Do you ever find yourself having texture envy?
Maybe you saw someone on YouTube and you admired their hair type and wondered if there was any product out there that will loosen up your curls or make your hair more curly.
Unless your body has gone through some kind of hormonal change (puberty, pregnancy, cancer treatments, etc.), it’s unlikely that your hair texture will change much.
Yes, puberty can change the texture of your hair. That’s why many of you have commented that your hair seems different since you were natural as a child.
NOTE: Transitioners may experience scab hair, which is an example of when you’re not seeing your true texture. You may indeed notice that your hair becomes curlier as you transition and your hair gets healthier. The hair around the nape of my neck used to be so dry and coarse, but after my scab hair grew out, it became the curliest, strongest part of my hair!
Moisture Levels Matter!
You will be surprised at how you can bring out your hair’s natural curl pattern more when you keep your hair PROPERLY moisturized.
Many of us coat our hair with bad ingredients that suffocate and strip our hair of moisture over time, making it even more difficult to manage.
Then we complain that our hair is too nappy to be natural, or we start secretly wishing we had someone else’s texture.
However, when your hair is properly moisturized, your hair will surprise you. Check out the max hydration method and learn how to get your hair to reach its optimal moisture level.
Stretching is Possible
You can do some things that may slightly stretch your pattern. For example, I wear my hair in small, two strand twists a lot, and I’ve noticed that when I wash my hair, my curl pattern seems a lot looser.
That’s because our hair does have some memory. If you wear your hair in a certain way all the time, natural hair will hold that pattern to an extent. Also, as your hair gets longer, it weighs more so your pattern will loosen up a bit from the weight that length brings.
Using heat on your hair often may also loosen your natural hair pattern (often called heat training). Just be careful, too much heat can permanently straighten your hair. Learn how to use heat properly.
However, don’t expect any drastic or permanent changes in your hair’s texture unless you chemically alter it. You may experience subtle changes, but expecting to go from course, wiry hair to curly/shiny hair is unrealistic.
Acceptance is Key

I hate to get all Oprah-esque on you, but being natural is really all about self acceptance. And if you don’t ever get to a point where you accept what your hair will or won’t do, then this journey will be tough.
Trust me, I can relate. When I first started transitioning, I was obsessed with watching certain people on YouTube who had looser curl patterns.
I used to think that if I just used the same products, I would achieve the same results.
But about four months into my transition, it was becoming clear to me what my hair was like and I knew I wasn’t going to have those springy, shiny curls like the people I had been admiring.
Sure, I can get really defined curls with gel, certain products or while my hair was wet, but as soon as it dries, it goes back to its cottony state. Yes, that’s my true hair texture in the picture above with no product.
The “No Product” Test
The thing to remember is whatever your hair looks like dry with no product is your true texture and how your hair wants to behave.
If you have curl/coil definition with no product then you have a hair pattern that naturally wants to curl or coil, and you will probably be able to wear curlier styles for longer periods with the right products.
But if your hair draws up and/or gets frizzy with no pattern, that’s what your hair wants to do naturally.
Yes, you can add gels and conditioner to bring the curls out temporarily or define your natural pattern, but at the end of the day, your hair is going to revert and do what it does naturally — and for many of us that means no/minimal definition with more of an afro look.
I knew the quicker I accepted my own texture, the easier this journey would be. Over time, I’ve learned to enjoy both the defined (see this twist out) and less defined looks (see my wash and go natural hairstyle) and you can too.
Let’s embrace the diversity of our beautiful hair, ladies!
If you haven’t discovered this yet, you will find that being natural is about much more than changing your hairstyle. It’s about accepting your own hair pattern and not trying to achieve someone else’s.
That’s why I find the natural hair type chart to be misleading. It encourages texture envy.
Just keep your hair moisturized, try the maximum hydration method and learn to embrace what God gave you.
