and water.
The Shea Moisture Leave-In Conditioner has this effect on my hair. So when I wear my hair in a puff, I like to use this product to replenish moisture. I also find that the more I use it, the better my hair feels.
Here’s a picture of my puff after using the Shea Moisture Leave-In regularly. Notice how my curls popped.
The Baggy Method
This is a great way to replenish moisture at night. Spritz your hair with water so it’s slightly damp. You may also want to add a moisturizer of your choice. (Remember, real moisturizers have water listed as one of the first ingredients.)
Cover your hair with a plastic cap while you sleep. Secure the cap with a headband. The water, moisturizer and body heat will help to condition and moisturize your hair overnight.
Will this cause frizz? Yes, it may if you are wearing your hair out. However, the baggy method is a great option for women wearing afros and/or those that don’t mind the frizz.
Go Sulfate Free
Use sulfate-free shampoo products to keep from stripping your hair. Sulfates are harsh detergents that rob your hair of its natural moisture. My favorite line is Giovanni.
Use Hot Oil Treatments
This is one of my favorite pampering routines because it softens my hair so much and brings out its natural sheen.
It’s really good to make a habit of doing this in the winter months because your hair will probably dry out faster.
You can even experiment and develop your own concoctions based on your favorite oils.
Click here to learn how to apply a hot oil treatment.
Spritz With Water
Since water is the best source of moisture for natural hair, a daily dose of it on your strands will help keep your hair supple and soft.
If you’re trying to keep frizz at bay, use a creamy, water-based moisturizer instead. Even though it has more water than any other ingredient, your hair won’t frizz as much because of the creamy consistency.
Don’t Forget to Seal (Especially in Cooler Months!)
I talked about sealants above, but here’s another reminder. After you moisturize your hair, seal it in with a natural oil (olive, jojoba, sweet almond, castor, etc.) or butter (shea, mango, etc.) to help lock in the moisture.
And if you can find a product that has both water and butter, then you may find that it acts as both a moisturizer and a sealant.
Just remember to always add oil or butter after you moisturize. Adding a sealant to dry hair will do nothing but give you a greasy mane with no moisture.
I remember constantly adding jojoba oil to my twists and couldn’t understand why my hair continued to break off. The problem was I wasn’t moisturizing my hair at all.
Oil is not a moisturizer by itself. That’s why people recommend adding a plastic cap with a hot oil treatment. The warmth generated from the oil and plastic cap generates moisture.
The water moisturizes your hair, while the oil seals and conditions with the oil’s natural nutrients. A perfect combo! Who says oil and water don’t mix?
Sleep With Satin
Sleep in a satin cap or use a satin pillow case to keep your hair from drying out at night. Cotton will soak all the oils out of your hair and can dry it out very quickly.
Drink Up!
Drink at least 6-8 glasses of water per day. Not only will water help keep your hair moisturized, but it can help your hair grow at its optimal rate.
Hands Off!
Constantly touching your hair will strip the moisture and oils right out of your hair. You can even see the oils on your fingertips.
If you must touch and play in your hair, that’s fine. Just know that you’ll have to moisturize it more often.
Rinse With Apple Cider Vinegar
If you want to add some sheen to your hair, mix one part apple cider vinegar with 3 parts water. (Feel free to adjust the recipe as needed.) Use this as your final rinse when shampooing your hair.
Just be careful because if it gets in your eyes, it will sting. Use an applicator bottle, and tilt your head back while applying it to your hair.
And don’t worry about the vinegar smell. It goes away after a few minutes. I promise you won’t be walking around smelling like salad dressing.
Not only will this add some sheen, but it can also help with detangling.
It’s best to buy the organic apple cider vinegar that reads “With the Mother” on the label. I buy the Braggs brand from Whole Foods.
Also keep in mind that ACV is very acidic so don’t apply more than once a week.
Cold Water Rinse
I actually combine this tip with the last one. I use cold water and apple cider vinegar as my final rinse to bring out my hair’s natural sheen.
However, if you don’t like to use vinegar, you can just do a cold water rinse by itself. Cold water seals the cuticle and promotes shine.
Don’t Forget Twists and Braids
You may forget to moisturize your hair when it’s up in twists or braids. Don’t fall into this bad habit!
Your hair still needs moisture, if not more! If you don’t, you could suffer from more breakage when you take them down.
Here’s how I moisturize my twists.
Tips for Winter
Don’t neglect your moisturizing routine in the winter. In fact, you need to step it up because your hair will be drier. Here are some tips for keeping your hair moisturized during the colder months.
If Your Hair Doesn’t Retain Moisture…
Struggling with keeping your hair moisturized? You may be surprised at some of the bad habits you’ve developed that can affect how long moisture stays in your hair. Check this out.
Let’s Sum it Up
I know this was a lot to absorb, so let me sum up the key points regarding moisturizing natural hair…
1) Water equals moisture. Yes, it can cause frizz, but it’s what your hair needs to maintain a good moisture level. If you don’t want to use water by itself, buy a creamier moisturizer that has water listed as the first or second ingredient.
2) Use oils and butters after you apply your moisturizer to seal.
3) Using products that contain water and butter can moisturize and seal at the same time.
4) Experiment with products. No one can tell you what specific products will work best on your hair.
5) Kinkier hair often responds better to creamier/thicker moisturizers and sealants.
6) Your hair will be drier during the winter months. You may have to re-apply moisture more often.
7) Moisturize your hair as often as you feel is needed. Everyone’s regimen will be different.
8) Know your hair’s porosity to help with product selection.
Most Popular Moisturizers & Sealants on Amazon.com
Product | Name | Price | Rating (1-5) |
Product | Name | Price | Rating (1-5) |
Jane Carter Solution Nourish and Shine | $$ | 4.5 | |
Shea Moisture Shea Butter Leave In | $ | 4.0 | |
KeraCare - Natural Textures Butter Cream | $$ | 5.0 | |
KoKo du lait Daily Leave In Moisturizer | $$ | 4.0 | |
Oyin Hair Dew | $$ | 4.6 | |
As I Am Double Butter Rich Daily Moisturizer, 8 Ounce | $$ | 4.3 | |
Curl Junkie Curl Rehab Moisturizing Hair Treatment | $$ | 4.5 | |
![]() | Qhemet Biologics Amla and Olive Heavy Oil Cream | $$$ | 5.0 |
Hi Lisa,
I see from the above recipe for adding moisture to the hair you have liquid aminos(which is soy based). Are there other protein sources that’s available that I can substitute this one for (whey in place of soy protein for example)?
my hair is short and does not grow and also I have a lot of breakage
The best thing you can do is to stop combing your hair. Kinky curls have a hard time surviving being pulled through combs – even wide-toothed ones. Wash and condition your hair. When it is DRY, take small sections, and smooth them through your flattened fingers, sorting gently. Believe it or not, this is just as effective – if not better and usually faster – than combing. Don’t finger-rake, just keep smooting and sorting. You will feel some knots, but usually they consist of hairs that have shed and are having a hard time finding their way through the rest of your hair. You may have to cut a few of these knots here and there, but you will find that if you keep separating with your fingers, you’ll only be cutting the very end of two or three hairs – not a biggie. The hand-smoothing method has, over time, made my hair softer. I think it’s because I don’t get the “curling ribbon” effect I got from pulling through my hair with combs. You can experiment, but I’ve pretty much settled on Tropic Isle Jamaican Castor Oil hair food and either their shampoo and conditioner or Pantene’s Co-wash. After about a year at the same length, this regime has resulted in growth. Sometimes I use a curl definer, but NOT every day because I’ve found every single one to be drying in the long run. Good luck!
thank you so much for all your help
do you need help with any thing maybe I can help you
So I just did my big chop a month ago. I’m trying to inform myself on what to do. What product to use, but I’m SOOOO confuse please please help me
Hi Ana
Start with one line of products. For example, Shea Moisture makes shampoos, moisturizers, etc. Try using the same line for all your steps (shampoo, moisture, etc.) because they tend to work harmoniously. Then you can see how your hair responds to it. The idea is you probably need to moisturize your hair 3-5 times per week but it will depend on your style and how your hair holds moisture. What have you done so far?
Hey, I have been natural for over a year. It has been really dry and I feel like it isn’t growing any like it did when permed. Now I don’t get a trim as often as I probably should. Can I do the cherry Lola and the do the mom for seven days or are u to pick one or the other?? Help me!! I believe I’m a 4a
Yes you could do the Lola treatment by itself one day and then do the 5 steps the remaining days.
This might be a silly question, but do I wash my hair before doing all of this- the CLT with the max hydration?
Hi Courtney, not a silly question at all. No you don’t have to.
The Cherry Lolla treatment seems to be amazing. However, I need to know what can be a substitute for Bragg Amino Liquids. This product isn’t sold in my country (Brazil) and the “similar” ones are full of conservatives, additives, colorings and sodium. How is the alternative for trying Cherry Lolla, so?
Did the big chop in December and again in March this year due to putting in a texturizer, color, strip, color then stronger texturizer. I really messed up my hair. It’s about 1 1/2 in now but extremely dry. I’m going to buy ingredients today and hopefully will see much improvement. I’ll get back with you soon.
Thank you so much for this post! Though I’ve been natural for a little over 2 years…dry hair is my biggest problem. I read this post last night and went and got the ingredients today. OMG my hair has never looked this great! I am blown away by the results. I am new to your blog but can’t wait for other things I’ll discover
Hey Jamie!
Welcome to Team MHM! Girl, I just discovered this a couple of weeks ago and I’ve been natural for awhile too. I have never heard anything negative about this. Everyone seems to see results immediately. I am so glad you decided to come by and thanks for posting your results. Did you do all 7 days?
Hi Lisa,
Thanks for welcoming me. I actually only did the Cherry Lola Treatment due to timing but I plan on doing all 7 days from tomorrow. I am looking forward to it and the results. I’ll let you know how it goes after 7 days
I wish I had some unique problem but I do not. I have dry hair but when I look very close, it is shiny. Far away dry as hay, close shiny. That’s in twists form. Let me take those twists out and. Mmmhmmm, that’s right. I’m left wondering what happened. It looks like someone set my hair on fire and this is the remains. I try pushing the twists back with an elastic band but nothing, I do mean nothing holds these edges, ends, beginnings, kitchens, hair. My hair looks its most powerful (makes me feel like Queen of the Amazons) when it is in full afro. Can’t wear that to work. Gotta keep trying and failing and trying and fixing my mistakes. This I am afraid will lead to breakage. I don’t want to quit trying but right now my scalp hurts when I move my eyes up and down. I’m finger combing but my scalp has had enough. I guess I’m tender headed and never knew it since I wear braids and suffer severely sometimes for their beauty. I’m trying to learn, and to learn I must do, but doing puts my hair in peril. No braids right now as I am resting my hairline (that I protect like a good daddy protects his baby girl) and would usually slap in a perm, wrap it and go. December of 2013 was my last perm and I am dealing with my permed ends hmm, like when I see them. My hair is about 4 inches long. My natural is black my relaxed is red. Red equals scissors. My red hair is about no inches long. at this point their just aggravating little red ants popping up here and there. I’ve missed a lot people. When I twist it I see the ends and I cut them bam, on the spot!. Then my twists are tore up with blunt unravelling ends, lol! I always was free with the scissors which is why I wore braids (check Courage the Cowardly Dog episode “Fred” I have issues). I don’t have much but I’m looking now and see some red tips. I have a prescription that has a side effect of growing hair ( didn’t make it up folks and I sure wasn’t born with this dang on moustache I keep waxing away) so I’m really okay with length. Heck, it could stop now (right above my collar in twists) and I’m good. Not a long hair person but a healthy hair person. Am I cutting too often and that is why when not up close (hairs tickling your face close) my hair looks dryer than a sand storm? Should I stop trying styles that allow my hair to rest because my failures aren’t allowing my hair to rest? I’m just trying to let it rest but not in braids this time. Should I quit my career and get an invisible jet and a lasso of truth? LOl!!!!
I also had a tender scalp but it was mainly because of the relaxers. I bought a vatika garlic oil I started using it daily then reduced to thrice a week. After the first two applications my scalp stopped feeling soo tender. I don’t use it any more for that purpose. You can buy a garlic infused oil or you can make one by mixing olive oil(1/2 cup) with 2 crushed garlic cloves. leave it over night then start using it. Because of the smell use it on your wash days. leave on for 1 h, massage then rinse it off. If you choose to buy one, the smell won’t really be there so you can use it often without rinsing your hair. Garlic and olive oil have healing properties they will help your scalp a lot and also strengthen and regrow other balding spots.
For the appearance of dryness, some people only notice it at the beginning of their journey then it fades away while others might still have it. I lost it on my 4th and 5th month. Moisturizing and sealing with a pure oil is what helped me. I also started drinking lots of water daily, increased my protein intake and veggies and fruits. I had a poor diet so if yours is good then your hair will start responding soon.
I usually braid myself so its never tight. I don’t know your work dressing code but you could single strand twist your hair weekly or three strand plaits until your scalp is fully recovered. keep your hair in a style that will last you a week without you having to redo in the week. This will reduce your combing sessions. On the days you comb make sure you spritz the hair and then hold the hair closer to the root with one hand start combing/finger combing the ends moving up, small sections at a time. Combing with a conditioner on your hair will also help during your wash days. Those edges will come right just keep them moisturized
And don’t use elastic bands, find something with a clothing material.