Hey Lisa, I am a 17 year old mixed race male and I have a 3c/4a hair texture but after my big chop, my hair started throwing back looser and change it’s curl type a 3b/3c. I loved my natural hair type so I hate to see it change. My iron levels are good, I am eating healthy, and nothing has changed in the past couple of years in terms of my health and my curly hair routine has also stayed the same. The only thing that changed was my big chop. By any chance do you what could be going on and how I change my hair type to be tighter again?
Can you change your curl pattern by moisturising your hair a lot?
People have no knowledge of the fact that shampoos that grow your hair fast (obviously with no sulfates, no parabens and no DEA) are even a thing. We are now able to achieve longer hair and achieve more alternatives. Certainly worth exploring. Whether you’re addressing hair loss, hair damage, preventing scalp disorders, fast hair growth, hair health normally, similar thoughts come to mind. In general, you want to stay away from hair products and treatments that contain chemicals such as parabens, DEA and sulfates. What is beneficial for your hair is good for your skin all the same. For obvious reasons the content above hits the nail in the head for so many reasons. It steers away from the usual mistakes and errors too many fall into: buying defective alternatives. Thank you!
There are so many great ways to change your hair color.
To be honest, every time I try to be confident in my hair type and whatnot, I always find myself in disapproval of my hair. Over and over and over, I always fall back to my insecurities about my natural hair, eyes, and skin, and I’m about fed up. So I’m gonna try to chemically and permanently change my hair texture from 4b to 3a and cutting off my hair. I’m only 18, I have time to waste on moderate self-experimentations.
Been there and done them all.
20 years later.
I am still in envy, but I am honest about it now.
I am just don’t want to have to fight with my hair like I do in life and society is all.
I have gotten rid of almost 10 years dreads and am back to where you are now.
Just enjoy you, what ever you wear.
Victoria, I understand your frustrations. Trust me. I’ve been natural for almost 8 years now and I STILL struggle with insecurities. I have to work on them all the time. But I learned that 3a or curly hair is not how my hair wants to behave naturally. The more I learn to accept that and work with what I have, the easier it becomes. Perming your hair may give you temporary satisfaction but you still have to work to keep up that look. Not to mention adding harmful chemicals to do so. So it’s much healthier on your body and mind to learn to love you. Unfortunately society doesn’t make that easy. We are bombarded with messages that straight hair is more beautiful and many men (especially black men) don’t like natural hair. I think this is why so many women struggle with it.
But once you start realizing you are beautiful and there is someone that will appreciate the real YOU, it gets easier. Good luck. I hope you decided to stay/go natural.
I agree!!! I feel so insecure with my chopped off perm look. My husband is my big supporter……I am still.not ready to go out yet with my little wee hair….lol. But hey it’s only been 3 week’s…and my hair is the brownish…dry, no matter how much oil I put in hair.
What’s your curltype @Lisa
4a/b combo.
does wild growth reallly work .. also i have very low self esteem and i wanted to kno do anyone have experience for squats … do they really work.. the wild growth im using for my edges overall because the relaxer it had took them out because my hair had bonding glue in it. do you guys kno any product to help my hair grow and make it soft.. also im sorry but my acne is terrible can i please get advice
You should try using a bentonite clay mask for your hair and face. It will do wonders to soften and hydrate your hair as well as clear up and brighten your complexion. Just be sure to deep condition your hair afterwards for maximum softness.
I’m half black half Puerto Rican…my hair is very weird, I grew up with Puerto Rican side if my family which did not understand or know how to manage my hair, so they chose to relax it. I’ve been getting relaxers since I was 9. I’m now 40. Its been 6 months since a relaxer and I’m lost!!! I feel like my hair was more healthier with a relaxer and even grew faster. Now its just very dry and I have no hardly any growth. I’m about to give up and go back to relaxers if I can’t figure out something else to do besides box braids and crotchet. Please help!!
Your hair is still in the transitional stage. You are gonna be tempted to go back to relaxing your hair because that’s what your locks have become so used to. Most people decide to do a big chop and let their hair grow back with its natural curl pattern. It’s gonna be a while before all of the relaxed hair falls out if you don’t want to cut your hair. I suggest trimming/dusting your ends every 6-12 weeks until you see that your natural curl pattern is returning.