Hope this will help
I have long wavy hair, which tends to be dry at the ends and a bit oily at scalp. Try Shielo’s Hydrate or Smoothing Conditioners – they smell good without being over-powering, and give a level of moisture that is neither too light or too heavy for me. Anyone interested in more organic hair products should give these a try.
Please help I have been natural for 2 years it seems to grow every where but in back near my neck. I don’t know what to do to get it to grow
It looks like alopecia can u help Thanks.
Soak 2 or 3 crushed garlic cloves in a 200 milliliters of olive oil,
Use this twice a week on the night before wash day or thrice if you don’t mind the smell of garlic when not washed out.
Use the same amount of garlic in a shampoo. use the shampoo once a week and leave it on for 5 minutes.
I prefer the olive oil mix, use it for 3 months but slowly reducing the time you use it to less.
Your hair will grow back. Don’t switch treatments choose one and stick to it and wait to see the results don’t just assume it doesn’t work because your hair did’t grow in week.
And don’t worry about the smell, If you rinse your hair with warm water and wash with shampoo or conditioner it will come off. let your hair air and the smell won’t be there any more.
I remember coming on here months ago so upset because I thought I’d never learn to appreciate my hair texture. I don’t usually put my hair into a category, but for the sake of this forum, I’ll say I’m a 4B (I think). Anyway, I currently use Shea Moisture Curl Enhancing Smoothie and Cantu Shea Butter Leave In. I use the latter more. I need opinions ladies. I used to blowdry and flat iron my hair but I’ve let it go without extreme heat for a few months now. I love it and I can tell my hair appreciates it. However, I diffuse sometimes and I also stretch it with heat. Is this okay since it’s better than actually blow drying and flat ironing it? Fortunately even after stretching it, it’s soft from the Cantu Shea Butter. Does anyone else use heat in this way? Does it work for you? Thanks.
Hi Alexandria
I don’t really use heat on my hair but I think you should take the concept of ‘ Any thing in excess is damaging”
Heat can cause the hair curl pattern to change permanently with constant use, so use it in moderation and only if its called for.
There are other ways of stretching your hair with no heat, Google it up and you will find good instructions on how to. This can help expand the periods in which you use the heat.
I have really hard to comb short kinky hair at the back of my head but in the front long kind of half dry easy to comb hair and I’m not sure what to do. I went natural when I was 5 by accident.
Moisture and protein balance will help you.
Deep condition weekly or thrice a month with a moisturizing deep conditioner
Deep condition twice or once a month with a protein deep conditioner and follow with a moisturizing deep conditioner.
Either spritz your hair with plain water or wet your hands and pat your hair, this will help you comb easily.
Never comb your hair when its dry or dripping wet.
You can’t really change the texture of your hair but doing the above will help you live with both without even realizing they are very different.
Always seal the moisture with a pure oil after washing or spritzing.
Hope this was helpful.
Hi Lisa,
I have dry, brittle natural hair. My hair has received very little TLC for close to two years and always been braided..part of the reason why its in the current state. What products can you recommend I use and if you have regiment that I can follow, I’d also greatly appreciate. Then, a lot of people say diet affects your hair…I work out 4 times a week, try to eat a balanced diet and drink lots of water. Is there more to be done?
Thanks a lot in advance and for posting such inspiring ideas!!!
Hi Joan, here are a few things you can do:
Use pure coconut oil on your hair. The frequency of use depends entirely on how your hair feels. Use it after you wash your hair or when it feels dry, wet your hair a little and seal with coconut oil. I prefer this oil because its been scientifically proven that its the only oil that penetrates into the hair and bonds with the protein in our hair, this is great because protein loss can cause dry brittle hair. On top of this it also stops moisture from living the hair. The benefit of using it are numerous from soft hair to strong and thicker strand and the list goes on. Just use a very little amount. Most people rinse it out but I don’t because the softness continues through out the week and even after I wash my air.
Try protein treatments. Don’t over do with protein because it can also cause dryness. Don’t use products with proteins in the top 5 of the ingredient list. If you have a store bought protein treatment use this once and the next time you do a protein treatment us a (Green) /home made one ex, avocado, egg yoke,
Deep condition weekly and after every protein treatment.
Give your self a month where you deep condition weekly, protein treatment twice or thrice a month and wash your hair twice a week.
Don’t go heavy on the shampoo if you use one, opt for bicarb and alike.
The deep conditioning and protein treatments can be done less as time goes because you will then know how good your hair feels or how bad it feels when you do them. I only use protein treatments when I slak on my protein intake.
Write these things down because you can always look back and see what you did on that day when your hair felt and looked great.
Pure Olive oil is a good replacement for a store bought deep conditioner.
A regimen is something you alone can develop. You just have to have patience because it can take time to finally find what suits you best. You can try checking on other peoples regimen and start developing yours from theirs. What ever you do, be consistent.
Keep that diet good, it can be hard but just make sure the protein is in, vegetables are in especially in salad form, eat a fruit every day, continue drinking that water.
Lastly from me, Try flat twist and twist your hair will keep moisture really well and don’t try to digest every information you get on the net, chose those that can fit into your life without stressing you out.
Stay blessed and hope this was helpful.
Thanks a million for the tips Hillz! I did the big chop today finally!!! Its the shortest I’ve had my hair since I was so little but I am convinced its the right thing to do! I’ll be making reference to your wisdom and other tips on this page. I am excited about watching my hair grow better and stronger and giving it the attention it deserves!
Take a care and be blessed too!
Soo glad I could help Joan
Enjoy the journey in discovering your hair.
Stay blessed too.
My daughter is transitioning from perm to natural.. She hasn’t had a touch up in about 4 months. I have been on the website and I joined the forum… my ????? are…. what is the correct regiment steps to do for this week or next week… I mean… when to prepoo, cowash, etc….. we started this journey about 3 weeks in and I’m always on the website and youtube watching trying to figure out what to do or what not to do…. can you help…..thank you Mom on teen hair journey.:)
Hi Andria
I prepoo every time I wash my hair. I always add conditioner and water and section my hair to make shampooing easier. Then I shampoo or co-wash but I rarely co-wash because I don’t feel like I get my hair clean. It’s a mental thing. lol After that I deep condition, then rinse and style. Hope that helps!
Can I use something other than apple cider vinegar?
Nearly 2 years after going natural, I am still learning how to respond to to my hair’s needs from day to day. But as many here have said, its worth it. If you are new to natural, remember that you have a lifetime of experience caring for relaxed hair, and you’ve had your pick of store-bought products that work well on it. Products for natural hair are really just coming along, IMO. I have every faith that in a few years, there will be products on the store shelves effective enough that we won’t have to whip up kitchen remedies unless we just want to. As for transitioning, I waited till I had about 3 inches of growth before chopping my ends off. For about a year, I wore kinky wigs. (The Beshe Drew wig was my go-to.) With my natural hair now meeting cooler weather for the first time, I see that I have to step up my moisture game. But I do get a compliment on my hair at least once a week, and a few times a month, I end up chatting with a sister about natural hair transitioning tips on the street! And brothers seem to LOVE it, contrary to so many of our fears of what our men will think. Anyway – great site!! It’s so great to see this revolution happening!!
My hair is 8″ but looks about 3″. I don’t believe I have EVER seen another woman with thicker/courser hair than mine. It is extremely dry and I can’t even run my fingers thru it. I’m 100% natural… I am soo frustrated I wear a wig sometimes. All the images and videos have ladies with manageable hair. I just wash it with WEN shampoo and conditioner. I use the CREAM OF NATURE – ARGAN OIL products and my hair looks marginally presentable while completely wet. There just aren’t many videos with my hair type. I must have a 4d or 4e. Lol I won’t give up and perm my hair ever again, but something’s got to give. Please help!!! Thanks.
Have you ever tried to do a deep conditioning traeatment with a very THICK conditioner and leave it on your hair for at least an hour? And I would sit under the dryer with a cap on for at least 30 minutes of that hour. I don’t know about cream of nature but you probably need to use something very, very, very moisturizing.
And LOL at 4d!!!
You should join the forums napturallycurly.com/forums and get some advice from the crew! I bet you’ll love it.
Thanks sooo much!
@Lisa: Glad to see you filter the posts. Have an awesome day! MaMa
Hi Maureen-Ann:
Thank you thank you for taking the time to respond with such detail! I’m going to go the store this weekend to buy the Suave Coconut Conditioner and other products you mentioned! Just so I understand, you use the olive oil/coconut oil mixture only when you “refresh” your hair in the morning, but use the Shea Moisture products you referred to an earlier post only after you do a co-wash? Sorry for all the questions!!
Hi Dear, not a problem. Lisa has been so kind and patient with me I am just paying it forward! Yes, the spritz combination is for whenever I choose to rewet . This week, I noticed a bit more dryness so, I did my initial moisturizing after the cowash and a few days followed my morning regimen. I noticed about mid week, just a little drier than I wanted my hair to be for my twists, so I grabbed the coconut hibiscus curling gel – shea moisture, and just dabbed a little on each section as I two strand twisted my hair and slept under the bonnet. In the morning, the moisture was good and I detailed my curls around the front with wet fingertips. If I ever feel the curls are not responding enough on the morning styling, I dab Eco styler on the finger tips and just finger comb and as it dries you will see the curl definition spring to life. Make sure you watch the shingling tutorials for TWA, 4B 4c natural hair, which is my texture range. I am a kinky curly sister and the gel helps me attain a wonderful curl definition. It may sound like a lot, but once you train your hair and as it grows, you will find more techniques to help nurture your hair. I rarely do a SHAMPOO, I generally co wash. If I find I have build up, I found a total body safe sulfate free soap that I use by Dr. Bronner. It is Dr. Bronner’s unscented baby mild soap and you can find it at Target or order it online. Your hair and body are so clean using this. I hope it helps and I am excited to hear your progress. You take care. Nice meeting you!
@Sanaa- Mine was dry and crispy too. I use my shea moisturizer I learned how to make from my daughter (Naptural85 on youtube gives directions on how to make this). Also, now I use after cowashing weekly – a leave in conditioner, shea moisture coconut hibiscus curling gel and shea moisture curl smoothie. I actually just rub the conditioner, gel and smoothie through the wet hair before combing it with a wide toothed comb and using the Denman brush. If I want to do a twist out, I section my hair in small sections because I still have a TWA that is growing out well, I use Olive Oil Eco Styler gel on the sections as twisting. If your hair is too short to twist, there is a process called shingling on YouTube which will help you define your curls. Eco Styler gel is great for curl definition on 4b 4c hair and it does not flake. The conditioner, and shea products I use keep my hair moist all week and I only have to rewet my hair before styling, but I don’t really have to. It stays soft an d supple for the week without adding additional product. You will develop your regimen. I think the shingling will help you with your texture as it is growing out and allow you to see curl definition. Stay encouraged, it gets better! Peace and blessings to you and congrats on entering your journey as a natural. Lisa has a lot of helpful tips for styling, moisture maintenance and just about anything you may have questions about. This site is a blessing. Another site to check out is Fotki because lots of naturals on that site have pages which list their regimens, growth and the products they use. Also, there are blogs on Napturally Curly where the sisters gather and help one another. It is great for encouragement and advice on your journey. Take care of yourself. MaMa S
Hey Mama S, this is exactly the explanation I was looking for! I’ve been struggling with coming up with a regimen for my dry crunchy hair and have grown frustrated with not being able to retain any length. :o( I will have to give your tips a try!! Just a few questions–1) What type of conditioner do you co-wash with? 2) What is your “nighttime” regimen/morning regimen? My hair is always flat in the morning from sleeping on it and I don’t like having to use my pick comb every morning where I end up with hairs all over my bathroom floor :o( You mentioned that you just re-wet your hair, but do you use a comb afterwards or “finger-comb?” Thanks in advance for anymore guidance you can give! :o)
ok hi ladies……i really do need help…really bad. so this whole year(2013) i haven’t relaxed my hair, i have only straightened my hair..you know i was trying to go through the whole transitioning thingy…..i didnt press my hair for like 2 months cause i wanted my under growth to be a minimum size before cutting the relaxed hair off…it wasn’t until recently when i had my big chop about 3 weeks ago .. it was different and i was surprised cuz i looked good in it..but what i don’t understand is that my hair is so dry (except when i wet it) and the curls in the middle are tight….i do have a naural thick hair and i might be in the 4b/4c hair……but it like no matter how much i u know moisturize it , it still gets dry and hard…i use the argan oil sulfate-free shampoo, with the Elasta QP olive oiland mango butter leave in conditioner and coconut oil.
if there is anything you think i need to change or any products or routine that i need to try out pls tell me ….and pls help me on my scab hair
Mine was like that at first too. I started using the LCO method, SheaMoisture products and castor oil and that helped a lot. Then I started using the LOC instead and that has helped even more. My hair also seems to like to be twisted with Design Essentials Moisture Lotion. I also massage daily and do hot oil treatments and deep conditioners weekly. A lot huh.