My sister’s hair grew with relaxed…. and was really healthy but when natural it was falling out… (maybe the stress of natural hair)… I have mixed textured hair on the afro side, so more loose curls but dry and frizzy…. but I can comfortably wash and go with a frizzy curls (I use gel to control the frizzy) and washing regularly 2 -3 times at minimum per week, as my hair is not manageable unless frequently washed.
I’m pro natural but if relaxed works for you keep relaxing it, but there are lots of products natural and not to help you manage your hair in its natural state.
I can’t use oils, creams are better for me. Oils better for my sister.
I have naturally kinky coily 4c hair. Recently I used a product line with biotin in it; because my hair was shedding and I had a breakage on my hairline. I have noticed that my texture is a little straighter since I started using the products. I am wondering if my hair will revert back if I stop using the products? Also, if I continue to use the products will my hair become too straight? I do like my natural texture. The product line is getting rave reviews and does what is guaranteed.
please lmk what product is it?
What’s the name of the product?
Hey there! I’m a white chick who hates my texture. When I was young my hair was SUPER curly…and as I got older the curls died down…and turned to waves. I’m 21 now and I’ve just recently gone through severe hormonal changes (PCOS, complications with birth control, infections, and possible endometriosis). My hair is bone straight, very fine, and thin. I hate it. I’ve also gone through unimaginable stress over the past 2 years and I’ve been losing my hair. I’m considering taking biotin supplements, shaving my head bald, and then massaging a topical treatment on my scalp for few months to make my hair at least grow back with higher density. And I definitely can’t rock the bald look….so I’ll probably wear a wig for a minute. Got any suggestions on that? Wigs are expensive and I can’t afford one right now…. And head scarves will make me look like a cancer patient. I assume my hair will never be curly or thick again. But I figure I can at least try to start over with my hair so it will be it’s natural color and have higher density. What are your thoughts? Another note: if I use a curl cream or a diffuser, my curls and waves come back again…however it looks messy and frizzy. But I still hate the dark brown and pink hair color I have now and would rather be naturally blonde again .
I have had naturally wavy hair since I was a child (think like barely a bend, it was almost naturally straight). When I started going through puberty in 7th grade, my hair really started to curl. Intensely, only getting curlier in 8th grade. Now I’m in high school and I really wish there was a way to make my hair a little more manageable like it was when I was younger. (my hair type is 3b now). I want to know if there is some sort of way (naturally, of course) to calm down whatever hormones are making my hair do this and revert it back to the way it was before. Thank you.
I have straight hair I’m white so every one knows I envy African American curly hair. I did corn rows in my bangs and after I took them out I noticed my hair is still straight but wants to naturally curl after I put product in it and blow dry with a diffuser if I cut my bangs shorter they naturally curl some what. I wish they could developer a product like regain will grow thinning hair back but a product that will turn straight hair Curley. I use to wear it short and spiked but my husband finally decided to be honest that he likes my hair longer and curly so I am trying to achieve it naturally with help. Also is it true that if white people leave corn rows in for more than 3 days our hair will break off? That we cannot leave it in for 3 weeks like African Americans can?
Hi Stephanie
Whites typically have stronger hair due to the fact natural oils coat the strands easier due to the fact there aren’t bends and turns like kinky hair. So I’ve never heard that it will break your hair off. If anything, I would think it would be harsher on kinky hair because our hair is more delicate in spite of how it looks. Course does not mean stronger. Your hair is actually stronger than ours. But I don’t know many white people who have used corn rows so I cannot speak on the breakage.
I’ve never heard of anything that will make your hair permanently curly….. only temporary with rods, gel, etc.
Hello there great article!☺
Do you have any recommendations on how to use the natural products through cornrows?
I went natural for about four years now. I stop using harsh perms and weaves for many many years.
But now that I’m natural, my hair is very coarse and hard to maintain. I would love to have my hair kinky curly. My hair is short but it’s growing from all the harsh chemicals I use to put in for years.