I am trying to find a routine for my wash n go hair. My hair is very short so I wash it then I put leave in then I follow with beautiful curls activating cream and defining custard. Then to make the curls pop or stand out I use aloe vera gel 100%. Now my issue is what do I do to reactivate curls without wetting it again. So far I wake up and apply the leave in or the activating cream. I was wondering should I use S curl activator in the am or is that too much products? I plan on washing once or twice a week.
I, too. was afraid to do my BC. At first I cut off most of my relaxed hair and began wearing wigs. I got fed up with trying to deal with the two textures and my only option was to cut it all off. It was so liberating. I loved my TWA and now I love my five inches (10 months growth) of curls. Wearing my natural hair has given me a renewed sense of self and renewed pride in myself. Just do it if you’re considering a BC. There are many different options for wearing your hair if you don’t like it at first. In the end, you will be so glad you did.
Hey, guys. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Firstly, I am a mixed chick; African American and Chinese. I decided to transition last year at the end of March which makes me over a year of being a natural. This process is SO stressful. I can’t lie though – while transitioning, I’d constantly use heat to blow-dry and flat iron it. My relaxed ends are finally all gone and I do still flat iron sometimes, but recently, I’ve worked up the courage to wear it curly with no heat whatsoever. I do regular olive oil treatments and just recently purchased coconut oil. I did an egg and mayo treatment tonight but I think that was a bad idea. I don’t know, maybe it’s the fact that my ends are really dry. Maybe if I trim them, I’ll feel better? Like I said before, the process of being curly is hard and like many ladies on here, I feel like giving up so many times. It seems like no matter what I do, my hair feels dry and just not soft at all. Will it ever get better for me? Please help.
Have you checked out what your hair porosity is? Finding that out has helped me better care for mine and helped me choose the right products and techniques.
I’ve heard about low/medium/high porosity, but how would you suggest figuring that out? The only thing I’ve heard is seeing if your hair floats or sinks – and also that your hair has to be free of product.
There is a lot of info on the web about it. My clean hair never sinks and it does take a while to dry which are both characteristics of low porosity. Hair that dries quickly and strands that sink after 5 or 6 minutes fits into the high porosity category. If you use egg or protein, only do it every 4-6 weeks and follow with a serious deep condition. I deep condition with a mask/conditioner and add a mix of olive oil and honey and let that stay on for 30 minutes while I sit under the dryer (1/4 cup each of honey and oil in a small bowl). I warm the oil and then add the honey. I sit this in a bowl warm or almost hot water while I apply to my hair. This make my hair super super soft. Don’t give up. We have different textures so the same things may not work for you – mine is very kinky in front and looser coils as you go around my head. I’ve enjoyed the journey as I’ve learned what works for my hair. Don’t give up, it gets easier. Look on You Tube too, I’ve found a lot of help there.
It takes time and patience to get things going right.
Egg treatment is very good as its full of protein, but protein tends to dry the hair so after a protein treatment you should moisturize your hair or use olive oil or coconut oil together with the egg.
About the dry ends, that comes naturally with the curls. Moisturizing your hair daily is the best. Just make sure the moisturizer is water based and alcohol free. Don’t wait for your hair to dry for you to moisturize it. Try sealing the moisture with essential oils and try as much as possible to keep hair away from direct heat as this strips the moisture from within the strands.
Drink lots of water as this helps to moisturize from inside and also helps remove toxic from the body.
Moisturize your hair or just the ends every nigh before bed and wrap in a shower cap or plastic.
Deep condition your hair weekly or every two weeks.
Don’t give up on your hair. Try going through the products you are using maybe one or two are damaging your natural hair ( Some products might have worked well with relaxed hair but kind off damage natural hair).
If you can get hold of Kanechom line of products it will help a lot. I use some of them and they leave my hair so soft and moisturized. Also ORS Carrot oil this is for dry and damaged hair but it also moisturizes the hair.
Try these and other tips and see how it goes.
What ever you do to you hair keep the ends moisturized and well protected, they are the most fragile.
Hope I could help you
I need your help. I did the big chop 5 years ago because my hair was coming out. At the beginning my hair was beautiful. It had shine and was soft. As time passed the shine faded and my hair became hard and extremely dry. Also, my hair hasn’t really grown in about 3 years. I’ve tried expensive and cheap products to help with my hair issues with no progress. I have 4c hair type. HELP!!
Hi NS29229:
Lisa has some great tips on hair nourishment on this site. If you have time, also check Naptural85 on youtube and there are a lot of naturals on youtube who have videos of their daily regimens. Everything does not work for everyone. Initially my hair was kind of dry but I learned to make a shea butter moisturizer I use on hair and skin. (I posted it somewhere above). Watching tutorials I learned to shingle and twist out my TWA. My hair now stays moist all week and curls are defined. After cowashing my hair with suave coconut conditioner, I first add my shea butter moisturizer and detangle with a wide toothed comb. I then add a leave in conditioner, some shea moisture curl defining smoothie and coconut hibiscus gel. After working that through I either twist or shingle my hair, if shingling I add eco styler olive oil gel to fingertips to define the curls and air dry, misting with water in the morning and finger styling. I sleep with a satin bonnet. To take down my twist out after allowing it to dry overnight, I untwist with eco styler and randomly define my curls while styling with my fingers. Either method holds for me a week and the hair style is soft with a sheen. Another natural on youtube who helped was coloredbeautiful (think her name is Eboni). At any rate, between Lisa’s methods and others you find online I think you will develop your own once you find what works for you. I donot have to add more product during the week, just mist with spray bottle and fingerstyle. You will find your method, don’t give up. You came to the right place. Check out Lisa’s flax seed twist out too. MaMa S
Do you deep condition your hair and keep your ends trimmed? What is your regimen like?
Even though I’ve been a natural for more than a year, I am fairly new to the way I treat my hair and am trying my best to treat it properly. I don’t wash my hair often, but rather co-wash and occasionally spritz it with water. I don’t really have a set schedule on when I deep condition, I just do it when I feel my hair needs it. I just trimmed my hair last month, but I had been flat ironing after that point. It’s been a few weeks that I’ve let my hair just rest. As for regimens, I could definitely use some advice on what I should be doing to my hair and when/how often. Right now I have an oil moisturizer in it (I spritzed it with water to get it slightly damp and then combed it through) and covered it with a plastic bag and satin wrap. Thank you for replying. It’s much appreciated.
To add, I usually do deep conditioners that consist of olive oil mixed with Suave conditioner (Almond and Shea butter) and maybe honey and coconut oil. When I spritz it, it’s usually a leave-in concoction I’ve made – water, conditioner, and some oils. My ends do feel dry still. Do you suggest I trim it? Also, I have to add that when I trim, I flat iron it straight and go to the salon.
You find a hair oil that has garlic as the main ingredient.
I bought a Vatika garlic enriched oil mainly for my itchy scalp but about two to three weeks after starting to use the oil my hair by my forehead started growing and I never had hair on that area ever since a kid.
You could also crush garlic and mix with coconut or olive oil and put on your hair leave it in for 20-35 minutes and rinse out.
If you have tried many treatment maybe visiting your doctor would help determine where the problem is and how to solve it.
Hope I was helpful
I stopped getting relaxers after I had to take low grade chemo for a non-cancer illness. My hair texture relaxed and I didn’t need a chemical relaxer. After a year, I cut off the final chemically relaxed hair. My issue is that my hair is extremely thick. I have been shampooing and using a leave in conditioner (both Motions CPR), but my curls are so thick and tight that I am afraid to comb them out for fear of damaging my hair. I only finger comb even when I oil my roots and prepare to twist it for a twist out. I have not used a comb in my hair in over six months. Should I try to comb it out at least once a week? What am I doing wrong.
I know how you feel, I have also been through that and its frustrating. But there is hope.
(a) After you wash your hair put the conditioner and divide your hair into small sections and comb. make sure you hold the roots of your hair and comb from ends to roots. You can also use leave in conditioners.
(b) Only use wide tooth combs. There are lots of combs and brushes that are made specifically for Afros. You can start finger combing to help with the tangles then divide hair in small section and comb.
(c) Plait your hair in small sections before you sleep and comb the following day.
(d) comb your hair out (Up) and not backwards or to the front. our hair grows up.
(e) If your hair feels to dry moisturize it before combing.
(f) Protect your ends they are mostly affected by every thing so be gentle with them.
Most of the things we do to our hair are against it, so try to learn what your hair needs. If you don’t want to comb your hair for a long time braid it but don’t just leave it without plaiting and combing. Combing can be damaging to the hair but if done in the right way it minimizes the hair loss.
Don’t be afraid to comb if all you do to your body is healthy your hair will be strong. (Some times combing can remove the bad hair – I read this on an article.
All the tips have personally worked for me try them out and see how positive your hair responds.
Hope I was helpful
Anyone know a product dupe for the SheaMoisture Curl Enhancing Smoothie and Gel Souffle? I used them and loved them but the coconut in them made me itch like crazy.
Hi Y’all, I really need help! I’m a new naturalista, and although these tips are UH-MAZING I am not sure about what order I’m supposed to do them in. Do I shampoo/condition and then do the “baggy method” afterwards? Or do I do the “baggy method” in the evening and then wash it out the next day? Etc, etc, etc… My hair is VERY kinky, coarse and dry and I’m starting to get overwhelmed because I don’t have a regimen down (nor do I know how to go about “making” one). Any help would be greatly appreciated!! :o)
Hi Dear: Go to Youtube and enter defining curls in kinky curly hair. You will find all kinds of regimens. They also have a tutorial for shingling which is a curl defining process in which you use leave in conditioners and Eco Styler gel, which is a good start. Shea Moisture products are good as well and they have lots of reviews on different types. Naptural85 on youtube offers lots of tips and reading this site Lisa offers so much detail to help naturals at every stage. Walgreen’s has a section with natural care products and they sell shea moisture curl defining smoothie and gel. MaMa
How i can i make my hair look wet all day? What products can I usw
You can try water and gel or Kinky Curly Curling Custard, just keep in mind some textures frizz and dry out faster so you may not be able to achieve that look due to your texture.
Hello…. I am three months post relaxer. It was really out of necessity because I have alopecia and scarring from heat damage. The Dermatologist suggested Rogaine Mousse , so that doesn’t work with relaxed hair styles . The process to see new growth is at least three months and has to be ongoing… And I mean on going. So I have a long road ahead of me, would love to do the big chop but can’t until I get some New growth. I’m hoping some natural oils and conditioning works along with the Rogaine because you can never stop using it. Wish me luck ladies, I let you know how I’m doing in three more months. Thanks for the tips!
Naturality is about commitment and initially requires a stretch to find what works. Lisa has demos posted here and there are lots of youtube videos from naturals and their journeys. Be patient and you will be glad
You will see.
Google with your hair issue and learn from other naturals.
Thanks MaMa Scherrie, you’re so helpful.
No problem honey. You have so much help available if we all just take some time to read and follow your lead. I love you and your commitment to help all realize the beauty we possess if we just cultivate it. Peace and blessings to you! Ma…..
hi lisa,
I have decided to go natural, without the big chop[,and I am fairly new into the transition , about 6 weeks, so my hair is fairy easy to maintain. I am a bit overwhelmed in which product I should use to keep my hair moist in-between washings, I went into the beauty store with my head reeling, I have done a braid out, and so far it looks great, for now, I know I will be faced with some challenged as I go through the scab phase. can you recommend a good moisturizer I can use with a braid out, and rod set?
I just did the big chop today! Hair and scap was screwed up more than ever. Bald spots, uneveness, tangled, and dandriffs that when washed, pulled sections of my hair away. Scap was red but have been treating with script from doc. I am so glad to have come across this blog because in the morning, I will be doing some shopping. I’ll use your tips and update you on my progress. Thanks!
Thanks to my daughter who big chopped more than 5 years ago, she gave me the recipe to create my hair moisturizer which has my hair growing, glowing and healthy. My edges were gone and there were spots in my hair too. Hair has grown in, curl pattern forming and I am 2 months post chop. You will need a hand mixer to blend it starting with unrefined shea in bowl and slowly adding unrefined coconut oil, olive oil, jojoba oil and sweet almond oil. Slowly mix for a custardy consistency. Store in a cool dark place. Use Dr. Bronner’s baby mild unscented liquid soap which is good for hair and body. Add your moisturizer after you wash and in the mornings to soften your hair before combing. If you made your moisturizer right you wont need to wet your hair daily, just add the moisturizer to your hair. If it seems dry, spritz your hair with a little warm water, moisturize, comb and style. This is the beginning to healthy hair.
I got the oils online from Amazon and to keep it cheaper, ordered from one company to pay one shipping price.
Hi Loved One!