Is there anyway I can use this product through cornrows?
Hello! You can buy a light spray leave-in conditioner by Shea Moisture or Carol’s Daughter to mist your hair and keep it moisturized while in cornrows.
I clicked on this because recently my hair has gotten frizzer and wavy naturally. I am 17 and DEFINITELY NOT pregnant so I don’t understand what is happening. I have always had straightish hair. I haven’t started doing anything different and no one in my family has curly or frizzy hair like mine is becoming. If anyone knows what is happening please help, I’m just scared my hair is doing this due to some internal issue.
My hair started to do the same my freshman year in college. I started to wear my hair more natural then, and I would just wash and go because it was easiest to get to class. She mentioned puberty in her article and that causing changes, I think a lot of people assume you hit puberty and then your done, but I will say my body went through natural changes well into my late 20’s. And if your body is changing then I don’t see why your hair wouldn’t change as well. I would monitor it, but honestly just believe it’s your body’s natural changes.
So I’m currently 14 months transitioning and I plan on big chopping in about 2 days. When I big chop, will my curls become looser or tighter?
I clicked on this because I have a curly hair issue myself. So my hair texture is mostly 3b/3c (used to be just 3b before my big chop) and I have these really weird curls that start around my ears. The texture of those curls is 2c/3a and it really doesn’t match with the rest of my hair. Is there a way that I can somehow make those curls tighter like the rest of my hair?
What about the white chick Martina big who changed from white to an African American woman and then changed hey happy from straight hair to Black African American curls. Did she do it through the doctors like get boob job and color change job. I inboxed her and asked but no response yet. I have naturally thick hair and I’m very tender headed I would love it to have hair like Lisa off of saved by the Bell…lol ijs.
my hair is very dry and looks messy. pls help how to solve it
My hair it’s too freezy and too dry too I have tried almost all home remedies but it’s of no use it couldn’t help me in any way so how could I change this texture of my hair
My hair is so weird and complicated its lost some.. alot of its curl on the left side and im so fustrated ive been trying to get it back for so long and nothing is working, i need help girls, anything that would help
I have had one natural hair journey disaster after another. Let me lay it out. (Hairstyle-affect)
Crochet braids – bald spot
Sew-in /leave out – heat damage
(It literally was straightened only once then jelled the rest of the time)
Any tips on well anything. I have only been a natural for a little less than a year and I have NO idea what I am doing. When I was natural as a little kid my mother took care of my hair so I had no idea how too. Please help I’m so lost.
I think u need to lay of the crochets’ and all. They tend to dry your hair and pull tightly on your scalp, causing irritation and hair loss. Even braids can result in hair breakage and edge thinning. The best hairstyles you could do for your hair are cornrows. singles, braidouts/twistouts, puffs and buns. They keep the hairs natural moisture and protects your roots. Braidouts and twistouts however COULD result in split ends and breakage if it is often rubbing on your clothes and/or hats.
Thank you for your honest replies to kinky/curly hair. I have been natural for a little over a year after being relaxed and silky straight for over 30 years; the shock of my natural hair and its kinky texture has a seriously mind-blowing transition for me. I wore braids until it grew out and now with about 4.5 good inches of healthy hair, I am very happy. Natural is not for everyone, but you have to be self-accepting in order to do this. It is not easy but it can be done. I am so in love with my strong healthy hair now and I don’t plan on ever using chemicals on it again.
I have been wearing my hair natural for 10 plus years now. My hair was tight curls with only having to use a little oil and a brush. (My hair length straight was to the middle of my back and curly up to my shoulders) I got my hair cut up to my shoulders and my curls are GONE……now when I wash my hair it just waves up and when I brush or comb it it gets straight and stays. I still use the same oil. So now I just been putting pink rollers in it and it comes out pretty but nothing like my natural curls. HELP…..What happened, will they come back. (I got my hair cut in October)
Is it possible to change your hair from straight to epringy curly
Not without rods or chemicals.