I big chopped about a month ago, my baby girl went natural 7 years ago and her hair is awesome. I was so refreshed and relieved once I big chopped. I also got the recipe to make my own hair moisturizer from my daughter with shea butter, coconut oil, olive oil, sweet almond oil, jojoba oil and something else I cannot remember right now. What I will tell you is, my curl pattern is coming in so beautifully! I actually just add my moisturizer to my hair in the mornings and comb through with a very wide toothed comb. My hair is so healthy and beautiful and I am just free. When I wash, I usually co wash or use Dr. Bronner’s Baby Mild Unscented Soap – which is a sulfite free soap you can use for multiple uses. You do not even have to add conditioner to your hair once using it, just add your moisturizer. My moisturizer has so much moisture in it, I do not have to wet my hair, it just softens it so I can comb without tugging. Before it got to this stage, I just wet my hair when I showered in the morning and it prepped me to add the moisturizer. I just want to encourage all the beautiful young ladies to hold their heads high and wear their big chop proudly while you allow the life to breathe and express through your scalp. I can also use this moisturizer on my skin and it glows! I also am juicing fruits and vegetables and incorporate it into my daily meals. I am 56 years of age and finding there is more to life than living according to the expectations of others. Love God, love and accept yourself, and keep it moving! Peace and Blessings – Mama Scherrie!
Love this! Thanks so much for your inspiring comment.
Your site provides so much instruction and encouragement. Many of us are coming to the realization of loving what God gave us and cultivating and nourishing it until the beauty comes forth. When I would see so many with coils, curls, etc., I just thought “good hair”. Now, since grooming and feeding my hair I am seeing the curls emerge and reveal. Be patient and walk it out ladies. Lisa is telling you truly, your curls will emerge even in tightly curled hair. Be blessed, thankful and strong. Oh, and I am going to buy some of your shirts and bags soon. Love you babygirl! MaMa Scherrie
Loving that at any age we can embrace our natural beauty. I am 57 and stop Perming 10/09. It is not easy but you must have patience . I have cut it back a few times. I also notice that being natural you don’t need trims as often. You support me I support you. I pray for you , you pray for me……GOD BLESS.
What deep conditioners do you recommend?
I really enjoyed reading and using the information posted on this site. I have been natural for almost eight months. Unfortunately, I flat ironed my hair and ended up with heat damage. So, I had to cut off all of my damaged hair and start all over again. My daughter is 9 years old and has very kinky hair. I big chopped her hair almost 4 months ago. However, I am really having a hard time keeping her hair moisturized. But I am going to use the baggy method. Hoping for the best! Thanks for all the great info.
Help me please! I started growing out my relaxer June of 2012. I have fine, 4c hair. It has grown out a lot but I don’t want to BC. I have a couple issues, its so fine and soft that my twists outs don’t look fine and don’t hang nice and my hair is dry no matter what I do to it. I deep condition with conditioner and oil 2x mo and deep condition with conditioner weekly. If I use water and conditioner at night, it doesn’t soften it but makes it difficult to comb out (I cornrow it and sleep with a silk scarf). I did a twist out yesterday with argon oil and shea butter and set with flexirods, after deep conditioning with honey, moisturizer and olive oil. It had no sheen. When I combed it out later to dry twist, the ends were dry and some broke off. I put coconut oil on the ends and tied it up. This morning it was still dry. I am frustrated I have invested all this time and money. I told my husband I don’t think I’m going to continue natural. I’d like to find something to moisturize without spending a ton of money I don’t have. I’ve already spent a lot trying different things. Can anyone suggest anything before I give up?
I believe that your hair is behaving that way because it is not all the way natural and you won’t just cut off the damage. Even though my hair is all natural I used to have severely damaged ends that I was holding onto just for some length but it’s not worth it. My hair was dry and I couldn’t keep it moisturized to save my life. It got a lot better once I finally decided to just get rid of the damage.
Please hep
Thank you for this information! I’ve been natural for about 3 years now and always knew my 4c hair was dry but didn’t know why. Now I’m armed with information to use along with the tips I’ve gained along the way. One question: looking at your transition pictures up there, did you do all those 2-strand flat twists yourself? They are really beautiful!
Love your videos. I have been natural for sometime now (at least 4 yrs) i think iam 4c. My problem is my hair grows then i get breakage in my crown (this is the worst) it is dry. I have done it all moisturize, dust my ends, i am constantly in protective styles., steaming . Now back to square 1. Please help me. I have seen the growth but than poff its gone.
Hi I have been transitioning since january 2013, and and I have seen very little growth.I would say I have half an inch of new hair growth.Since january I have been wearing my hair in braids,trying to retain my length (mid back length hair) and washing and moisturizing regularly. I recently took my hair down to wash it and as I was combing it I noticed my hair was coming out drastically. Honesty since I began transitioning my hair has been falling out.When I was relaxing my hair I never saw this much hair fall out. I don’t understand what is the cause of this is.
hello Lisa,
I have been transisitioning for about 7 months. I recently cut about 4 and a half inches of my relaxed hair last month, so now I am rocking about half and half relaxed and natural. But!!!!! I am about to say forget it and slapp a relaxer back in my hair. I feel like I can never ge my natural hair as soft as I like. it constantly feels kinda of rough and tangled even after I moisturize and seal. I dont know what I am doing wrong!!! When I get out of the shower I my natural hair feels so good and soft right after I rinse out the conditioner then put my products in and twist my hair. Then next day the back of my hair is not as soft and easily managable as the front. I’m frustrated.. please help!
No. No no no no no. Please don’t do that. In the end the work you’ve put in would have meant nothing… And I promise you, it gets better. You’ve come so far, and i you stick with it, you will be rewarded with beautiful, healthy hair. Deep condition as if it were your religion. Moisturize as if your life depends on it. Love your hair no matter if it’s not what you expected it to be… Don’t have high expectations. Just be willing to accept. At the end of the day, what you decide IS your decision. But if you stick with it… It will be worth it.
Please don’t Brittany! What products are you using? Also you might want to join the forum and get some advice from the ladies. Trust me, we’ve all been there. It takes time to learn what your hair loves and needs. Please don’t give up the hard work you put in. Come chat https://napturallycurly.com/forums
Hello! I have a concern about my hair. I decided some time ago to go natural. So, I decided to do a sew-in and I maintained one for about 8 months (not the same one) I had also waited about 8 weeks prior to getting the first sew-in. So I was 10 months post relaxer! When I was ready to clip my relaxed hair and rock my natural I got much flack from my beautician and another beautician in the shop at the time. So i gave in and decided to relax my new growth. Well that was a big mistake!!!! My beautician apparently could not judge my line of demarcation and failed to relax a large portion of my natural hair. So, I was left with relaxed roots, natural mid-section and then relaxed ends……Yes a HOT mess! I was so devastated! She fried my natural area trying to blend it with the relaxed portions. That lasted for about a day because it rained for several days after my appointment. I am at such a lost with my hair. I am currently transitioning and I am currently 14 weeks post relaxer! However, I am now dealing with natural/relaxed/natural/relaxed hair on my head….all at the same time! LOL! I am afraid to make any major decisions about my hair because I am so afraid of making the wrong move……PLEASE HELP!!!
@Trese: This might not be what you wanna hear, but if you are 14 weeks post relaxer, if I were you, I would just do the big chop. I know a lot of girls are too scared to cut there hair short. But there are so many girls doing the big chop these days!!! You will feel so relieved and happy to finally be natural. And I promise you won’t look ugly. You might be in shock at first, but most girls grow to love their big chop. And when I did the big chop, my man was shockingly more attracted to me. Go figure (LOL).Good luck!!!
The big chop is not for e everyone just because its been a year or more. I’ve been growing mine out nearly a year now. I have a very high forehead my hair isnt long enough to cover it yet. So chopping mine isn’t an option. I wish I could. I would e cut it all off months ago and worn a low fade. I love short hair.
Mary, I feel you on the forehead issue. I was months in and tiring of the wigs and trying to de-tangle my multi-textured hair, so I did a semi-BC a week ago. But it didn’t look right even with the twists of mixed texture, so I completed the BC 3 days later. My hair hasn’t been this short since I was 3 months old. My hairline is recessed, showing my big round forehead. I couldn’t understand why I was so distressed when I looked in the mirror. I was agitated that people immediately said I could put on some make up and big earrings and rock my short fro. I’m like, why, so people know I’m a woman? I don’t like make up and I am not a big earring person. I finally realized, it was my teasing as a youth – “big head” this, yeah, you and you’re big head… or someone coming up behind me to palm my forehead laughing at how they needed two hands to palm my protruding forehead. Funny, though, I’m trying to remember who did it and wondering why I even care about people I can’t remember and the ones that called me big head (yes family), certainly have their issues. I’m simply cute. Big forehead and all. I just have to recognize and appreciate my own big, beautiful head and face. I’m glad I’ve got hair; glad I have my faculties, and glad I have choices about my appearance. I’ll wear the make up and big earrings because I WANT to, not because that’s what a short-haired black chick is supposed to do.
Hi Dee, thanks for the response. Congrats on the BC, enjoy!
Dee, Thank you. We have the same story. I had decided to get one more relaxer before a trip and then I would return to natural. Unfortunately, the day of my appointment, we got some bad news about my mother’s health and I couldn’t make it. I decided that I wouldn’t reschedule and would go through with it at that point. I went relaxer free for about 2 and half months and trying to make the relaxed and the kinky parts of my hair cooperate was just too frustrating! I refused to keep paying to have someone else braid my hair so I thought about the big chop but because of insecurities about my big, round face, big head and high forehead, I was torn. I even asked my son if he thought it would be ok and he told me “no” because my head was too big! I wasn’t hurt or upset about his analysis but I was disheartened at the thought that I obviously hadn’t taught my sons that we don’t all have to look the same to be beautiful. It then occurred to me that accepting how the hair grows out of my own scalp was not only key to accepting and then loving myself fully but just the beginning. This includes not only hair but however God made us (now this extra weight is my doing but that’s another subject!) I went and got my hair cut and my son told me that he actually likes it. Its been a little over a week and I have my bad moments but mostly good. I was also told about the makeup and the big earrings and I agree. If I want to then I will! As long as I love myself, nothing anyone else says matters! Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and if someone doesn’t like how I look, they can behold someone else and I’ll keep living, laughing and loving!
I have a big forehead too but I show it off anyway. There’s too many fabulous women with big foreheads to be self-conscious or ashamed to show it. (e.g. Tyra Banks, Sade)
You don’t have to do a big chop. But remember keeping both relaxed and natural hair is not a good idea. The point where your natural meets your relaxed hair is very week. So what I suggest (and I am also doing it) is to trim your edges and depending on how fast your hair grows you might want to do that every two weeks or month.. Also try using organic hair products and eating healthy, this will help keep you hair on your head while you wait on the trim. Don’t give up on going Natural its who we are and we must embrace it, that’s the only way not to see it as a curse like some other people say( I don’t believe that). :).
Sorry weak
Thank god I found your site. You touched base on everything. I’m actually transitioning. I was gonna change my mind but since I have been reading and you tube your site. All my questions have been answered my main problem was moisturizing and sealing the moisture. Your the first site that answered all my questions. Thank you.
I did the big chop going on 2 months. I have been doing the baggy method about 3 weeks and I can tell a big difference. My hair is moist all day. I also have noticed since doing this I don’t have to put the butter and oils in as often.
What do u mean about baggy system?
Hello I been transtioning for about 8month and I’m about ready to relax my hair this is so hard you make it look so easy. my question to u is when I do my hair once a week I have a nickel size amount hair to come out is that good or bad my hair don’t seem to be growing very fast just getting thicker
Everyone’s shedding is different but you typically lose 100 hairs per day so nickel size sounds about right. Your hair is growing, just remember it’s growing OUT and not down like it did when you were relaxing. If your hair is getting thicker, it’s indeed growing. Hang in there, Lakisha. Come join us in the forum https://napturallycurly.com/forums for some more tips and to chat if you have more questions.
Hello, my name is keisha. This is my first time on your website but i was referred by a friend to check it out. I’ve been natural for a year but chopped my permed hair off about 5 months ago. I just took down my sew in that i had for 3 months and my hair has grown tremendously. My question to you is what can i do to get the top of my hair back to its curly pattern? (bc the top is what was getting all the heat. Thank you so much.
You have to keep the heat out of your hair as much as possible. You will have to let it grow out and try to wrap your hair when in a sew in or get a full sew in like I do where none of my hair is out. I only do rollersets now. That flat iron will burn your curls out if not used properly or if it is used too often
It’s too late for me now, after having all natural hair for about 3 plus years, I decided to perm it! It was so dry and nappy, I only permed the root I didn’t put the perm all over my head and straighten it to the ends. So now I have straight roots and curly the rest of the hair! I didn’t use that much perm, but is that bad?
Ohhh yes! I’m so glad I found you Lisa! I used the shower cap method on and off, but I”m going to start doing it religiously now. I had a recent bout with pretty bad breakage due to lack of proper moisturizing and not monitoring the stylist who was doing my hair. But luckily I was able to get a good trim a few weeks ago after a press out and I’m back on track – with length!
God bless.
p.s. – your site doesn’t have a follow or sign up option?
I big chopped last night and I love it. My fiance took it down lower than I expected, and he is a man that likes long hair on women. However he told me that it looks great on me and that I was beautiful. My big chop changed his feelings about the lenght stereotype that a lot of men have w/ women. I am glad to have all that damaged hair off my head and excited about my new look. God bless
Hi Na’Keia, you sound like me. My boyfriend was the one that did my chop and cut it lower than I anticipated. He also liked my long hair but he supported me with whatever I wanted to do, and said I look beautiful in any style. We love my new look and I’m so glad no more ” creamy crack”.